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Difficulties with a Custom Modpack


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This is the first time I've made a custom modpack ever, and I'm having difficulties reaching the Minecraft title screen.  This modpack has roughly 50 mods, all of which should are running MC Version 1.7.10.  The problem is that I have yet to reach the title screen; I load the modpack from the launcher and see only the background of dirt textures while music plays.  After opening up the Launcher Logs and analyzing them (to the best of my beginner's ability) I found that it could be the result of:

  • Lengthy modpack load times (more of a guess than actual fact-- it's not exactly a small pack and may just take more than 15 minutes to load)
  • SLF4J error (followed the link, began to speak about classpaths, at which point it lost me completely, though I did note in a post commented on by Munaus that the error is irrelevant)
  • Biomes O' Plenty 1.7.10 latest version not compatible with current Forge loader (but would this actually be the cause of the title screen not loading up?)
  • Ars Magica 2 data is "obfuscated," "IllegalArgumentException"
  • The audio has a "deprecated Carbon Component Manager" that will be unsupported soon (shouldn't have an effect on the game yet)
  • Many of the mods apparently don't have an MC Version, though it is present even in the file name
  • There were errors earlier and the modpack was not undergoing "mod initialization"
  • My giving the launcher 4GB of my 4GB of RAM, vs. giving it 3GB, which is supposed to be more effective

I'm sure this problem is quite obvious and is explained somewhere else in the forums, despite my lengthy search.  Below I will paste the pastebin log I copied from the Technic Launcher "log" file.  Any help on this matter would be appreciated, and don't be afraid to ask questions pertaining to this issue.


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  • Always provide the API URL or a link to the platform modpack page when requesting custom modpack assistance.
  • Never allocate more than half your physical RAM or 4G, whichever is the smaller number.
  • The current version of Biomes O' Plenty works fine with the current version of Forge.

Once we have the API URL or pack link we can proceed.

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In addition, I forgot to mention that every once in a while, after the forge mod loading screen goes away and gives to the dirt background small white blocks of differing widths appear across the Minecraft window.  Not sure if this is relevant information, but it came to mind and thought it might help.

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  • Your modpack archive should have a /mods/1.7.10/ folder. "[1.7.10]bspkrsCore-universal-6.15.jar" should be in that folder.
  • You have the liteloader installer JAR in your /mods/ folder. This file should not be in your pack. You need to have the actual liteloader mod JAR in the /mods/1.7.10/ folder.
  • You are missing the Mantle mod which is required by Tinkers' Construct.
  • Your modpack hoas no config files in the /config/ folder. Every modpack should contain a full compliment of config files in order to better integrate the included mods, to facilitate adjusting balance, and to ensure all clients are using the same config files (critically important when used on a server).
  • Some of your mods are out of date. Do a complete audit of the mods you are including to ensure you are using the most recent compatible releases.
  • CRITICAL EDIT: The current version of the Telepads mod is months out of date on its releases. You will need to roll back to the "Bookshelf-1.7.10-1.0.15.jar" version of Bookshelf mod in order to get the pack working, or you will need to remove the Telepads mod. Your choice.

After making the above changes the pack started successfully. Make sure you follow my previous advice and allocate no more than 2G of RAM to the Launcher if your PC only has 4G of physical RAM. Allocating any more will make both the client and your PC run extremely poorly. This pack includes at least a couple mods known to consume a larger than typical amount of RAM (Orespawn, Tropicraft) so you may want to ensure you have as few as possible (none) other applications open when the game client is running.

Edited by plowmanplow
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How are config files generated?  I thought I had read somewhere that they were created once the mod was loaded.  If that is the case, then there may be a problem; if not, then I might just be missing something very obvious. 

Edit:  Ignore that last part; configs generated in my modpack config file, though only for bookshelf, CodeChickenCore, forge, OpenModsLibCore, and splash.properties.  Should I drag and drop the configs from my computer's modpack file to the actual, 3 file (bin, mods, config) modpack?  I've also now gone through and updated some of the mods I had downloaded old version of.  Some of them are in beta or unstable release version, and I thus didn't download a few of the updates.  I've also downloaded Mantle and put it in the Mods Folder (likely incorrect place, though not sure as there were no instructions on the websites as to where to put it.  I will be creating a new archive.zip and updating the pack.

Edited by TR1PL3_THR3AT
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That is actually really cool-- I'll definitely look into that system and get the necessary configs.  Just 2 quick things:

1) Does Mantle go in the "mod" folder or somewhere else, and

2) This is likely a result of my not having the configs needed, but I figured I might as well display it.  This is an image of the white bars (mentioned above) that appear every once in a while when starting up the modpack


And thank you so much for all of your help throughout this process; there's no way I would have been able to make it this far without your help.

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I've begun the process (using BareBonesPack) and all has been going really well.  The only problem that I encountered was after loading TreeCapitator, BspkrsCore, and later Ars Magica 2 (AM2 is only in there because I wanted to test whether the problem would persist), where many vanilla textures were either blank, had an odd effect, or were pixelated in different shades of white and gray.  The mod textures were fine, however.  I'm not entirely sure if textures is the correct term for what I'm seeing, however.  A few examples may clarify:

-The wooden door: appears as a white square when dropped or held, but when placed looks normal (shade of brown)

-Pickaxe: any pickaxe looks like a white square when held and dropped

-Potions: various shades, some glisten (animated)

-Redstone: same as the door; white square, but returns to typical appearance when placed


I'm not sure if this is some form of Mod-Minecraft item and block ID conflict (even though the files deal with UniqueNames)

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The contents of that download worked fine for me. No textures were messed up and no errors when creating and working in an SSP world.

As for the ".DS_Store" files, those are extra files Macs put on the file system (dear god, why <sigh>). You should be able to open the ZIP file after you create it and manually remove those files if you want to try that.

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My apologies for the late reply; I only just got my computer back yesterday from the Apple Store, where they found my hard drive and Logic Board weren't working (and had to send the computer in to fix it, wiping the hard drive in the process of replacing it).  I had to redownload El Capitan and redo my work on the modpack (thankfully, I was only three mods in).  My question is what application you use for editing .cfg files?  Is there one you recommend (for OS X)?

Edited by TR1PL3_THR3AT
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The final product is up, and, if the unloaded textures are just on my computer, then it should all be good.  I would very much appreciate it if you took a final look at the pack.  (BTW, the textures messed up for me seem to have condensed down into wood tools, Tropicraft items, and items added on to Tic.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the extremely late reply, I've been meaning to get to it but kept putting it off.  The modpack is working perfectly, and I've found no issues with it whatsoever (other than the lag, which is to be expected given that this is a Mac).  Thank you so much for the time you've taken to help me create this modpack; without you none of this may have been possible.  I wish you luck in the long dream of life.

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