RemzNL Posted July 7, 2012 Posted July 7, 2012 Adventurer's Tekkit ( Spawn Welcome to Adventurer's Tekkit! Are you that person looking for a "normal" Tekkit server? No such thing as towns, MMO stuff, economy's etc. Just pure Minecraft with a few adjustments to keep the server safe! You've come to the right topic! We are all about this! We are using the latest Tekkit version 3.0.4 and we will keep continuing to update as the team develops further versions. As you can see in the screenshot, I am using Sphax's Texture Pack for Tekkit as many people have been using it, so it is suggested that you use it aswell so all the buildings the staff makes comes over as we want it to be. But you are not required to use this pack! Plugins: We at Adventurer's Tekkit want Tekkit to be as near as original as possible. That's why we've only installed plugin's to prevent griefing and other unwanted behaviour. LWC(Lock your chests, furnaces, doors, signs) LogBlock(Anti Griefing Tool for staff to lookup who broke/placed a block and rollback when needed) Essentials(All you need to make live better in Minecraft, use teleport commands, set your home, mail to other players and much more!) SafeCreeper(Disables terrain destroy by creepers and Enderman, also prevents fire spread and explosions) MCBans(Plugin to keep track of people who were banned in previous servers. We will investigate the ban if a player has it on it's account and then decide wether we allow this player to go on our server or if we refuse him) Server Info: So cool, you liked the plugins we use, but what about the server.. Why should you come to Adventurer's Tekkit? Our server is hosted in The Netherlands and has a perfect performance to any countries within Europe. You are also able to play if you live in America or any other country, although we cannot assure a smooth connection as this is simply impossible due to the distance. Our server can handle up to 30 players because of it's strong CPU, 8GB ram and a fiber uplink. We've downed this number to 20 to assure that whatever you are doing in the server, you won't cause lag for other players. Tekkit Info: What did we change in Tekkit itself? Almost nothing! We've only disabled explosions(TNT, Nukes, Creepers) to assure that your creations won't get ruined by a bored creeper! As said before, we want to play Tekkit as it was supposed to be. So everything is on. We are aware of any expoits some mods may cause, but we keep on keeping track what our players are doing and will not be afraid to ban any exploiters. But, without all the plugins like Towny or mcMMO, how can we get our own plot? Our server is based on the idea that Minecraft Multiplayer is a social game. We expect our players to communicate with each other and plan their buildings. We also expect adult behaviour of our players. We don't want to see players claiming a 1000x1000 area because they were first. We honestly think we don't need to claim plots as long as players work together. We will help people assign area's for them, but once you're in you are free to go where ever you want, as long as you respect other players! Also we only use 3 ranks. Default, Member, Staff Default will get you the basic commands of Essential like messaging and going to the spawn. You will also be allowed to build. Member you will get once you have spoken to a admin. We would love to hear long stories about your life and minecraft projects, but a simple Hi would be good aswell! Staff is for the staff, obviously! What about fun stuff on your server? Well, we are planning some stuff todo on the server. For instance I was planning to make starters kit using Tekkit. Using machinery we could make a machine who gives players the basic tools to start with. If you have any plans to start a project, we will be happy to give you a spotlight on our server and help you in any way we can! Got some fun stuff to share with us, hit up a admin with your suggestion and we will discuss wether it's possible on the server! Alright, so what are the rules? Respect ANY player! Do not spam the chat! Do not grief or steal! Mark your building area!(As described above, this is only to communicate with other players where you will be building) Don't ask staff members for items, promotions or any of those kind of services. Protect your chests etc with LWC. We will not rollback any lost items because you didn't protect your stuff while you can. Finish your buildings Do not PVP players when they don't want to. These rules are here to keep our server fun and safe. We will kick and ban looking at the impact you caused. For example: Typing in capslock will get you a warn, but spamming sites will get you a kick. Griefing will get you a ban. Cool, cool, cool. How do I join? First of all, everyone is welcome in our server! The whitelist is a extra "safety feature" for our server to keep out bots, or any griefers. You should fill in this whitelist application! You can always try after posting to connect to our servers. If an admin is online he will get a notice and will take a look at your whitelist application. If noone is online we will at least look every 24 hours and we get a email notification! You can apply trough the following form: Quote Minecraft Name: Age: Country Why do you want to join: If you got MCbans, explain your bans: But we prefer our own method: Please apply at our own forum: This way we can keep a better track of who has been whitelisted and who hasn't. We can also deliver better feedback why some players has been refused and could discuss this. If you haven't been whitelisted yet, please re-apply at Finally, the SERVER IP! Default port We hope to see you soon on our server and have a great time creating huge Tekkit structures! From all of us at Adventurer's Tekkit, Greetings!
freakachu Posted July 7, 2012 Posted July 7, 2012 this is a very well done server post. in fact, it does such a good job of selling your server that it made me want to join. no foolin. minecraft name: fr34kachu age: 28 location: USA (I know you guys are in europe but I don't mind a little lag) what do you plan to do: build a base, maybe underground or something with piston doors and such eventually. generally have a good time.
RemzNL Posted July 7, 2012 Author Posted July 7, 2012 "freakachu said: this is a very well done server post. in fact, it does such a good job of selling your server that it made me want to join. no foolin. minecraft name: fr34kachu age: 28 location: USA (I know you guys are in europe but I don't mine a little lag) what do you plan to do: build a base, maybe underground or something with piston doors and such eventually. generally have a good time. Thank you! I've added you. Due to recruiting at other forums we got a half full server now!
shinchandan Posted July 7, 2012 Posted July 7, 2012 Minecraft name :Shinchandan Age: 14 Location : UK What do you plan to do: Build a base and start the S.n.D corporation P.S would be also be able to whitelist Sam1411 we play together :)
Torrigan Posted July 7, 2012 Posted July 7, 2012 Minecraft Name: Touchstone85 Age: 27 Location: Canada, East Coast What do you plan to build?: Set-up are small factory, hopefully enlarge it once I get the materials.
Mini Colossus Posted July 7, 2012 Posted July 7, 2012 This is exactly what I wanted to find! It's so hard finding a server and luckily tekkit forums made it take 5 minutes. Minecraft name: evanalmightyyy Age:24 Location: Florida, USA What do you plan to do on our server(any major project plans?): Just lookin to play technic but with people around. Still getting the hang of it. Just started working with dark matter. Probably just meet people and assist with their massive structures. I'm best at support and keeping people laughing.
ImNutzForCoal Posted July 7, 2012 Posted July 7, 2012 Minecraft name: ImNutzForCoal Age: 18 Location: United Kingdom's of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland (UK) What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?): I wish to immerse myself in factories, and machines, but using as little space as possible. Some redpower and forestry too if I get around to it I would like to add that a while ago (a few months at least), I was hit as part of a collateral on MCBans, on a Vanilla server I joined, was reading rules and about 50 people were banned with MCBans. I just wanted to let you know now, so that you do not get any surprises if you check
KittyKats Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 Minecraft name: kittykats101 Age: 13 Location: Washington, USA What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?): Create KittenCo. where we automate everything. Side note: 1 McBans ban i know of is on and that was because i lent my account to a friend and he played on that server.
PattyCakeChamp Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 Minecraft Name: PattyCakeChamp Age: 23 Location: Maryland, USA What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?): I've been playing tekkit and its core mods for over a year and have previously hosted a private modded server for a few friends. Most recently I've started a town of my own on a tekkit server but they decided to make the server large and for-profit, even though the owner and root admin don't upkeep it. I've already had my fun building uber-complex builds, but that doesn't shirk my wanting to play tekkit. If white-listed I plan on helping with building up the community areas with whatever players may need (my town included public work stations (ic2) and charging stations, a public automatic wool farm and mooshroom farm (they took forever to lead back to my town), xp grinder (spawners moved with a rp2 6-axis frame platform) and enchanting room, and free power to homes (provided by a very large tower full of CASUC nuclear reactors (no explosions as of my last login)). I like the idea of not having towns and building in a tight community, as it reminds me of my days playing with my friends. Here is a ban list checker link, (i personally use 2 of them and my roommate uses 1 but does play smp). Here is a screenshot of the early days of my town (shows the town hall, rail station inside the volcano, and xp grinder in the background).
Wixo Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 Minecraft name: Wixo Age: 16 Location: Slovakia, Central Europe What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?): A guild of experienced players who would provide support and possibly shelter/Vault for other players :D
Aphosis Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 Minecraft name: Bainoc Age: 34 Location: Sweden What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?): Join the community and build a nice house for my stuff. Wouldn't mind to also participate in some big builds anyone on the server has in mind.
RemzNL Posted July 8, 2012 Author Posted July 8, 2012 A new day has come. I've added everyone to the whitelist! Welcome. You might get added straight away in the next couple of hours!
Seagon Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 Minecraft name: Seagon Age: 18 Location: Netherlands ^^ What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?): nothing big planned yet im fairly new to tekkit so... :3
jayraymo Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 Minecraft name: jayraymo Age: 13 Location: Australia What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?): Just the usual tekkit stuff, perhaps gem armor or quantum armor (since they are some of the most expensive things to make).
blinloo Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 Minecraft name:blinloo Age:13 Location: U.K What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?):a jaffacake factory! =D
Onegamemore Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 Minecraft name: Onegamemore Age: 21 Location: UK What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?): Initially set up a working house, and then decide what is required for the server, and concentrate on that.
scomurphy_123 Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 Minecraft Name: scomurphy123 Age: 13 (nearly 14) Location: Scotland Plans: To start a fully operational business on your server -SCOco.
Ravencroft Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 Minecraft name: Ravencroft Age: 28 Location: UK What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?): Build a town with my friends.
JOHN. Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 Minecraft name: JohnDvA0 Age:20 Location: England What do you plan to do on our server(any major project plans?): I dont have any major plans as of now, i just want to take things slow for a bit before embarking on something massive.
synhr Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 Minecraft name: Synhr Age: 25 Location: East Coast USA What do you plan to do on our server(any major project plans?): Explore, build, meet other players. Would like to build a town around a small factory. Not 100% sure yet.
RemzNL Posted July 8, 2012 Author Posted July 8, 2012 I've updated the server. We are at 18/20 players now!
Dextirium Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 Age: 15 Location: Sweden What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?): Build a base and generally have a good time
Onegamemore Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 This is a application for my friend because he is unable to reply to topics on his forum account for some reason. Name: Mynameisak Age: 20 Location: UK What do you plan to do? I would be working with my friend (onegamemore) and try and combine redpower, industrialcraft and buildcraft to create a food factory (to begin with ). I would also like to meet new people and make some new friends xD
BringerOfNight Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 Minecraft name: BringerOfNight Age: 19 Location: Denmark What i plan on doing on this server: I really don't have any previous experience with SMP, so I'd just like to play with other people, build, explore and get some tekkit stuff set up.
Emerentia Posted July 8, 2012 Posted July 8, 2012 Minecraft name: Emerentia Age: 21 Location: Finland What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?): No major plans yet, just trying to find a good server to get started in Tekkit. Once I figure out what is possible with it, then I'll have more ideas of what to do. Either way, trying to set up a pretty house, decent mine and have fun learning new stuff. :D
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