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[3.1.2] § Tekkit Realms § [Looking for Staff] [150 Slots] [Towny] [Player Shops] [Few Items Banned]

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  • In game name: xXDa_LegendXx
  • Age: 16
  • Country: Australia
  • Why should we hire you: I am on the server whenever possible, and want to help out in whatever way possible.
  • Previous Experience: I have recently stopped running my server and started playing on this server alot.

  • Replies 345
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  • In game name:Arron99
  • Age:19
  • Country:Canada
  • Why should we hire you: I am a great guy I am trustworthy,great to talk to ,helpful
  • Previous Experience:


  • In game name: Mr_PuddingMan
  • Age: 14
  • Country: USA
  • Why should we hire you: I think this server is in desperate need of more staff. I think I may be worthy of this position because I have had past experience with moderating a server. When someone needs help I will gladly help no matter how stupid it may be. I have a lot of spare time and would be willing to be on when needed.
  • Previous Experience: Two different vanilla servers but they are no longer in service.


  • In game name: DomPleaseMan
  • Age: 13
  • Country: Australia.
  • Why should we hire you: Im a tekkit player. Infact im pretty much addicted to tekkit... All i play on my pc is... tekkit. Im a hardcore dedicated player that
  • Will show respect, il help out. And most of all. Il be on nearly all the time ;)!
  • Previous Experience: Where do i start. I've Owned a server which is currently offline [Tekkit]. Co-Owned a previous server [ tekkit ] - Legend of Tekkit. Administrated on Many servers. One of which was shut down a week ago. And Modded on many servers. I just hope if im hired. This server wont be shut down any time soon. ;)


  • In game name: hijwileten12
  • Age:27
  • Country:netherlands
  • Why should we hire you: im mature, been admin on legendary pvp , and im really active.
  • Previous Experience:ive owned my own server with 50+ active people (got ddosed), ive bin admin on legendary pvp. i made custom plugins for some servers. for more information add me on skype : ikwileten12

i know that its a bit low on information but its better to talk about it then type it :D hope you understand this

please dont denie this apply before talking to me :D thanks


  • In game name:ricky0168
  • Age:17
  • Country:United Kingsom
  • Why should we hire you:Well.. Ive been playing the server for about a week and 3 days.. I have much to offer the sserver I would like to be there to repair the spawn and help people out.. I have my own server only once did it go public but then i took it down becuase I didnt like have only 3 -5 players and mostly hackers on it.. I would love to work with your server to keep it going.. On the server I see lots of griefed area with lava and fire, I would Like to fix that not by stopping them from griefing just cleaning up after them. I clean up after them now but I dont liek getting killed while doing it. So I would make sure everyone is happy and working well together.
  • Previous Experience:Im am very very very experienced with tekkit I play tekkit 24/7 Rare not for me to be on Im kinder addicted.. I have played lots of single player and kinder got board of it so I play servers now. Im very good with almost Everything I would very well enjoy and show you what I can do ingame I can create elevators.. Very nice buildings(If you took some time to look at my house you would see:D) Im good with redstone.. I know almost all the crafting for IndustrialCraft, BuildCraft, RedPower, And minecraft! Please could you take time to think about this application.. Thank you!


*in game name: weav12

*Age: 14

*Country: canada

*Why should we hire you: I am pretty good at tekkit i am strict but fun i enforce the law and i can help make the server more fun without the law breakers

*Previous Experience: i have been and admin on a server i have taken charge and jailed a player for spawn killing

Thx for taking the time to read this




In game name:FabbeYO



Why should we hire you:I am always checking on many servers,i am helpful and friendly

Previous Experience:staff on 3 servers,own 2


  "Cheezman said:
Bad server. An Admin, Mod, Guard, raided my townies house, and used a nuke on it. Helpful staff? Far from it.

It's a Raid/Griefing server, and just because their ranked doesn't mean they can't play legit on the server.


  • In game name:xXHaxfracroarXx
  • Age:16
  • Country: Ireland
  • Why should we hire you: well im very strict but fair i dont take advantegas of other players with commands im not involved with any hacks i dont like and dupers or anyone duping its annoying and unfair i think i should be hired becasue im fair strict im also good with commands thanks ^.^
  • Previous Experience: i was a moderator on minerbuidlers server and a trusted on a few other servers that about it though


In game name:weavhunter671



Why should we hire you:I am very good at solving problems and I know alot about tekkit and how to craft things

Previous Experience:I have owned a server and lots of people loved it


My IGN: Skywalker_dude

age: 15

country: Norway

why should me hire you?: Well.. I already leader in a Minecraft group called theFuma. I am friendly and justice.

am good a redstone systems and houses/buildings. What do you think about griefing?: I think it's sad

going trought landscapes with ruins and lava pits.

Previous experience: I've tryed to run my own server a lot of times and one time i worked :D . Am making a custom map on

singleplayer, that i will post at minecraft planet.


Can the owner plz make the autosaves about once every 45 minutes because the server cant handle it and shuts down for like 5 minutes so plz cut back on the autosaves


In game name:weavhunter671



Why should we hire you:I am very good with redstone and a very hard worker I hate greifers and I hate how they make inocent people leave the server I am appliing so I can stop this nonsense and make the server even more fun (almost immposible cuz it my fav server).

Previous Experience:I have Owned a server and lots of people loved it I have been admin on a server and I was great

Srry about my first application ignore it plz


  • In game name: anneddwentom1999.
  • Age: 13.
  • Country: UK (Wales).
  • Why should you hire me?: I am very respectful towards other players and do not misuse authority.
  • Previous experience: moderator on two other servers and admin on one.
  • I would be very grateful if you considered me to be of a rank on your server :D


  "monkey12345 said:
Can the owner plz make the autosaves about once every 45 minutes because the server cant handle it and shuts down for like 5 minutes so plz cut back on the autosaves

Yes I do apoligise about this, I have changed the autosave times to every 45mins!



Are you aware that mod chests (diamond/alchemy/etc.) aren't protected by towny? This is something that should really be brought to everyone's attention before they... I don't know... put everything of value in mod chests only to have them be stolen somehow, even though the house they were in was completely sealed off. Some people might get a little pissed off with the server.


  • In game name: Bananaplox
  • Age: 15
  • Country: USA
  • Why should we hire you:
  • I'm always willing to help Players, settle arguments, and punish Players when necessary.
  • I do my best to make the server a better place for all Players, and strive to make the server inviting for new Players.
  • I feel that not only should the Players respect the Admins, but the Admins should also respect the Players.
  • Previous Experience:
  • I have experience moderating both Tekkit, and Vanilla servers.
  • I have played on numerous Tekkit servers over my Minecraft life time, and I have experienced what makes good servers tick.
  • I have been playing Tekkit for several months, and Minecraft for close too two years. (Alpha 1.1.0)

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