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[3.1.2]Moonworld Tekkit[Hard PvE,PvP][15 Slots][Whitelist][Towny,Cityworld][WR,EE restricted]

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Server IP

  • moonworld.dyndns.org:27777

Server Overview

  • We are a small server that has been private for a long time. We switched to Tekkit in August 2012 and I would like to expand our player base with some mature players.
  • The current map has been running since early August 2012 and uses a Tekkit customized version of the CityWorld generator (found on BukkitDev) which generates a world full of procedurally generated ruined cities amongst wilderness and enormous mountains. The world is quite different from the vanilla generator, and along with the cities there are rare and interesting locations to discover.
  • The server is self hosted in the Central U.S. on semi-dedicated 5mb connection
  • PvE difficulty is set to Hard
  • I'm anti-cheap-teleport, so all mod based teleport commands like /home are unavailable. The IC2 teleporter is available however.
  • Server uptime is close to 24/7, with occasional brief maintenance downtime on weekday mornings (CDT).
  • An additional document I wrote up to help my players get started with Tekkit and understand the mods on the server can be found here.

Server Rules

  • Play however you want, explore this unusual world, build big, build small, whatever you want to do for fun.
  • If you find unlocked containers, it's considered fair game unless its clearly in someone house/base.
  • No purposely griefing/destroying/impeding other players builds or building machine setups that screw up server performance (a quarry outputting items to the world for example)
  • PvP is allowed, but corpse camping and repeated non-consensual killing is not.
  • Don't be a dick, basically.

Bukkit Plugins

  • Cityworld
  • Cenotaph
  • Lockette
  • Towny
  • PEX
  • Essentials, EssentialsEco

Tekkit Alterations

  • Block breakers cannot break cobblestone.
  • Most of EE is disabled (tablet, dust, bags, rods are available)
  • Wireless redstone has been disabled.
  • BC teleport pipes (power and liquid) are disabled.

Player Application

Applications are closed, sorry!


  • Replies 62
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Minecraft name:hartham

What is your play style? (big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc):resourceful

How often do you usually play?:get everything and run from other players for my life


  "hartham said:


Minecraft name:hartham

What is your play style? (big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc):resourceful

How often do you usually play?:get everything and run from other players for my life

srry i thought the how often do you usually play was how do you usualy play :P

i usually play for about an hour or 2 switching between tekkit and technic


Age: 19

Minecraft name: Moosetroyer

What is your play style? (big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc): I like to build trapped labyrinths. These cities would be prefect >:D

How often do you usually play?: Every day, for 2-5 hours a day.



Minecraft name:jblackp23

What is your play style? (big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc):high tech,factories

How often do you usually play?:every day


Age: 19

Minecraft name: chal01

What is your play style? (big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc): High tech/medieval Big builds

How often do you usually play?: Almost Everyday, 2-3 hours



Minecraft name: Pigsareawsome1

What is your play style? (big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc): Normally I build large castles and huge towers for EE in tekkit, and sometimes make giant dungeons. If I have enough sand and a lot of white wool and a jetpack, I usually build a giant sky structure of some sort


How often do you usually play?: Usually about 6+ a day during the summer and weekends, sometimes a few hours during the week.



Minecraft name:druk987

What is your play style? (big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc):a little bit of everything

How often do you usually play?: 2-4 hours a day

Hope to be on soon.




Minecraft name: creeperpigs

What is your play style? (big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc): I usually build world wonders but I i am all-around.

How often do you usually play?: Everyday for about 4-5 hours.



Minecraft name:cianann1212

What is your play style?

(big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc):Big builds factories medieval

How often do you usually play?: 8-6 Hours



Minecraft name: Wixo

What is your play style? (big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc): I'm really into building self sustaining shelters (one never knows when the creeper apocalypse might start) or small towns when playing with friends... Here Id be aiming for a Faction House

How often do you usually play?: Everyday for about 2-3


Age: 14

Minecraft name: Marcus007363

What is your play style? (big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc): Big builds, (Underground) factories.

How often do you usually play?: Almost daily

EDIT: I'm sorry I didn't notice it said applications closed for now.

I was just a bit exited now that I finally have found a smaller server :)


age: 18

minecraft name: KamikazeNoob

what is your play style?: factories

how often do you usually play?: couple hours a day.


This was what I was looking for in terms of a server; I would of loved the condenser, but oh wells; I guess I really don't need it with the tablet x3

Age: 17

Minecraft name: TwiDragon

What is your play style? (big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc): I'm someone who likes to build, I like making things really unique and special. I'm going for a more industrial feel this time around, so more of a facotry?

How often do you usually play?: A fair amount of time I'd say. Once I'm at end-game level things get boring, so I'd be on less.


Age: 14

Minecraft name: xJapanx

What is your play style? (big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc): I would like to build a factory of some sort.

How often do you usually play?: After I get done at my high school, I really don't do much after that so after school probably the whole day.



Age: 25

Minecraft name: TwilightWalker

What is your play style? (big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc): An explorer, with a homebase usually set up with a simple processing plant.

How often do you usually play?: A few hours each day.


I've whitelisted everyone who has applied to this point.

Also, I've updated the server overview to add what difficulty the server is on (hard), and where Im hosting it (Central U.S.)



Minecraft name: chowchig

What is your play style? (big builds, factories, medieval, high tech, etc): I like to build some structures, usually mountainside buildings, and usually low tech, since I usually get carried away with all the tech stuff.

How often do you usually play?: It depends, right now possible 3 hours a day at the most, though less later on. (Starting College)

Fair warning, I have been banned before. I got on the wrong side of a trigger happy admin.


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