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Okay, game's up. What the Christ is going on?


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4 hours and 33 minutes and 20-odd seconds in. While I am sceptical of this guy being totally 'in the know' as a lesser Youtube based commentator,

I have to ask since the untimely removal of slowpoke from our forums is how far this pseudopolitical bullshit is going to go,

because in the end it is only going to be us that will end up screwed over because of it.

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I think that is about the news that forage bukkit is dead and it was a major part of tekkit. Which is something we already were aware of.

As for the slowpoke thing last i saw in the feed the beast thread is that slowpoke posted in it about our permissions. Particularly the ones for opifine and mo creatures since both of them are very anti mod pack and we most likely do not have permission for them. Thou his post was not bad or at least not bad enough to justify a perma ban as it was just more of the same that been floating around for a while. Grant it was a hour or two before I checked the forums again to see it was gone and him banned.

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I have a feeling that that wasn't what got him banned somehow...

I'm fairly sure that He wouldn't be banned for saying what he's been saying for ages, that he doesn't think we have permissions. Probably something soon after.

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I think that is about the news that forage bukkit is dead and it was a major part of tekkit. Which is something we already were aware of.

As for the slowpoke thing last i saw in the feed the beast thread is that slowpoke posted in it about our permissions. Particularly the ones for opifine and mo creatures since both of them are very anti mod and we most likely do not have permission for them. Thou his post was not bad or at least not bad enough to justify a perma ban as it was just more of the same that been floating around for a while. Grant it was a hour or two before I checked the forums again to see it was gone and him banned.

Uh? That post really wasn't that bad, he said far more inflammatory stuff in the past. I highly doubt he's been perma-banned for this. That's my opinion, anyway.

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you know what's awesome? when people state personal opinions as fact. the guy makes youtube videos, he doesn't have anything to do with tekkit. in all likelyhood he was referring to the whole forgebukkit debacle, but it's a decently large assumption to say that tekkit won't update because of it and you had better go play FTB instead. I'm glad he likes FTB, but he simply has no insight into the tekkit update process.

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It's like VHS and beta all over again. or HDD/BluRay. Good ideas spawn "copies" for want of a better word. As a user the only hassle for me if tekkit ends is downloading FTB and losing my progress to this point. It's the same game essentially with mostly the same mods so you're not relearning a ton of info. It is actually nice to be in a position of choice as to which system to use, health competition between systems can promote inovation, just a shame all the kiddies can't play nice and share. I do understand the anger tho, my save is like 5 days old and not a big loss if I move but a save with thousands of hours logged...yeah I get that.

I have followed the arguments back and forth both here and FTB and to be honest now it is just a dick waving contest. A sitdown, a few beers and the odd appology and this should be sorted. Unfortunatly maturity is rarer than diamonds and cannot be transmuted from refined vitriol.

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It's like VHS and beta all over again. or HDD/BluRay. Good ideas spawn "copies" for want of a better word. As a user the only hassle for me if tekkit ends is downloading FTB and losing my progress to this point. It's the same game essentially with mostly the same mods so you're not relearning a ton of info. It is actually nice to be in a position of choice as to which system to use, health competition between systems can promote inovation, just a shame all the kiddies can't play nice and share. I do understand the anger tho, my save is like 5 days old and not a big loss if I move but a save with thousands of hours logged...yeah I get that.

I have followed the arguments back and forth both here and FTB and to be honest now it is just a dick waving contest. A sitdown, a few beers and the odd appology and this should be sorted. Unfortunatly maturity is rarer than diamonds and cannot be transmuted from refined vitriol.

Wise words. Everyone getting along is so easy, but so hard at the same time.


4 hours and 33 minutes and 20-odd seconds in. While I am sceptical of this guy being totally 'in the know' as a lesser Youtube based commentator,

I have to ask since the untimely removal of slowpoke from our forums is how far this pseudopolitical bullshit is going to go,

because in the end it is only going to be us that will end up screwed over because of it.

Well SimpleGuy, here are your pitchforks. :P Didn't take really long.

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this thread is not about slowpoke's forum account status. keep it that way if you want to keep it open.

Well, the two matters are, how'd I say, very intimately linked. If you don't want this subject to be discussed, you might as well close this thread already.

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