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Voltz Update, Easy to Install

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I think that they should add RedPower to Voltz, I've been building these big bases to blow my friends up with, but I want RedPower so that I can make a proper Silo that uses support frames to reveal the Silo, then theres a Lever up by me that activates it, It'll also help me color code my underground tunnels using the cage lamps, that way I know which tunnel goes where.

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I have a feeling that asking people to spam the forums won't go down well, and could end up having a negative impact. If you want Redpower, this is probably not the way to go about it.

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the whole point of voltz is that everything uses UE. take a guess what RP2 doesn't support? if you guessed "UE" then you'd be right.

also, as the prolo said, spamming up the boards with stupid threads won't get anything in the pack. it will get plenty of people kellered and/or banned though.

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