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Name: Lucas Stolte

Age: 29

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): Probably going to settle a ways away from people.

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? yes

what is the purpose of a macerator? Among other uses it processes iron ore into dust - gives more ingots in the end!

Recommendations(if you been invited): Generalslee

Others things i should know: I tend to offer intelligent advice to those asking questions on subjects i know. Otherwise I mostly keep to my self. My friend and I, Gerenalslee, are just looking for a place to enjoy the game!

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Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town):

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?yes

what is the purpose of a macerator?to turn ore into two dust to make two ingots

Recommendations(if you been invited):none...

Others things i should know:Good at IC2 buildcraft

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Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town):possibly

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?yes

what is the purpose of a macerator?make dust and also coal dust (among the rest of the nano suit items)

Recommendations(if you been invited):none...

Others things i should know: My friend and I were server builders for another server so we do mega builds also i am very good with redpower

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White-List Applications:

Name:Shotskbiz (shots)

Age: I don't ask for ID

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town):sure why not

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?yes

what is the purpose of a macerator?grinding ore

Recommendations(if you been invited):depends on what i see when & if i get invited

Others things i should know: I'm utfans05 friend aka a server builder ....i enjoy mega builds untill ppl wipe servers but i also enjoy all aspects of the game

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Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town):No thanks, i would like to join someone else or start a company.

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Yes, quite a lot.

what is the purpose of a macerator? Grinds ores into a dust.

Recommendations(if you been invited): Nope, i looked it up on servers.

Others things i should know: I live in australia but i play a todd hours.

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Name: Leomogenet

Age: 19

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): Yes.

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? I have been playing for a while now I know my way around IC and Buildcraft.

what is the purpose of a macerator? Doubles the production of ingots.

Recommendations(if you been invited): None

Others things i should know: None

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Name: Chronomatron

Age: 17

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): I dunno, I'll have to see :3 I would love to join a town though. I'm also willing to create one too.

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?: Yup yup


what is the purpose of a macerator?: A machine that pulverizes ores and other materials into dust with the exception of gravel and dirt with flint or sand is the resulting material.

Recommendations(if you been invited):

Others things i should know: I'm from eastern United States, if that's significant :3

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Name: hotdog1997

Age: 15

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): yeah, ok

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? certainly have!

what is the purpose of a macerator? I grinds ores and ingots into dust so they can be smelted into ingots essentially doubling your money! (uses 6 eu/t)

Recommendations(if you been invited): kzl4znboii

Others things i should know: erm....

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Name: Orcius

Age: 17

IGN: Qmaus0703

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): I prefer to start off somewhere on myself, but once

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Not on servers, but plenty ofline

what is the purpose of a macerator? To double your metals outcome

Recommendations(if you been invited):

Others things i should know: I live in Timezone +1, I'm Dutch, I love to build very complicated and complex builds

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Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): No, I think I will settle elsewhere.

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? I have played quite a bit offline.

What is the purpose of a macerator? You can grind unsmelted ores into a dust but the trick is that it gives you two dust per ore. The dust is smeltable.

Recommendations(if you been invited):Nope

Others things I should know:I'm in the Central (Think, Missouri or around there.) United States.

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Name: Sakirma

Age: 15 my birthday was yesterday


Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): no

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?: yes i hope i will learn more in the server

what is the purpose of a macerator?: its a machine that mkaes from an ore to a dust, when you smelt it you've got 2 ignots

Recommendations(if you been invited):

Others things i should know: i have experience to help people because, i was like twice admin and i had an own server.

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Name: MrOzzy99

Age: 13

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): no

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? yes

what is the purpose of a macerator? It doubles your loot. If you have 1 iron ore. You get 2 dust wich you can convert to iron bars.

Recommendations(if you been invited): My friend told me about the server.

Others things i should know: I play tekkit alot and will be very active.

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Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): yes

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? yes

what is the purpose of a macerator? to turn one ore into two dust of that ore, and one dust = one ingot

Recommendations(if you been invited):none :/

Others things i should know:nah, im good


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NAME: badguyjoe

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): Sure

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?: Yes, I often run powerstations.

what is the purpose of a macerator?:Its hungry, you feed it ore and it poops out 2 dust.

Recommendations(if you been invited): Nobody ever invites me....

Others things i should know:

Clean energy is weak energy. Do your part, kill the environment.

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White-List Applications:



Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): sure why not for now.

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? yes i love build craft with foresty added and ic2 a close second

what is the purpose of a macerator? the damn thing is f'in noisy but makes up for it by being awesome++

Recommendations(if you been invited):

Others things i should know: Noob in da house.

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Name:Stitchboy1995 (Richard)


Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town):No, Thank you

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? No, I am sorta new to the online version of tekkit

what is the purpose of a macerator?: It grinds Ore into 2 dust

Recommendations(if you been invited):

Others things i should know:I'm playing this server with a friend of mine and we don't like to be hassled with too much. aslo i'm Central time

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Name: gnjur4c

Age: 26

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town):Not at the moment but later on yes

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? I did, not too much, but I understand it and I think I'm pretty good at it now

what is the purpose of a macerator? It crushes certain ores into Dust

Recommendations(if you been invited): No

Others things i should know: I'm from Croatia, and I'm looking for good Tekkit Server to play on

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White-List Applications:

Name: Simen Grongstad

Age: 17 (18 in.. 2 months)

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): I don't know tbh.

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Yes, I've played Tekkit / Technic / IC

what is the purpose of a macerator? To grind ore into dust, multipying your ingot yield.

Recommendations(if you been invited): Got nor recommendations sadly.

Others things i should know: Well, I'm a Norwegian Gamer that like to play in post-apocalyptic games. (Fallout, Arma, Stalker, MC servers) And I've wanted a tekkit / Post-apocalypse server for a long time (Had my own private, but it's boring with just 2 - 3 palyers tbh)

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