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[1.1.1]✪ToastyNetworks✪[Survival][GriefPrevention][Close to zero banned items!][Patched Items]✪play.toastynetworks.net


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by far the best server i've been on. i've been on many many servers and this one has a pretty good economy and friendly/helpful people. no issues and the restarts are pretty fast. i just joined and we had a small event for me to start off my area and no one is shy for you to join them on their land. no griefing as far as i can tell haha

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Well after leaving a server due to staff abuse i found this server, well when i first joined i was impressed with the spawn and the time put into setting signs up. after talking to a few players when i first joined i got the hang of how the server runs quiet quickly. ranks are based on play time around 10 hours for starting ranks. since im a huge fan of tekkit classic i spent a while on the server as the new tekkit ledgends is based in tekkit clasic. The staff on the server are very friendly and nice to chat to and dont abuse!. This server also high amazing graphics on there site and i would recommend checking it out. this server is a well built one and i would recommend new players to join it before looking for others.

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This server is great! The community rocks, with the occasional oddball here and there, and any of the banned items are items that aren't necessary. The lag spikes sometimes and causes a decent bit of block lag, but is usually gone in 5-10 minutes of it happening. All in all this server is great. 8/10

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