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So I wanted my factory to look awesome by spicing it up by machines that look like they're doing things they're not. I have creative on so no budget really, but these machines have to:

*Be totally useless

*Look as though they're doing something

*Not look lame

*Make it look like my factory is WAY more advanced than theirs when it's not.


Like a Rube Goldberg machine?

A hardcore badass tekkit style Rube Goldberg machine!

That does nothing.

or maybe some kind of usine a gaz.


Using CCsensors have a huge control room giving off readings of several different random things. Completely useless yet awesome looking.

Have windows with those tubes running by too!


Like a Rube Goldberg machine?

If said rube goldberg machine could turn one block of cobblestone into one normal stone using a number of major mods ie. (IC, BC, RP, EE) that would be pretty awesome. like a huge furnace, except bigger than my initial factory.


Using CCsensors have a huge control room giving off readings of several different random things. Completely useless yet awesome looking.

Have windows with those tubes running by too!

Hey thats a good idea. so how do i use ccsensors please? i don't know about that kind of stuff. (Dammit i double posted again. Sorry. I will try not to in the future. Believe me when i say i don't mean to)


sensorInfo = sensors.getSensorInfo(side,sensor,"cardType","name","distance","SensorRange","loc","activereading")

Copy and pasting this from another thread, but that should be enough to go on if you know CC LUA. If not, I'll just tell you it works in a similar to rednet.receive()


sensorInfo = sensors.getSensorInfo(side,sensor,"cardType","name","distance","SensorRange","loc","activereading")

Copy and pasting this from another thread, but that should be enough to go on if you know CC LUA. If not, I'll just tell you it works in a similar to rednet.receive()

k thanks. now i know who's been stealing mah beer without even leaving my penthouse.

But that means it has a use though :(


I made a useless system just now. It's a duplicator with a stack of Diamonds in it. I pump infinite diamonds out of the thing with Buildcraft (RP isn't in Technic for Minecraft 1.4.2 yet), and send them all into a void pipe. I power the thing with an Electrical Engine running entirely off of one MV Array.


Me and a friend had an underground area, so we put tubes going all over our places to various chests with filters and tranposers pulling the UU matter out, sending it through the tubes and down into another chest only to be pulled out and sent to another chest. 6 chests, 7 stacks of tubes, 12 transposers and alot of UU matter doing nothing but flying around.


I made a useless system just now. It's a duplicator with a stack of Diamonds in it. I pump infinite diamonds out of the thing with Buildcraft (RP isn't in Technic for Minecraft 1.4.2 yet), and send them all into a void pipe. I power the thing with an Electrical Engine running entirely off of one MV Array.

Duplicators in 1.2.5 pump out of it, craft loads of diamond armour and blocks and send them all to the incinerator block


Duplicators in 1.2.5 pump out of it, craft loads of diamond armour and blocks and send them all to the incinerator block

Even better idea. Now I can make full sets of useful tools and armor, only to burn it!


Or when RedPower is updated, make a cycle of deployers taking water from a 1x1 pool using buckets, and then dumping the bucket's contents back into another 1x1 pool. Repeat.


Or when RedPower is updated, make a cycle of deployers taking water from a 1x1 pool using buckets, and then dumping the bucket's contents back into another 1x1 pool. Repeat.

This would work with sand, i think, i can't use water because my pump dried the ocean. it's a good idea though. I want to build a stupidly complex thing anyway. i mean, a pipe building a pipe while pumping pipe through pipes to build itself and then destroying itself to get it's pipe back so it can rebuild itself. THAT'S stupidly complex.

And probably impossible, but please correct me if i'm wrong.

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