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Our Pack: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/turtlecraftsmp-s5-pack.848876

IP Given when Whitelisted

Rules: rules.TurtleCraftSMP.com

Turtlecraft was made to offer a kind environment with limited banned blocks and a lag free expirence.

Server is expected to run 99.99% of the time


The Pack requires about 1-2 GB of ram to run but we recommend having 3-4.

We have a community spawn, Discord dank memes, pretty much all you could want in a community we want good players in our server that will be on, that's why we made our Inactivity rule which can be viewed at Inactivity.TurtleCraftSMP.com

Applications are at apply.TurtleCraftSMP.com

We have ranks on the server but they are not paid. You rank up as you play on the server

PLEASE USE Contact@TurtlecraftSMP.com for help I will not be viewing comments

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