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I just spent how much on what?


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In the course of my job, i print a lot of documents. Well, my company just got a HUGE shipment, and about two hours ago, i signed an expenditure request for $860 dollars.

To print things. granted, it's to print roughly 25,000 pages, but still. My company just dropped almost a grand, on printing.

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We have a relatively nice copy machine, but the client wanted this account resolved by Tuesday, which means that we need the whole thing printed by monday morning, and we have no weekend staff.

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It's definitely got potential, but we're also definitely losing money on this project. It's a good investment to make though, since if we can impress this client, they're easily a 200,000 a month client.

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Okay, so the printing bill was increased due to a number of different reasons, and crested the 1K mark yesterday. We paid the contractor managing the specialty roughly 4k. We only billed $5,260 on the case q_q.

On the other hand, we DID snag a much more favorable contract with that client for their numerous smaller reviews. totally worth it.

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