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Modpack not unzipping or launching vanilla


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So yesterday I tried launching a modpack but it said that there was an error unzipping the file. Today I downloaded it and minecraft launched but it launched as vanilla. When I went to the .technic folder I saw that the modpack I downloaded had no mods in the mod folder which is why it launched vanilla. I think it may be a problem with dropbox downloads but I'm probably wrong. I tested the pack first with Plow's BareBonesPack and it worked but after zipping and uploading the bin, config, and mods folder I was not able to download and get the pack working. Here is a link to the pack: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/cko9.615200 It was just meant for private use between my friends.

Edit: I realized I should provide the direct link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/omj0yunj9nf10oq/modpack1.zip?dl=1

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  • Discord Moderator
  • The contents of your modpack archive are in a subfolder. The required folders (bin, config, mods) must be at the top level of the folder structure inside the modpack archive.
  • The /bin/ folder should only contain the modpack.jar file. All other contents of the /bin/ folder should be removed.
  • Many of your mods are old or mismatched and have known issues. I wouldn't say all of them without doing a full audit, but it's definitely most of them.

Aside from that the pack seems to start for me.

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Change the www.dropbox.com in your download link to dl.dropboxusercontent.com, leaving everything else the same.

  • The contents of your modpack archive are in a subfolder. The required folders (bin, config, mods) must be at the top level of the folder structure inside the modpack archive.
  • The /bin/ folder should only contain the modpack.jar file. All other contents of the /bin/ folder should be removed.
  • Many of your mods are old or mismatched and have known issues. I wouldn't say all of them without doing a full audit, but it's definitely most of them.

Aside from that the pack seems to start for me.

​I moved all the folders out of the one and I took out everything but the modpack.jar I can't really do anything about the outdated mods because they will let me use caldron which I realize is no longer being maintained but I think it is currently the only way to add bukkit plugins. I also tried changing the url like Torezu suggested and I tried it without the changed url but I still get an unzipping error with "attempting to extract cko8-1.0.zip, but it did not exist". I appreciate the replies though.

Updated DL: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/atd2z55hsdc3rqc/modpack.zip?dl=1

Modpack page: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/cko8.616518


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  • Discord Moderator

Your download location URL is missing the "http://" from the front.

As for not updating your mods. We will be unable to help you unless you update. There are multiple ways to resolve your issues, but not updating surely isn't one of them.

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