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[3.1.2] The Big Trio Tekkit [PvP] [30 Slots] [Open] [Factions] [EE Mostly Enabled] [No Lag]


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Except for Admins, they usually don't want the trouble with 'OMG HE FORCE TPED TO ME, /kill'D ME AND GRIEFED ME!!'

It's not worth it. Even thought admins will do everything legit there, players will try getting them in trouble.

Also, got a new MC Account, my powers will be switched to when file gets on, and or wardog. It's name is 'FinalCorruption'



I usually don't raid anyways, being a mod + a respected legitimate player is enough, i don't need to raid noobs i just feel like it when they annoy the shit out of me, but moderators have that backing up that we actually don't have tp, if an admin did it they can't say. "well i can't tp". cause they can, bottom line, get raided, don't complain.

Nice triple post west ROFL

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I usually don't raid anyways, being a mod + a respected legitimate player is enough, i don't need to raid noobs i just feel like it when they annoy the shit out of me, but moderators have that backing up that we actually don't have tp, if an admin did it they can't say. "well i can't tp". cause they can, bottom line, get raided, don't complain.

Nice triple post west ROFL

Well, I didn't feel like editing all my posts together, because there would still be two empty posts lol but yeah, us admins can't raid, it's not worth it. (I wouldn't anyways.)



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Muted stuflo19 for excessive cussing, used the /f desc and 'fuck you, I'm aloud to swear...ECT.' So I kicked him, he came back and said 'Lame' with /f desc Kicked again with 'Last Warning' as the message, came back and told me 'Fuck you, I can swear file lets us swear ect.' So I temp-banned for 1 day. Any further threats, or rule breaking this could result in Ban. Also tried to make me not able to type, with 'here final, you don't want to shut it, I will make you' 'there ur shutted'. Good try stuflo, sorry that you couldn't follow the rules, but you may want to read up on them.



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@jqa I can't fi game features, it probably wasn't charged. There may be a glitch with items that use electrictity losing their charge

The server is up, running cb++ so it is more optimized now. I will also be looking into setting up the auto-restart feature with multicraft, so that should be coming shortly. I'm also going to be adding Treeassist and a mob spawn limiting plugin shortly. The spawn is still undergoing heavy terraforming, so the server may be a bit laggy when I'm doing that. Thank you guys for being patient when the server was down for the installation of cb++.


It hit 30000 files at one point. Then we stopped it and decided to just risk the corruption rather than have it down for a day or two to back up the data. Also, you've been accepted as Moderator, when I see you on, I'll give you the rank and teach you how to use it and bring you up to speed on the role of our Moderators.

Great! Thank you. But, apparently Tekkit just had an update and I was stupid enough to hit update before thinking about whether the server updated yet. Apparently I need:

mod_ComputerCraft 1.33 - I have 1.41

mod_CCTurtle 1.33 - Doesn't say.

mod_IC2 v1.97 - I have v1.103

mod_Railcraft 5.3.3 - I have 5.4.7

Anyway, if I can find a way to downgrade I will. In the meantime, I'll have to wait.

Thanks! =)

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Muted stuflo19 for excessive cussing, used the /f desc and 'fuck you, I'm aloud to swear...ECT.' So I kicked him, he came back and said 'Lame' with /f desc Kicked again with 'Last Warning' as the message, came back and told me 'Fuck you, I can swear file lets us swear ect.' So I temp-banned for 1 day. Any further threats, or rule breaking this could result in Ban. Also tried to make me not able to type, with 'here final, you don't want to shut it, I will make you' 'there ur shutted'. Good try stuflo, sorry that you couldn't follow the rules, but you may want to read up on them.



Dude, Mute>kick>Ban, he would have been gone if that was me, you have more than enough warnings to ban him twice haha

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MOD/ADMIN Application

Why do i want to become Moderator/Admin: i want to become mod because i am very nice and love to help out and i am very responsible mod or no mod i will love to help


How would i moderate/Admin the server?: I would moderate the server just as stated above i would help out and do whatever you want me to do and i will answer any question i am an experienced tekkit player and will answer any question they need THE MOST IMPORTANT THING i will not over use my power i hate people like that they get me mad.

Experience of a moderator/Admin:Well i have been a admin on a server and helped out at my fullest and never try to let anyone down and love to be nice and the owners became my best friends because i found out i lived close to them and it was a blast to ba an admin and everybody was proud of my hardwork i cant tell you the name because it is a private server and they allowed me on there when i randomly went to that server and they ended up as friends.

Time Zone: Eastern

P.S. you pick if im either admin or moderator i would do the same job as either admin or moderator thank you

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Admin Application:

IGN: Blocky24

Why do you want to be an admin?: Because I think that the time I have been a moderator on the server I have done a good job and I though I might step up to the position of administrator and make this server even more worthwhile to be on for the new and old users.

How would you administrate the server?: I would sort out the problems that may arise and help out the new people with their problems and answer their questions, I would also use my powers well and not abuse them.

What is your experience as an admin?: I have been an admin on 5 servers overall, 4 of those where on normal Minecraft and 1 was a Tekkit server.

What Timezone are you in?: GMT +10

How long have you played on The Big Trio Tekkit?: I have played on The Big Trio Tekkit for around 2 1/2 months now.

Also lately I have not been on the server often because of computer issues.

Thank You,

Blocky24 [server Moderator]

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Admin Application:

IGN: Blocky24

Why do you want to be an admin?: Because I think that the time I have been a moderator on the server I have done a good job and I though I might step up to the position of administrator and make this server even more worthwhile to be on for the new and old users.

How would you administrate the server?: I would sort out the problems that may arise and help out the new people with their problems and answer their questions, I would also use my powers well and not abuse them.

What is your experience as an admin?: I have been an admin on 5 servers overall, 4 of those where on normal Minecraft and 1 was a Tekkit server.

What Timezone are you in?: GMT +10

How long have you played on The Big Trio Tekkit?: I have played on The Big Trio Tekkit for around 2 1/2 months now.

Also lately I have not been on the server often because of computer issues.

Thank You,

Blocky24 [server Moderator]

I hope you get the position blocky, you would make a great admin :P

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Admin Application:

IGN: Blocky24

Why do you want to be an admin?: Because I think that the time I have been a moderator on the server I have done a good job and I though I might step up to the position of administrator and make this server even more worthwhile to be on for the new and old users.

How would you administrate the server?: I would sort out the problems that may arise and help out the new people with their problems and answer their questions, I would also use my powers well and not abuse them.

What is your experience as an admin?: I have been an admin on 5 servers overall, 4 of those where on normal Minecraft and 1 was a Tekkit server.

What Timezone are you in?: GMT +10

How long have you played on The Big Trio Tekkit?: I have played on The Big Trio Tekkit for around 2 1/2 months now.

Also lately I have not been on the server often because of computer issues.

Thank You,

Blocky24 [server Moderator]

Sorry to say this Blocky. But I do not think you should be Admin. I do not see you on the server very often. But don't worry, I cannot accept or decline Admin/Moderator Applications xD. Everything else is good except your activeness.

I'm having trouble logging into the server. Response code 503. Any idea how to resolve that?
I am geting thay same problem. Idk how to fix it.

i m not going to join this server again mod are put just caus they are donors !!! and they trick player's don't trust the mod's on this server !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and + j_q_a did tp to me twice and blew reinforced block somehow you can't ! in my faction territory he did abuse power's !!!!!
Donators are not put as Moderator just becasue they Donated. They get Moderator because they applide for it here on the thread. But I believe that they do have a better chance of geting Moderator because they do donate.
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Ah it appears the Minecraft Session servers are down. So no multiplayer for a while. Information from here http://xpaw.ru/mcstatus/ and here http://status.mineguild.com/

Thanks for this.

I tried deleting then downloading the Technic Launcher again to "downgrade" so I could play on the server. It's just stuck on "Logging In" now and I realized that maybe the servers were down.

Thanks for the update!

P.S.: Anyone know if I downgraded correctly? I skipped the "update".

EDIT: Apparently the attempt to downgrade didn't work. The "update" is required now to have a version over 1.0 of the Technic Launcher. This means I can't get on the server till it's updated. I'll keep trying to join till it works. :)

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Sorry to say this Blocky. But I do not think you should be Admin. I do not see you on the server very often. But don't worry, I cannot accept or decline Admin/Moderator Applications xD. Everything else is good except your activeness.

Sorry to say but i'm the same timezone as blocky and i never see him on much either :(

And j_q_a, We can't just have you "Out of control", This is not how a Moderator should act and in such situations will effect your decisions.

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