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[3.1.2]WookieCraft[PvE][12 Slots][Whitelist][Essentials][LWC][All Mods Enabled]

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Home of compass72 (The Dude) & El_Draco (The Wookie)

What began as a private server to experiment with all things Tekkit has now become open to the public for a limited time. We're looking for mature, social players with a good sense of humor that have some creative muscle they'd like to flex.

Our goal on this server is to establish a network of various themed towns, utilizing all the new features that Tekkit has to offer in order to create something truly jawdropping.

Projects that are currently underway:

The rustic, industrial town of Compassburg (Wookie's idea on the name).



A quiet, coastal farming village (by emmalikesthings, Resys, and Reaper).



Projects on the horizon:

A modern, metroplis-themed city where the buildings routinely cut through the cloud layer.

A fantasy-themed city full of castles, dark towers and whatever else the imagination comes up with.

Some technical information about our server:

IP is

Host is Exodushosting.net. 2 GB dedicated RAM

Server is up 24/7 however there is a daily, 15 minute maintenance window from 11 PM EST - 11:15PM

Teamspeak server information for voicecomms will be provided upon application approval.

Server Settings

  • Survival Server
  • Night/Day Cycle On
  • Creeper Damage On
  • Weather On

  • Dimensional anchors have a 10 chunk limit (at present)

Plug-In List

  • LWC

  • Essentials

Banned Items

  • TNT

  • Nukes

  • Nova Catalyst

  • World Anchors (you will need to use dimensional anchors to keep chunks loaded)

Server Rules

#1 Bad behavior is not allowed. No griefing will be tolerated.

#2 Always check with an administrator before beginning a building project of any type. Quite often a quarry or destruction catalyst can obliterate something you just didn't know was there.

We also tend to zone out in advance the overall layout of these towns and make notes as to where certain residential, industrial, recreational and commercial areas are going to go. So become part of the planning mechanic rather than just go off on your own and build something contrary to the spirit or theme of the area.

Finally, since Tekkit is resource intensive we have to constantly monitor server performance and balance that against how many people we allow access to. We also have to keep one eye on the future, and what a new factory or other automated device will have on performance.

So to that end we are going to be very selective in who we invite into our community, both to ensure our community stays welcoming, grief-free and friendly; as well as to maintain optimal server performance. We ask that you take your time and fill out the brief application below. Some tips to increase your chances of getting accepted:

1) Don't expect one or two general sentences to get you approved. We want to see enough substance in your application to tell us what kind of person you are, and what type of personality we would be inviting into our server. If you don't give us enough information to paint a clear picture of yourself, we won't take a chance on an unknown.

2) Don't say your bored. If you're bored of vanilla Minecraft, if you're bored of single player, if you're bored of your current server, then YOU'RE boring. Our server won't fix that. We're not looking to take on bored players. We're looking to take on players excited about being a part of our community, and excited about bringing ideas to life in Minecraft

3) Don't swear in your application. We don't like swearing on our server. This isn't an over 18 only server. We have kids here, and we don't tolerate bad language. We believe there's some very creative minds out there that just happen to be on the young side, so we want to offer an environment that's good for all players.




Project you plan to build:

Minecraft experience:

Tekkit experience:

Why you want to join the server:

Current White-Listed Players:



















Official Wookiecraft photo album on Imgur.com:


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Well i have more then 1 application for you :D your server sounds very fun and intresting also i love your finished projects



Project you plan to build:A modernized city complete with a rail system and basic power with city accommodation and complete with a few factories or set up a company and sell items in a shopping centre

Minecraft experience:well Ive been playing since February this year

Tekkit experience:been on a few servers i think of myself quite experience but now i want to do more work with redpower but importantly frames

Why you want to join the server:as i said the idea of various themed towns appeals to me

also i would properly come with my friends who have almost no tekkit experience at all but I have been teaching them this may be an extra help for them helping me build my city they're all my age




i hope i get accepted but if i don't thanks for your time


I got to say 1 of my best builds was having my intire complex inside a waterfall and my incredibly fast solar panel factory which i sold by 20 stacks per person also i really want to show you how creative i can be




Project you plan to build:i plan to build a power grid that has a enough power to power a town and to relitivly just have fun on the server

Minecraft experience: i have played minecraft since 1.7.3 and have played teckit for a year now

Tekkit experience: a years expearience i have made a macnie that makes industrial diamonds useing flind coal

why you want to join the server: i want to join the server because i like to build advanced and cool machines and i like to play with diffren people and help out around the server




Project you plan to build:I want to build a big city with a sorta big factory

Minecraft experience:Iv'e been playing Minecraft since 1.2

Tekkit experience:Iv'e been playing for about 7-9 months

Why you want to join the server:This server sounds good and fun and iv'e been looking for a server like this


IGN: 955533

Age: 13

Project you plan to build: a nice large factory in a small village to give the village something to be proud about and others can work and enjoy working in a comunity

Minecraft experience: i have played since 1.0.0 alpha and i still enjoy it but i also love tekkit so im gunna try to join yours

Tekkit experience: i have played for about a year and love it as i said

Why you want to join the server: im looking for a friendly server with kind people and little members

Extra: I am a Creative Person that Could Help The Server by creating its own Personal forums (not on the tekkit website)




Project you plan to build: I want to build an entire underground city. I plan on it being modeled after the Mines of Moria from Lord of the Rings

Minecraft experience: I've been playing since alpha so I think I have alot of experience.

Tekkit experience: I've played for over a year, I know the advanced workings of most of the mods.

Why you want to join the server: I wish to join because I want to be positively involved in a small community of dedicated minecraft players and leave an imprint on the server that will last the length of the server.

I have a skype, its hotshotsoup. Add me then we can actually talk and you can get to know me in a more private setting.


IGN: fugu1

Age: 15

Project you plan to build: Probably some sort of industrial landscape or town

Minecraft experience: 2 years

Tekkit experience: about a month or 2

Why you want to join the server: I've been looking for a small, decent server that is a bit picky rather than letting everyone in




Project you plan to build: Possably a small asian style settlement.

Minecraft experience: Since 1.4 beta

Tekkit experience: Since it started but been useing IC and BC before tekkit was around.

Why you want to join the server: Lookin for a small non pvp tekkit server with LWC and some way to protect land : ]



IGN: TKLeader

Age: 20

Project you plan to build: Anything

Minecraft experience: I have been playing minecraft for years - I can't remember the version number. I remember it was before water/trees

Tekkit experience: Never used tekkit before

Why you want to join the server:Hoping to learn Tekkit with a small community




Project you plan to build: A very good looking automatic factory in a town which will be most likely built by me and then improve the town im in.(maybe work with others)

Minecraft experience: I've been playing for a year and a half(the half being tekkit) and also been on many different kinds of vanilla minecraft servers but i favor new small servers.

Tekkit experience: I have experience in IC,BC,and EE but redpower and computercraft is what i have no experience in.

Why you want to join the server: A small,stable,well-maintained server with people who cooperate easily with others and staff that are friendly.


IGN: ohme3

Age: 15

Project you plan to build: a steak factory

Minecraft experience: since 1.8 update

Tekkit experience: ive made a factory that produces a diamond every second

Why you want to join the server: i want to see how playing on a tekkit server feels


IGN: Narry

Age: 16

Project you plan to build: Not a clue

Minecraft experience: I've been playing Minecraft (Survival) since the week before the halloween update. I've been on plenty of servers and played alot of mods that involved changing gameplay or adding new items. I haven't been too good with redstone.

Tekkit experience: I know a very very limited basic of items in the mod but how to build a factory? No idea.

Why you want to join the server: I've been looking for a small server for Tekkit that didn't had too many people. I really came to learn and to build my own factory. Perhaps i can find this knowledge here...

Thanks for your time,



IGN: Lxwis

Age: Nearly 17

Project you plan to build: Some kind of factory which farms automatically, so pumpkins or sugar cane which can be condensed fairly well, I have a lot of experience with automated systems, I would also try some different mob farms to provide with bulk resources easily - I have experience with these also.

Minecraft experience: I have been playing since Beta 1.6, and had been watching videos about minecraft for around 5 months before I got the game, so I have been playing it a fairly long time, can guarantee I know every block or item in the game and what it can be used for, almost all of the crafting recipes and a lot about the game mechanics also. I have some redstone knowledge, how it works and how it can be used, but not enough to invent anything myself. I can build well, seeing as I have been doing so for a long time now.

Tekkit experience: I played with a lot of the mods in tekkit in 1.7, but they've changed a lot since. I know all about industrial craft, buildcraft and equivalent exchange, and a lot of the crafting recipes, I haven't looked in to things like redpower or the rail mod yet though.

Why you want to join the server: I have been playing tekkit on singleplayer even though it is meant for multiplayer, and am enjoying it but would prefer to work with multiple people because it would be a lot more fun, I want to cave and build in multiplayer instead.




Project you plan to build:Make lots of buildcraft things and medival buildings

Minecraft experience:I have been playing since beta i know everthing up to 1.3.1

Tekkit experience:3 weeks

Why you want to join the server:It looks perfect for me ive been looking for a small friendly community i hope i can play on your server :)




Project you plan to build:Modern housing

Minecraft experience:Since beta 1.6

Tekkit experience:1 month

Why you want to join the server:looking for friends and a community to share ideas and build with.




Project you plan to build:A awesome base with my friend and hope not gonna get griefed.

Minecraft experience: I've been playing for a pretty long time. and i play the heck out of it probably about 10 hours a day (non school days)

Tekkit experience: I've been playing tekkit for a while now and i just love it. I know pretty much about all the mods but i still learn stuff about them everytime i play on a server

Why you want to join the server: I just wanted to find a tekkit server that was WHITE-Listed so it's harder to grief and since you have the lwc plugin im pretty happy just i hope i get accepted. (if i get accepted can you look at my friends application were both trying to get on a good server his forum name is 0krux0)


IGN: 0Krux0

Age: 14

Project you plan to build: Advanced Redpower machines using redpower computers, all IC2 power supplies, giant buildings and structures, and more

Minecraft experience: since 1.4 Beta

Tekkit experience: Hours and hours of tekkit work, experienced with all tekkit mods, active

Why you want to join the server: Looking for a server to build amazing machines for many people to enjoy.

Please look at my friend's application also: 1cameron


IGN: paulcall

Age: 15

Project you plan to build: A fortress

Minecraft experience: since Alpha

Tekkit experience: I know about everything in Tekkit except for the computers included in the mods.

Why you want to join the server: non-PVP, seems like a nice community, and it's updated to the latest version.


IGN: Hellgast23

Age: 17

Project you plan to build: At first, I'll try to set me going with machines and some EE stuff. Next, I'de make some nice buildings, filled with energie storage, sorting systems. Kinda like a industrial terrain, but with a good look.

Minecraft experience: Been playing Minecraft for a year and a half I think. I also have my own small vanilla server with a few ppl. But I want to play with Tekkit atm, and the players I have on my server, do not want a change. For the rest, I know a lot of diffrent kind of servers, I've played roleplay, vanilla, tekkit, pvp, faction and creative servers. But I've mainly been sticking with vanilla, to relax and build nice things (my own server) and PvP, to be more a bit more active.

Tekkit experience: I've discovered tekkit not long ago, but I had experience with IC², EE and buildcraft.

Why you want to join the server: I've been browsing around on this forum, and I found some good looking servers, wich I regret applying for bcs this one seems like the best for me. I'de also want to join a new server (new for me), bcs the other server i was playing on unwhitelisted me, and I don't know any reason why. So I hope this server has admins with more brains :). I hope to be able to relax here, while having an active chat. Becaus I realy like to chat while I'm playing minecraft. Also I like to build big projects, but I feel the need to gather resources myself, and thats also why I wanne play on a survival and not a creative server.

Hopefully I'll see u soon ingame :)




Project you plan to build:Have a successful company producing varieties of products for people to buy and sell stuff to me.

Minecraft experience: I consider myself to be quite good at minecraft and have been playing since 1.0 but played it when it first came out when my brother bought it.

Tekkit experience: I can use BC basically and haven't tried red power or rail craft yet but hope to later. I specialize more in EE but want to learn other things.

Why you want to join the server: I want to join the server to have the full tekkit experience while playing with others and teaching and learning stuff off them. This seems like a nice server to do that and with only 12 slots it would be great and the chat would not be spammed like other public servers.


IGN: timwelter99

Age: 12

Project you plan to build: COOKIE FACTORY!!!! (gonna try.....)

Minecraft experience: Ive played since beta 1.0

Tekkit experience: Ive played on another server witch shut down :( i was swimming in red matter! and HV-Solar arrays......

Why you want to join the server: There are not many servers out there with EE and it looks cool and NO PVP!!

-Tim :D


IGN: AlphaCheeseGuy16

Age: 15

Project you plan to build: Futuristic "Clean Energy" town (EMC generation based off solar power via platform in center of the town) with Marble/stone/dark wood designs.

Minecraft experience: I've been playing minecraft since alpha release day (:

Tekkit experience: A few months (the day I heard about it. lol ^_^)

Why you want to join the server: The OP was very well written and has similar expectations to the expectations I'd have for the other people around me in the server. It sounds mature and I like servers with their own TS3 as well as a server permitting my favorite mod (EE) allowing me to build my towns much sooner than I would have vanilla mining out everything by hand. Another reason I want to join is because well, it sounds fun :D


IGN: mward58

Age: 14

Project you plan to build: Jaffa Cake Factory (based upon what the yogscast is building atm)

Minecraft experience: About A Year

Tekkit experience: About 3 Months

Why you want to join the server: I am looking for a small friendly community of people and was fascinated by all of the builds you have on here. I am looking to help others on the server. My favorite mod is Equivalent Exchange (a lot of servers have this banned). I am looking forward to expand your world with more creative builds and another mature player. I would be very grateful if you accepted me onto this wonderful looking server. Thank You for taking your time to read this :)


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