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Me and my Brother have Started playing tekkit recently and wanted to build a cool base.we brainstormed and wanted to build an underwater Factory. after asking some of my freinds we decided pumps would be an adequte way to take the water out after building the frame however after doing a dry run on my creative world i ran into a few proplems.

1. although i had my nanosuit on i still toke damage

2. when i was using the pump it got to the point where water would come out of the pump but not the base i belive the water had formed and infinite supply.How can i prevent this?

If you are not such a noob can you give me some pointers? also if you have any ideas one how it should look please tell! =]


1. Answered in the post above.

2. Depending on your views of EE, this can be handled in a multitude of ways. EE has an item called a volcanite amulet than destroy water source blocks if it has a source of fuel either glowstone or a klein star with stored emc. The other option is just fill in the source blocks with anything, sand is a decent choice, but I remember watching a youtube vid that had someone using wool as a material for a reversed mold and just burning it when it was sealed in glass, but not sure if this is still viable. Personally I would go the EE route, its much faster and less material intensive.


  "Yukie666 said:
1. Answered in the post above.

2. Depending on your views of EE, this can be handled in a multitude of ways. EE has an item called a volcanite amulet than destroy water source blocks if it has a source of fuel either glowstone or a klein star with stored emc. The other option is just fill in the source blocks with anything, sand is a decent choice, but I remember watching a youtube vid that had someone using wool as a material for a reversed mold and just burning it when it was sealed in glass, but not sure if this is still viable. Personally I would go the EE route, its much faster and less material intensive.

Well, it would also depend on what you use as fuel. Using sand can be a lot cheaper as far as materials go, and so can wool.


  "okamikk said:
1. you were drowning, the nanosuit does not replensih breath, only prolongs it

2. are you reall that lazy that you can't get rid of a single layer of water?

yea well thanks for nothing however i was hopeing i could use the pump to not have to go through as much trouble. but i also like the wool idea


  "Yukie666 said:
1. Answered in the post above.

2. Depending on your views of EE, this can be handled in a multitude of ways. EE has an item called a volcanite amulet than destroy water source blocks if it has a source of fuel either glowstone or a klein star with stored emc. The other option is just fill in the source blocks with anything, sand is a decent choice, but I remember watching a youtube vid that had someone using wool as a material for a reversed mold and just burning it when it was sealed in glass, but not sure if this is still viable. Personally I would go the EE route, its much faster and less material intensive.

I really like this is idea however im worryed that when useing inside the base it would still destroy blocks on the outside?


I personally would use MFFS with the water remover upgrade. Just use area projectors on sphere mode, build your factory, then collapse the shield. All the water stays on the outside, and you have a nice factory space on the inside.


  "arctichenry said:
I personally would use MFFS with the water remover upgrade. Just use area projectors on sphere mode, build your factory, then collapse the shield. All the water stays on the outside, and you have a nice factory space on the inside.

I was right about to say that. The domes are pretty cool too.


  "arctichenry said:
I personally would use MFFS with the water remover upgrade. Just use area projectors on sphere mode, build your factory, then collapse the shield. All the water stays on the outside, and you have a nice factory space on the inside.

Fine job good sir you may have just answered my question! however what size are these spheres?


Ya, the max size is 32. If you are thinking of a fiew dome shaped things, then use the area projector configured to be a dome. however, if you are looking for a more tube shaped factory, then just use the tube projector. Eather way, you should probs read up on it vea the link on the mods page of the main site.

Also, word of caution:

If you use the blockcutter upgrade, it drops all the blocks it breaks, createing a metric crapload of dropped items, so you will encounter a massave FPS drop for the next 5 min.


Just a side note on drowning...

Charm of vigor which is part of Thaumcraft prevents drowning. You have to research the item though before you are able to craft it.

It takes damage over time but can be repaired using talisman of repair or with Covalence dust.

Charm of vigor is very useful indeed when working in submerged areas and making bases such as the one you are planning.

It also sustains the body, meaning you never need to take on food again.


  "GreenWolf13 said:
Have you tried using a redpower pump? They actually take water from infinite pools.

im definitively going to use the redpower pumps this time after testing them and putting them to us in a mach base this seems like the best solution thank you to everyone who replyed!


  "Naterocker1999 said:
im definitively going to use the redpower pumps this time after testing them and putting them to us in a mach base this seems like the best solution thank you to everyone who replyed!

one add on to my previous page is we are still think off the looks of the base we dont know if we are going to use domes ships or anything most of these details are going to wait untill we build however if you have any ideas we are open to anything!

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