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Awesome Ads (No, not water strainers)


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So, I thought these ads were relatively harmless until I found out exactly how many people they mean in 'one orgy' that I could 'play with':

(This is the first time I've seen the ad to the left, and it's quite humorous with the other one next to it)

[img width=800]

Clearly, Romans have cardio systems of steel. Or take enough Viagra to kill a horse.

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Those Romans were wild. I learned that in in ancient Rome, Julius Ceaser would send a message back to Rome from a battlefront, then race the messenger home to accept his own message. Then have sex with him.

Finally a history teacher that isn't afraid to tell the full truth!

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Those Romans were wild. I learned that in in ancient Rome, Julius Ceaser would send a message back to Rome from a battlefront, then race the messenger home to accept his own message. Then have sex with him.

Now would that be a better for a porn or a Showtime/HBO original series?

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