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[3.1.2] The Big Trio Tekkit [PvP] [30 Slots] [Open] [Factions] [EE Mostly Enabled] [No Lag]


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Skype: johannes-kul


How long have i playd on BTT: i have playd on the server for about 3,5 months.

My reputation:my reputation isent that good i have a mod/donater friend (Lucas60)

a player is excessively swearing/spamming what would i do:I would just try to calm him down,but if that that dosent work i would have given him a 5 min mute and if and if he is doing it again i give him a second warning and if not would i kick him and last ban him for about 1 day.

How i would handle a bug user: First i would give him one warning and if not i would ban him for about 1 day.

If someone raided/griefed my base: I wil make a new base then

An admin is banning people for no apparent reason, how do i respond: I would send a message to the owner, And unban the player

A moderator is being abusive with powers, how do you respond: I would try to get him to stop if not i would report him to an Admin

Timezone:+3 hour from British time)

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Moderator Application:

Ingame Name: MiniNinja117

Age: 13

Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): N/A

Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private): Myles

How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?: 3 months

What would you rate your Reputation on the server: Pretty Good

*Scenario Testing*

A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?: 5 min mute

How would you handle a bug abuser?: Throw that pile of crap in jail!

Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: No

Timezone: CST (Central Standard Time)

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I'm really sorry guys but i'm the one crashing the server. I have the login glitch. Whenever I login I fall into a void and the server just stops, Just started happening a few hours ago... Someone please fix me? x]

Oooooooh dude dont go back on for a while till they sort it out k

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Server is being reset again to fix all this crashing and will be reinstalled.

There were many accound that would crash the server on login and no one has really been able to play on it and enjoin this great server re-download the Tekkit server.

  • All your items will be wiped out of you inventory and Alchemy bag.
  • Store all your items when possible.
  • The server has scheduled restarts every 3 Hours Central standard time 3:46 , 6:46 9:46 , 12:46 so on and so forth through the day and nighttime and crashes do not effect any of its time scheduled so next time you are wondering when will it be up if an owner is not online usally around those times is when it will come back up. Please quit spamming forums with all this why is server down stuff server is usally down because its 1: Crashed 2: Restarting 3: Maintanance will be told on the forums by someone. Other then that do not ask many questions.

Sorry for this inconvenience

  • tayleana may I ask you not put so many posts

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