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Outdated client!


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Getting very frustrated about trying to figure out how to update Technic, my normal minecraft has already updated no problem, my technic pack apparently doesn't update on its own, i click 'options' and click use latest version or whatever and that doesn't work either, I've looked all over the forums, i googled this, and it looks like according to the main page their is an update for technic, even though it's called a downgrade to 1.2 because somehow that makes sense to call an update a downgrade, unless it's reversing the update but the server I am on has updated to 1.2 and they use technic as well... so wtf am I doing wrong and how do I update my Technic pack?

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Hi. You are very dense.

Since you have no idea how Minecraft mods work, let me give you a crash course. Minecraft updates, MCP updates, APIs update, mods update, we update. Technic and Tekkit are both for Minecraft 1.1, not 1.2.3. Your server that runs Tekkit you apparently play on is also 1.1, not 1.2.3.

Technic/Tekkit will be updated later.

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Yes, I am new to Minecraft and technic pack that I got less than a week ago from a recommendation of a friend. I am used to WoW, swtor and those sort of updates and addons. I admitted freely in my first post I didn't know wtf I was doing wrong and how do I update it right. I also searched for my answers via google and forums before posting here. There was absolutely NO need to be a bitch and basically call me stupid and label me as 'Helen Keller' blind and deaf. Since no one has tried to actually help me then there has been nothing that has 'fallen on deaf ears' or 'turn a blind eye to'. I may not be a fucking computer game mod genius but I am University smart and have scored perfect scores on exams such as Accounting and English.

When I log on to my server it gives me the message. Connection Lost, Outdated Client! I look around trying to confirm updates for Technic and all I see is...

Downgrade for Minecraft 1.2.3 Added

Ok with yet another version of MC means another downgrade to add. Enjoy!

FIX*: Launcher ( Update for Minecraft 1.2

As I said in my post the word 'downgrade' is somewhat confusing in the way it is used. Being new here I am not yet accustomed to your slang terms or 'comp talk' so tried to decipher it according to my English degree. It seems to refer that Technic had updated.

Thank you for answering why I couldn't update, because Technic hadn't updated yet. But there was NO need for you to be a condescending bitch about it! I don't care if you are an admin, you had no cause to be a bitch. Feel free to come take an accounting exam and score the class average of a 63 where I then can call you dense in return.

Thankyou Valkon for clarifying my server for me without being rude, I had asked them if they ran technic before but they must not run it all the time.

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I only signed up here to ask for help. I don't care if their name is red, there was no call, no reason to be an asshole to me. It's not like I did or said anything to warrant it, so called "power" isn't a valid excuse to be a bitch especially to someone new simply looking for help.

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FIX*: Launcher ( Update for Minecraft 1.2

Being new here I am not yet accustomed to your slang terms or 'comp talk' so tried to decipher it according to my English degree. It seems to refer that Technic had updated.

Wow! a degree in english? Your E-penis must be HUGE.

Also, people are being mean to you because this information was readily available, and there was no need to post a new thread.

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Karavala, please, calm down. I can assure you Kaker and Valkon and the others meant only to help you be productive as a member here. Many people can be rather rough but still mean well. There are many such here, including much of the staff, I've observed. You've already dug yourself into a hole and gotten a pink name. Acting like that will surely only make you a deeper hole and eventually that hole will be your grave here.

ETA: Well, I suppose I was too late. (For whatever good it might've done.)

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My fiancé has a plenty big penis however mine is non-existent, also where is this information readily available, because I certainly haven't found it.

You know, I'd call you a total cunt, but cunts have more depth and warmth than you have displayed here. Enjoy your ban.
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She got the pink name after her very first post asking for help. Called Helen Keller and dense for no reason. The guy was being a dick to her. Everyone has different specializations doesn't mean they are stupid because they are new and don't know something. Kakermix was being a dick. Period. Nice brown nosing going on though! Last time I'll refer someone here for an issue I didn't know how to answer either.

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She got the pink name after her very first post asking for help. Called Helen Keller and dense for no reason. The guy was being a dick to her. Everyone has different specializations doesn't mean they ate stupid because they are new and don't know something. Kakermix was being a dick. Period. Last time I'll refer someone here for an issue I didn't know how to answer either.

And here, you can see an internet user out of his natural habitat, the hugbox.

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Eesh. Yes, Maruc, they were being harsh to a slight extent. But not only was that extent not very much at all as compared to most people or her* overreaction, the vast majority of people -- possibly even all people, though nobody really has the resources to poll the world population in the detail required to find out assuming there could even be an acceptable metric made -- aren't all rainbows and sunshine. This is why people generally learn to be the bigger man/woman and either deal with the flaws of others as best as they can or don't associate with those whose flaws they can't deal with, in lieu of whining and yelling back far louder. This is how the world works on every level and in every area of human society.

*Possibly your; I suspect sockpuppetry. Not that it will matter if you continue like this, as I'm sure you'll be banned anyway.

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She got the pink name after her very first post asking for help. Called Helen Keller and dense for no reason. The guy was being a dick to her. Everyone has different specializations doesn't mean they are stupid because they are new and don't know something. Kakermix was being a dick. Period. Nice brown nosing going on though! Last time I'll refer someone here for an issue I didn't know how to answer either.

Helen Keller for double posting, dense for not figuring it out from the numerous sources available on how things work (let alone asking her "friend" that showed her).

Regardless, I stand by my reasons for banning her, and you.

EDIT: I also know a ton of "University-smart" retards, because I'm the one that tries to teach them how to stop drooling.

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Oh boy. I see we've graduated beyond the 'how u do teehs' types and now we're on to '~MY DEGREE~' with a tiny slice of 'Im a girl tee hee hee!' mixed with a 'I DONT HAVE TIME TO WORRY ABOUT TRIVIAL COMPUTER THINGS WHY I AM KNOWN AS THE BEST WORDSMITH IN ALL THESE LANDS'

Come in with a slightly salty attitude ( ::) ::) ::) ::) ) and double posting, see the slightly salty attitude you get back.

I'll say it again: Nobody owes anyone else anything, this board is not a democracy and you will not be missed if you leave/get banned.

The best part about the subtle 'I am so smart you guys' comments is it shows just how insecure people are.

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