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Redstone Engines not moving at all


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Little suggestion, a redstone engine will never power that quarry at a meaningful speed. also, was it working before and it suddenly stopped working or did you put it down and it just wont turn on?

Edit: Why must you always ninga me?!?

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I knew they didn't work with wooden conductive pipes but it seems that it is kind of odd that no notes have been released about redstone engines not working with quarries. Thanks for your help though. Maybe a future announcement or fix will come along outlining this.

Edit: I placed them and they would just heat up.

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Its not that it needs a fix. Redstone engines are just only meant for moving items between chests and running pumps. they are just low tier things. That's like expecting a single water mill to be able to power a mass fab at a meaningful speed.

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it seems that the newer versions of BC do this with low output engines. if what you're trying to power won't run on the amount of energy put out by the engine, it just sits there looking like it doing nothing (and essentially, it is doing nothing). I guess this is their obscure way of trying to let you know that you aren't generating enough power to power the block or something.

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