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I'm making a map for a server, and I was wondering if it was possible to replace the entire map's dirt with sand or another inert material with worldedit. I'm doing so to make it difficult to find and grow trees, but that's beside the point; I'm just curious if it's possible to do it all at once so I can focus on dotting the map with pretty structures.


You cannot actually change the ENTIRE maps dirt/grass to a diff block because that means creating your own mod that changes the world generator. The most you can do is say use MCedit and change large portions of dirt that way.


Really? Does no one pay attention to their surroundings at all? No one that replied to this, nor the OP,has seen anything about a tool called Midas Gold (based on midas fixed up by Havoc)? Pay attention and look around and you will find the answer you seek. But no one is gonna hand it to you. Just like my damned nephew. I let him into my server and now everytime I am on, its, give me this, give me that. Doesnt want to do anything for himself and cant figure out anything.


Really? Does no one pay attention to their surroundings at all? No one that replied to this, nor the OP,has seen anything about a tool called Midas Gold (based on midas fixed up by Havoc)? Pay attention and look around and you will find the answer you seek. But no one is gonna hand it to you. Just like my damned nephew. I let him into my server and now everytime I am on, its, give me this, give me that. Doesnt want to do anything for himself and cant figure out anything.

Midas Gold is located nowhere on these forums. Please explain these "Surroundings."

Wait, maybe if we...

Nope, no results on the first page for that.


Funny, it WAS a link on the tekkit 2.0 main page, then the tekkit 2.1 page, then the tekkit 2.1.1 when it was first posted. Must have been updated to just the "world converter" version of midas he made when havoc42 did his great work and made it a oneshot deal. (specifically to deal with people of the OP's effort level) Guess I should have paid attention to my surroundings.

But, I know when I upgraded from tekkit 1.0 to 1.1.4, I google searched, and found, pretty easily, the original midas, before Havoc42 spruced it up. So dont tell me its not out there, I just exagerated the ease of it.

But whatever, im the idiot, and you are doing these kids a service by pretending its ok that they didnt even try to figure it out on their own before asking to be spoon-fed knowledge. They will develop great problem solving skills this way.


Funny, it WAS a link on the tekkit 2.0 main page, then the tekkit 2.1 page, then the tekkit 2.1.1 when it was first posted. Must have been updated to just the "world converter" version of midas he made when havoc42 did his great work and made it a oneshot deal. (specifically to deal with people of the OP's effort level) Guess I should have paid attention to my surroundings.

But, I know when I upgraded from tekkit 1.0 to 1.1.4, I google searched, and found, pretty easily, the original midas, before Havoc42 spruced it up. So dont tell me its not out there, I just exagerated the ease of it.

But whatever, im the idiot, and you are doing these kids a service by pretending its ok that they didnt even try to figure it out on their own before asking to be spoon-fed knowledge. They will develop great problem solving skills this way.

Not sure why you have such a bad attitude. The OP came here asking for help (weirdly that's what these forums are for) and you berate him. Did you go to school? If so then you should have bitched at your teacher for spoon feeding you knowledge....

I'm not posting this just to be rude, just to point out that asking for help is the best way to get things done if you are stuck. I hadn't even heard of the midas program before this thread and I doubt the OP had either. Why spend more than half an hour googling for something and getting no results when you could ask a group of people who might be able to help you? Sounds like a waste of time if you ask me.

Also to the OP, if you manage to get a world converter, I'd suggest using world edit or voxelsniper (not sure if VS works with tekkit) to create random pockets of dirt in the world. With world edit you can easily use the //replacenear command or //set command to change areas into dirt at random locations :)


Funny, it WAS a link on the tekkit 2.0 main page, then the tekkit 2.1 page, then the tekkit 2.1.1 when it was first posted. Must have been updated to just the "world converter" version of midas he made when havoc42 did his great work and made it a oneshot deal. (specifically to deal with people of the OP's effort level) Guess I should have paid attention to my surroundings.

But, I know when I upgraded from tekkit 1.0 to 1.1.4, I google searched, and found, pretty easily, the original midas, before Havoc42 spruced it up. So dont tell me its not out there, I just exagerated the ease of it.

But whatever, im the idiot, and you are doing these kids a service by pretending its ok that they didnt even try to figure it out on their own before asking to be spoon-fed knowledge. They will develop great problem solving skills this way.

Regardless of any ease of finding in the past, it's not there now. Later I did manage find it through google. By searching the exact name. Not a very efficient way of finding something if you don't know what it is or that it even exists.

Also, regardless of whether it was on the Tekkit 2.0 main page before, it's not there now.

If it was I'd agree with you, that they should find it themselves. However, it's not, and that does make a difference.


Yes! There is a basic tool called midas out there. Havoc42 reworked it and made it much more solid, he is great, he worked hard to get it to work and get through all sorts of issues! <-it is now called MidasGold

So get your world folder off of the server, if its hosted you will need to install an FTP program called filezilla, FTP stands for File Transfer Protocal and is used for uploading and downloading files. If you tekkit server is local, which means it is the same machine you use in your everyday computing, you will navigate to th eserver folder. Inside this server folder is a file called World. This has all the files for the main world of your server, depending on mods, you may have several world folders, but we will just deal with the main one. Make a copy of this world folder somewhere safe, and then a copy to work on.

You will need to have java installed to run midas gold.

Now get midas gold from http://code.google.com/p/midas-gold/downloads/detail?name=mIDasGoldv0.1.9.rar&can=2&q= and un rar it.

You will need a program to unrar it, maybe try a program called winrar. Install it and use it to extract the program in the midas gold rar. Run the midas .jar file. You may have to right click it and "run as" then select java if it does not run when you double click it.

when it opens, you will have to navigate to and select your world folder. Now use the gui (graphical user interface) to load up the change from the block id of dirt, which is 3 i think, to the block id of sand. I am so sorry but you will have to look up the sand block id by yourself, because I dont know it. Now click start. After its done, delete your server world folder and replace it with the world folder you ran Midas Gold on.

And no, I have never attended school for computers. I figured it all out , on my own, with trial and error. When you figure something out on your own, you never forget it. There is value in this, even if it seems to be forgotten in the cell phone gimmie gimmie generation. I thought this was a forum that respected the old ways of the early generation of techs, from before it was cool to be on a computer. I am trying to pass this can-do empowering attitude down. My attitude is not nearly so bad as you reactionary youths have taken it. Short attention spans, elevated reactions to minor conflict, so typical. I apologize if I hurt your feelings, but you better toughen up before you hit the world, or the world is gonna hit you. Now I sound like an old man! Ha maybe some ; )'s or some lol's will help you get my slightly antagonistic yet still friendly attitude.

You are right, it does make a difference that its not around anywhere now. I apologize to everyone involved for wasting their time, but at least you all found out about mIDas Gold! CHange block id's in map files woo!


Alright, so apart from this gigafunk fellow coming off as a massive, egotistical tool, I can use this Midas thing to convert blocks without it breaking anything?

Yes http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,107.0.html. The instructions there are for upgrading but they should give you a general idea.

Edit:Also if you want to remove all trees you can use the same tool and convert wood blocks(and leaves) to ID 0 to delete them.

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