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Technic Launcher...


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Hello, i was waiting for new Technic pack, for along time, but when it came out i realized that i cant play without premium minecraft account. I was wondering is it possible to play without premium account, cuz i dont have that mutch money.

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I didn't use reverse psychology. I am just sad.

At a minimum salary for young people it's like 4 hours of work, 1 hour if you deliver the newspaper and just 1 month if you get money from your parent or someone else. Just get yourself this tiny little bit of money.

If you don't have the money you don't earn the service, and you should do it yourself.

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Illegally downloading something IS PIRACY. It's not right, and people don't look up to it. It's like goin into McDonalds and asking for something for free, You'd just get frowned upon.

What Kakermix and his team of "boffins" are doing is offering a service to the people of Minecraft, the people that actually bought the game. NOT the people that laze on there arse/ass all day complaining about not having enough money to be able to buy/support Minecraft, so they decide to do the WRONG thing and abuse it.

as wuppy29 said

At a minimum salary for young people it's like 4 hours of work, 1 hour if you deliver the newspaper and just 1 month if you get money from your parent or someone else. Just get yourself this tiny little bit of money.

If you don't have the money you don't earn the service, and you should do it yourself.

Clearly stateing if you got of your Arse/ass you could have it in a couple of hours.

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Illegally downloading something IS PIRACY. It's not right, and people don't look up to it. It's like goin into McDonalds and asking for something for free, You'd just get frowned upon.

What Kakermix and his team of "boffins" are doing is offering a service to the people of Minecraft, the people that actually bought the game. NOT the people that laze on there arse/ass all day complaining about not having enough money to be able to buy/support Minecraft, so they decide to do the WRONG thing and abuse it.

as wuppy29 said

Clearly stateing if you got of your Arse/ass you could have it in a couple of hours.

I frown upon you for going into mcdonalds.

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This is actually really wired for me to read. How can people not have money enough? Cause, as soon you turn 13 in Denmark, then you can get minecraft in about 3 hours or less. Just by walking around with newspapers.

Is it just in Denmark? Or is it just because people dont wanna work? Or do you just dont get any money for working ? :S

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anyone on here who keeps asking about when the pirated compatible version will be released, u are just flaming yourselfs and showing everyone that u are breaking the law by pirating the game, here are 2 sites that are very useful for your cause... www.minecraft.net and www.paypal.com if u make an account on both u will be able to buy the game, stop bitching that u cant get ur free version to work when they worked hard on this modpack and when notch and jeb and the rest are working on the official game and you are getting it for free, you should all be ashamed for yourselves, and not be allowed to play at all.

thats my 2 cents

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This is actually really wired for me to read. How can people not have money enough? Cause, as soon you turn 13 in Denmark, then you can get minecraft in about 3 hours or less. Just by walking around with newspapers.

Is it just in Denmark? Or is it just because people dont wanna work? Or do you just dont get any money for working ? :S

Are you kidding? Us Americans are too stuck up to do menial labor to get what we want. Instead, we usually just go to forums like this to complain and whine like the stuck up, self absorbed little tits that we are.

Kidding about some of that. Not all of it, but some of it. I'll let you decide.

Nice place you have there Zelmo. Nice to see that some places in the world still value the old work=money thing.

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The new update (6) came with this new launcher that has been released for it. Minecrafters are now unable to download technic pack except with this launcher.

To be honest, I find this to be totally stupid. I don't want to be rude, but let me explain.

  • [li]I have to put in my Minecraft username and password on some unknown program that I don't really have any control over. I'm not saying that you're hacking people, don't misunderstand me. But you know what I mean.[/li]
    [li]Concerned people(possible pirates) gets this response from forum members: "You need to purchase Minecraft to download Technic Pack. We don't like piracy.". Really? You still don't have the right to police anyone.[/li]
    [li]The launcher will download its own .minecraft folder. If you try to move the content to the original .minecraft folder it wont work. The mods wont appear. If anyone here knows how to use the original launcher please post a tiny tutorial/how-to. I (and probably many others) will be tankful if you do.[/li]

We need the classic Technic Pack installer. At least make it an alternative so people don't have to use this launchers.


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The new update (6) came with this new launcher that has been released for it. Minecrafters are now unable to download technic pack except with this launcher.

To be honest, I find this to be totally stupid. I don't want to be rude, but let me explain.

  • [li]I have to put in my Minecraft username and password on some unknown program that I don't really have any control over. I'm not saying that you're hacking people, don't misunderstand me. But you know what I mean.[/li]
    [li]Concerned people(possible pirates) gets this response from forum members: "You need to purchase Minecraft to download Technic Pack. We don't like piracy.". Really? You still don't have the right to police anyone.[/li]
    [li]The launcher will download its own .minecraft folder. If you try to move the content to the original .minecraft folder it wont work. The mods wont appear. If anyone here knows how to use the original launcher please post a tiny tutorial/how-to. I (and probably many others) will be tankful if you do.[/li]

We need the classic Technic Pack installer. At least make it an alternative so people don't have to use this launchers.


  • [li]Technic is open source. If you feel that your security is at risk, feel free to look through it for any code you disapprove of.[/li]
    [li]No right to prevent people from pirating the game? What the hell are you talking about. They're not going to go out of their way to make it easier for you shits to steal.[/li]
    [li]You just don't understand how it works, sux4u.[/li]

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The new update (6) came with this new launcher that has been released for it. Minecrafters are now unable to download technic pack except with this launcher.

To be honest, I find this to be totally stupid. I don't want to be rude, but let me explain.

  • [li]I have to put in my Minecraft username and password on some unknown program that I don't really have any control over. I'm not saying that you're hacking people, don't misunderstand me. But you know what I mean.[/li]
    [li]Concerned people(possible pirates) gets this response from forum members: "You need to purchase Minecraft to download Technic Pack. We don't like piracy.". Really? You still don't have the right to police anyone.[/li]
    [li]The launcher will download its own .minecraft folder. If you try to move the content to the original .minecraft folder it wont work. The mods wont appear. If anyone here knows how to use the original launcher please post a tiny tutorial/how-to. I (and probably many others) will be tankful if you do.[/li]

We need the classic Technic Pack installer. At least make it an alternative so people don't have to use this launchers.


If you did not notice that the launcher is now easier for the Technic team and the user. You do have control over the program just by not using it you dont have to enter your password therefore you have full control. Yes actually this can be policed by making Launchers such as this so people need a valid account to play if they dont want to own a valid account they have the option to cry about it or buy the game. You saying it cant be policed is pretty outrageous when you are here complaining about how secure it now is. Why when this team of people work hard to let all these people enjoy this technic pack want to help the ungrateful and make it harder for them to make updates? If you have enjoyed the technic pack now for however long, you should be grateful they do this and be grateful that they are improving and making it better for there users.

You reasons are invalid as to why the Technic pack should be going backwards.

-snip- Niavmai said it all.

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What you NEED to do frostminer is grow the fuck up. Kaker and the rest of the team have put in long hard hours to make installing technic a no-brainer. If you are scared of putting in your U/N and PASS then DON'T USE TECHNIC PACK. You can go, download all the mods yourself. Install them all one by one. Correct any block ID conflicts. Figure out what mods do and don't work well together without further fixing. Then go and make your own installer and post it somewhere else that ISN'T HERE.

Kaker explains in the preview video that the installer is open source. If you are scared of your info being stolen, feel free to inspect the code yourself.

The technic team (as far as I can tell) as well as most of us here expect that if you want to use the full minecraft and benefit from all the hard work of mojang, modders, and the technic team, then the least you could do is pay for the damn game. We sure as fucking well can police people. It's our (the community) modpack. And if we don't want people who post stupid questions, or bitchy complaints, or cheap bastards around here, we sure as fuck can tell them to change or GTFO.

Minecrafters are now unable to download technic pack except with this launcher.

Maybe you don't understand that the launcher in essense IS the technic pack. Technic doesn't owe us users anything. We don't have any RIGHT to use it, other than the privilege they give us from their hard work so we don't have to figure it out ourselves.

I'd hate for us to turn into jerks like the aether mod guys, but damn I almost wish we could IP ban people from using the launcher.

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The new update (6) came with this new launcher that has been released for it. Minecrafters are now unable to download technic pack except with this launcher.

To be honest, I find this to be totally stupid. I don't want to be rude, but let me explain.

    [li]I have to put in my Minecraft username and password on some unknown program that I don't really have any control over. I'm not saying that you're hacking people, don't misunderstand me. But you know what I mean.[/li]
    [li]Concerned people(possible pirates) gets this response from forum members: "You need to purchase Minecraft to download Technic Pack. We don't like piracy.". Really? You still don't have the right to police anyone.[/li]
    [li]The launcher will download its own .minecraft folder. If you try to move the content to the original .minecraft folder it wont work. The mods wont appear. If anyone here knows how to use the original launcher please post a tiny tutorial/how-to. I (and probably many others) will be tankful if you do.[/li]

We need the classic Technic Pack installer. At least make it an alternative so people don't have to use this launchers.



Right, lets do this.

1. Yes, you do have to put your username and password into the launcher, this is how it gets the minecraft files itself. It is the same thing if you used the default minecraft launcher. Furthermore, it is open source. so go ahead and try to find scary things.

2. Yes, we do have the right to police people here on this private forum. This place is NOT a democracy, it isn't up for debate or vote. Piracy is not going to be helped here on these boards for all sorts of reasons. If you can't see why we take this stance then you are a very dense person. 'Concerned people' deserve that response. Why do you want us to support a tiny and vocal minority at the expense of EVERYONE ELSE? I'm still awaiting a good answer to this (hint: There isn't one)

3. Yes it will, and there are some edits done to some configs to make the launcher work as well as it should. Again, the Launcher is open source so you are free to look through and see how it is done!

You are not getting the old-style installer, get bent. It's a non-issue. We aren't going to work on two ways to get Technic out because someone didn't buy Minecraft. We also aren't going to abandon the Launcher because people didn't buy Minecraft. It has dick-all to do with preventing piracy and everything to do with making life easier for everyone. Sorry that gets in your way but that's not my problem.

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  • [li]Technic is open source. If you feel that your security is at risk, feel free to look through it for any code you disapprove of.[/li]
    [li]No right to prevent people from pirating the game? What the hell are you talking about. They're not going to go out of their way to make it easier for you shits to steal.[/li]
    [li]You just don't understand how it works, sux4u.[/li]

Fair enough on the first two points. When it comes to the third however, "sux4u" is not an answer.

If you did not notice that the launcher is now easier for the Technic team and the user. You do have control over the program just by not using it you dont have to enter your password therefore you have full control. Yes actually this can be policed by making Launchers such as this so people need a valid account to play if they dont want to own a valid account they have the option to cry about it or buy the game. You saying it cant be policed is pretty outrageous when you are here complaining about how secure it now is. Why when this team of people work hard to let all these people enjoy this technic pack want to help the ungrateful and make it harder for them to make updates? If you have enjoyed the technic pack now for however long, you should be grateful they do this and be grateful that they are improving and making it better for there users.

You reasons are invalid as to why the Technic pack should be going backwards.

-snip- Niavmai said it all.

To be perfectly clear, my main concern is that I'm not able to use the original launcher.

I've sure enjoyed Technic Pack and I'm in no way trying to show any disrespect toward the developers. Don't get me wrong.

Besides, an installer isn't called going backwards. It was simple and it worked. I don't understand why you should replace it with a launcher in the first place.

Sorry that gets in your way but that's not my problem.

Thanks for a good mod pack, I actually bought the game.

Fair enough, this is a private website. I'm not here to debate weather you should have sympathy for pirates or not. To sum it all up, I prefer using the original launcher. Even though you made pretty good job with the custom one, I prefer the old launcher which I'm used to. It worked and I don't need a new one.

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ok so you are complaining because:

a: you cant choose which mod to install--- answer: go to the config and change the mod options

b: you either didnt buy the game and are arguing about whether it should be free or not

in all honesty i love the new installer, it gives the oppurtunity to play more than 1 mod pack at a time just click and choose which u want. this is their modpack and listening to someone whine about how its so scary to go forward, i doubt they are gonna do it, simple as that if u like the old installer so much then stay with 5.0.5 no one is asking you to use the new one it is just an option

simple as that

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ok so you are complaining because:

a: you cant choose which mod to install--- answer: go to the config and change the mod options

b: you either didnt buy the game and are arguing about whether it should be free or not

c: Minecraft files wont work with the original launcher.

in all honesty i love the new installer, it gives the oppurtunity to play more than 1 mod pack at a time just click and choose which u want. this is their modpack and listening to someone whine about how its so scary to go forward, i doubt they are gonna do it, simple as that if u like the old installer so much then stay with 5.0.5 no one is asking you to use the new one it is just an option

simple as that

I'm in no position to complain, but how about giving an opinion. Am I always going to be answered with: "You got it for free, enjoy or leave." ? It's nice to see people reflect when you tell them what you think.

I didn't approach this thread in the best way, that I can admit. But I'm not demanding anything ether. I'm just saying that the new launcher was not a good idea. And going back using the installer is not going backwards. And I'd like to get help with getting the standard launcher to work with technic pack. If you don't care and don't want to help, fine. Just don't shout it out loud, I didn't pirate Minecraft I just want to play technic with 1.1.

EDIT: Got it working. Appearently the mods wasn't in minecraft.jar. They were in a file called modpack.jar, it's in the same folder as minecraft.jar.

Just move everything in modpack.jar to minecraft.jar, and delete META-INF. That's it.

I'm not moving this further, as respect to the developer(s). This is the solution, if anyone else wants to use the standard launcher just follow the instructions above.

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c: Minecraft files wont work with the original launcher.I'm in no position to complain, but how about giving an opinion. Am I always going to be answered with: "You got it for free, enjoy or leave." ? It's nice to see people reflect when you tell them what you think.

I didn't approach this thread in the best way, that I can admit. But I'm not demanding anything ether. I'm just saying that the new launcher was not a good idea. And going back using the installer is not going backwards. And I'd like to get help with getting the standard launcher to work with technic pack. If you don't care and don't want to help, fine. Just don't shout it out loud, I didn't pirate Minecraft I just want to play technic with 1.1.

EDIT: Got it working. Appearently the mods wasn't in minecraft.jar. They were in a file called modpack.jar, it's in the same folder as minecraft.jar.

Just move everything in modpack.jar to minecraft.jar, and delete META-INF. That's it.

I'm not moving this further, as respect to the developer(s). This is the solution, if anyone else wants to use the standard launcher just follow the instructions above.

Congratulations. You actually did it yourself. Now if you could go tell all your buddies how easy it is so they can just shut up, it would be much appreciated.
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Fair enough on the first two points. When it comes to the third however, "sux4u" is not an answer.

To be perfectly clear, my main concern is that I'm not able to use the original launcher.

I've sure enjoyed Technic Pack and I'm in no way trying to show any disrespect toward the developers. Don't get me wrong.

Besides, an installer isn't called going backwards. It was simple and it worked. I don't understand why you should replace it with a launcher in the first place.

Thanks for a good mod pack, I actually bought the game.

Fair enough, this is a private website. I'm not here to debate weather you should have sympathy for pirates or not. To sum it all up, I prefer using the original launcher. Even though you made pretty good job with the custom one, I prefer the old launcher which I'm used to. It worked and I don't need a new one.

It is the answer though. I shall explain why the installer is a better option for you because you don't "get" it.

The installer is simple and worked (most of the time) because it is what we had. With that we had month-long waits between Technic/Tekkit packs with mods going out of date. The only way to update those was to build new installers and deliver everything all at once.

Now, we have something that does the same thing but now get to push updates out as they happen, on the fly. Now people can take part in testing the latest versions if they so choose as well. Now we have a Technic/Tekkit that is constantly updated and people don't have to wait for updated mods. Technic will never be out-dated again. Beyond that, we can also downgrade Minecraft on the fly as well, meaning that if Minecraft gets updated, someone using the Launcher won't accidentally update their minecraft as well.

Both of these work but only one of them is far easier to maintain. Updates, conflicts, standardization, these are good things that help us keep pace with minecraft modding, and keep the players in-line as well with little effort on their part.

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And im still saying that you've got some sort of support from the official party Mojang. 8)

Dont give me that crap thats more easier to keep the game updated on the fly, etc. As always, minecraft was way more frequently updated than Technic Pack, so I dont see the point.

Im not sayint that the laucher was good, cuz it wasnt. It bothered me tons of times, making reinstalling the game a pain in the ..., as adding mods scrwd up my install, and using the installer again,,,and again,,and again.

But with the new launcher, you force the players to buy the game.

I honestly wont. There are far more important things to throw my money away than games.

So clearly you got some attention from Mojang, maybe offered and option to even be included in a future version of the game...NOW THATS WHEN ILL BUY THE GAME. This would be the best thing EVER!!!

Till then, while this freakin mod is only user made content, and also forces you to give away money, I bet thee are more options than using the main Minecraft server to download the mod, like making a different launcher or i dunno.

So it seems you guys got som fame. It gives me hope it will become official.

If this is not the case, than FUCK YOU, youre just some greedy little shits, or arrogant assholes who thinks if they bought the game, then everyone has to. Also the whole internet is about piracy, so the thing you dont tolerate it here is just a mask. Even online payment is some sort of piracy if you think about it(no official papers you cant hold in your hand, you get fuckep over a lot of times,,,so all this about no piracy-view is bullcrap)

english is hardly my native, so bear my errors

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