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Wow, you do realise I'm saying they should make a profit? Its a positive thing, still you want to argue with me about jumping to conclusions? If I made something for free and someone said it looks professional I wouldn't take that as an insult. How can something be "too professional" and when did I say the professionalism was a bad thing? When could it ever be in any situation? I don't even know what alblaka is and the only problem I have with Technic is the bullying forum moderators.

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And you do realize that moderators do this for free, and they are human...I think...I'm watching you Neowulf >.>

Neways, humans, therefore they have opinions, emotions, tendencies to overreact (calling it how I see it) etc so how about instead of declaring them defensive bullies, just get back to the topic at hand?

P.S If this is backseat modding then my bad, don't hate me XD

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It isn't even over-reacting. Our responses are measured and deliberate, and intentionally harsh. Since the forums began, we have had policy of making fun of the stupid, the lazy, and the biased. The reason is shockingly simple: We don't want them here. So we make fun of them, and either they come around or they go away.

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You say that, but if i were running the site, it absolutely would be on the front page.

I also think you're underestimating the number of people who are dissatisfied with the minecraft community hugboxes, and want a place where they don't have to worry about affirming everybodies feelings.

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Gotta agree with the mods here. Even if that was a measured response, I'd be pretty pissed off if part of something I had to do involved reading the same bullshit regarding unjustified claims day in and day out. I get angry enough dealing with my friends doing it, I can't imagine what it must be like for you mods.

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Thats not a quote to put on the front page Jay. lol

Actually, it's already sort-of on the front page. It pretty much says in the READ THESE RULES FIRST topic "Don't act like a dickbag or get out".

It's probably not displayed as a huge Javascript alert box because this isn't SA or Explosm. The site needs to look non-hostile and at least a little bit professional.

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