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You tell me - Is my Technic world gone forever? :'(


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well, I got home from work today and started up my technic launcher - not really paying attention, I opened up my long running and beloved Technic world - only to see this message as my beloved tech-minecraftia loads in --- for the last time --- "upgrading to Anvil, this may take a while :)"

when my game loads in -- disaster. ruin. destruction. my vast marble block wizard tower is gone. the 4 obsidian pillars with a pedestal that I built the tower around -- gone. torches hang in mid air everywhere. every technic item I've built - gone. just --- gone.

I notice there is a back up file - I extract it back undo the technic file in the technic launcher -- no change. my technic world is just --- gone.



anyone...anyone at all...just ANY ONE at all -- any ideas? you tell me. time to restart from scratch, or is there a way to save --- my technic world?

I thank you if you take the time to read my noob comment and/or whine, and respond with even the slightest pity or sympathy. I'm an oldster who loves minecraft - and am a computer novice, at best.

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Alright, it's actually not as hopeless as you might think, I just ported my world from 7.1. What I did was copy the .cfg files from my last backup into the new folder, from the "config" and "buildcraft" folders or anywhere else there were .cfgs. I had to copy over my last save, though, since when I opened it up before that, I guess the game replaced all the invalid blocks with empty space. Not sure if this was unique to me, but I also ran into an ID Resolver prompt before the main menu, and I pressed "Automatically assign ids to all". I also had been messing around with installing other mods, and had downloaded Forge 3.3.7 from their website.

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Start new every update is my motto! If you don't want to start new, just doss about for a bit and see what happens. You may end up getting a pinned thread at the top of one of the best boards on the forum! Also, more on topic, Your world's dead. If you still have the save somewhere, delete the "TechnicSSP" folder in the ".techniclauncher" root folder and choose the version you used to use. Then if it asks you to update... Don't!

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