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Spaaace server idea


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Hello people of the technic community!

In this thread I would like to share with you a great idea for a minecraft server, an idea specially suited for Tekkit I believe. Notice I don't say its my idea for a server -- though I have many ideas for it -- but this kind of server was thought of by someone else. Really though, that's not important; what is important is that someone makes a server like this.

So, here it goes: as the title states it would be a space server, meaning it would have your regular minecraft world and the nether, and then you would have space. If you have ever played the custom map called planetoids* it would be much like that, but always nighttime (maybe you could just make it the ender world?). If you don't know what planetoids is look it up [translator's note: I think Risugami made that mod?]. You could also add in biome spheres and glowstone stars. That's how the world would be generated, all planetoids biome spheres and glowstone stars, but below all that there would be nothing; it could act like regular void where if they fall down they die, or maybe just go back to the normal minecraft world, whatever.

Now we get to one of the greatest things about this type of server: space ships! There needs to be a means to travel through this strange place called space! Simple bridging from planetoid to planetoid is silly and it shouldn't even be allowed on the server. You would need to use a mod much akin to the zeppelin mod. Do not try using movecraft as that would be boring for this kind of server, you definitely need something like the zeppelin mod. There's something about designing and crafting your own space ship and knowing it's going to fly that really feels like you're immersed in the world and fun.

To power your ship you might make it to where you need a certain amount of glowstone or maybe Redstone lamps depending on the size of the ship which is how it was on some of the other servers I played on [tn: propulsion via redstone lamps?]. Alternatively, maybe you could add in a warp drive engine or something like that. The bigger your ship would be the more resources it would take from that engine. This would discourage people from making massively oversized ships.

So we have space ships, and what is a space ship without firepower? You have to add in cannons and guns for the spaceships. Think like Balkons weapon mods and the cannon you could make, that's what I'm talking about. Though I'm not sure if something like that would be able to move on a space ship, but someone has to be able to figure it out because the server won't be as fun without the firepower. Imagine being able to make different kinds of guns for your ship, the ones that do more damage would take up more space when you set them down. You could make guns ranging from a turret laser gun that shoots bursts of laser blasts out every shot or an ion cannon that would take 2 minutes to reload but would reap massive damage.

On that note, you will need force fields to protect your ship, imagine getting obliterated in one hit by an ion cannon! It would suck, right? So you would need a force field to surround your ship. Now I think this is already taken care of and there already is a mod out there for this [tn: indeed, the MFFS mod]. However, I'm thinking about placing a force field generator block down and seeing the force field's health shown the block, also the force field would have to be able to take damage from the guns and TNT explosions and things like that.

Anyway that's basically the idea for the coolest server ever that I wanted to share with you. Hopefully there is a modder or server owner looking for good ideas that will be inspired by this idea because I would really like to play on a server that has at least most of these things on it, also of course having the faction mod that I see on a lot of these servers would be great as well. I may post more things later as I think of new ideas.

* Each of the planetoids has a resource to mine, such as iron ore or wool

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No worries Jay?, I'll translate the gibberish into intelligible speech!

Hello people of the technic community!

In this thread I would like to share with you a great idea for a minecraft server, an idea specially suited for Tekkit I believe. Notice I don't say its my idea for a server -- though I have many ideas for it -- but this kind of server was thought of by someone else. Really though, that's not important; what is important is that someone makes a server like this.

So, here it goes: as the title states it would be a space server, meaning it would have your regular minecraft world and the nether, and then you would have space. If you have ever played the custom map called planetoids* it would be much like that, but always nighttime (maybe you could just make it the ender world?). If you don't know what planetoids is look it up [translator's note: I think Risugami made that mod?]. You could also add in biome spheres and glowstone stars. That's how the world would be generated, all planetoids biome spheres and glowstone stars, but below all that there would be nothing; it could act like regular void where if they fall down they die, or maybe just go back to the normal minecraft world, whatever.

Now we get to one of the greatest things about this type of server: space ships! There needs to be a means to travel through this strange place called space! Simple bridging from planetoid to planetoid is silly and it shouldn't even be allowed on the server. You would need to use a mod much akin to the zeppelin mod. Do not try using movecraft as that would be boring for this kind of server, you definitely need something like the zeppelin mod. There's something about designing and crafting your own space ship and knowing it's going to fly that really feels like you're immersed in the world and fun.

To power your ship you might make it to where you need a certain amount of glowstone or maybe Redstone lamps depending on the size of the ship which is how it was on some of the other servers I played on [tn: propulsion via redstone lamps?]. Alternatively, maybe you could add in a warp drive engine or something like that. The bigger your ship would be the more resources it would take from that engine. This would discourage people from making massively oversized ships.

So we have space ships, and what is a space ship without firepower? You have to add in cannons and guns for the spaceships. Think like Balkons weapon mods and the cannon you could make, that's what I'm talking about. Though I'm not sure if something like that would be able to move on a space ship, but someone has to be able to figure it out because the server won't be as fun without the firepower. Imagine being able to make different kinds of guns for your ship, the ones that do more damage would take up more space when you set them down. You could make guns ranging from a turret laser gun that shoots bursts of laser blasts out every shot or an ion cannon that would take 2 minutes to reload but would reap massive damage.

On that note, you will need force fields to protect your ship, imagine getting obliterated in one hit by an ion cannon! It would suck, right? So you would need a force field to surround your ship. Now I think this is already taken care of and there already is a mod out there for this [tn: indeed, the MFFS mod]. However, I'm thinking about placing a force field generator block down and seeing the force field's health shown the block, also the force field would have to be able to take damage from the guns and TNT explosions and things like that.

Anyway that's basically the idea for the coolest server ever that I wanted to share with you. Hopefully there is a modder or server owner looking for good ideas that will be inspired by this idea because I would really like to play on a server that has at least most of these things on it, also of course having the faction mod that I see on a lot of these servers would be great as well. I may post more things later as I think of new ideas.

* Each of the planetoids has a resource to mine, such as iron ore or wool

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No worries Jay?, I'll translate the gibberish into intelligible speech!

Thanks, I was just going to close this thread because of the wall of text.

Isn't there already a mod that has biospheres, I bet if you take that and modify it so instead of water a hundred feet under everything, it'll be in the end, or the void; and each biosphere could be a planet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uh. If you think piloting a zeppelin is hard, I recommend you not to ever get close to a frame airship.

At least with frame airships the movement is much slower. But yes, if you derp something up, it could cause you to not be able to control it properly. At least it won't be sailing off into the sunset at a high rate of speed though.

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