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Fear the 'Pede.

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Oh, my mistake.

I assumed you weren't breaking The Rules by using a chan-speak meme, a really stupid one at that.

Don't worry, from now on I'll be sure to understand your idiotic posts are intentional and worthy of infraction points.

Just want to ask: Would you consider linkin videos of certain characters making certain relevant quotes meme use?

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As long as it's a link and not an embedded video and link isn't the only part of your post, then me personally no I would not consider it meme use.

I'm only really taking notice here because little Meg Usta here seems to have a hard time communicating with anything but memes.

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I've been on these forums for about a week now with this picture and no complaints except from you two ms.goody-two-shoes...

You have one post from friday before you made this thread. You've been here 6 days and spent 3 of them idle.

I frankly don't give a crap about your profile pic. Just know that memes are not welcome here and attempting to gain acceptance and recognition by repeating stupid catch phrases someone else made up will get you kellered real quick.

What does that even mean?

It means another mod warned you for making an unnecessarily long shitpost.

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I've been on these forums for about a week now with this picture and no complaints except from you two ms.goody-two-shoes...


We aren't just taking about the picture. You make a low effort thread, respond with memes, and then play the "I'm not harming anyone" card.

And for the "goody two shoes stuff":

Neo is a moderator, and I'm a longtime member of the forum. I can safely assume that we are just following the rules.

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We don't generally care about memes in profile pictures. They're...moderately annoying, but we're not going to warn you every time we see them. And I was the one that warned you. If you wanted to post something you made on the keyboard, don't make it 15 pages long, and add something else interesting to the post. Centipedes, despite their name, don't have 100 legs. Ever. Most of them have less than 50. They could have over 300, but none of them have as many as you put in.

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the rules apply to you, OP. your opinion of how fair or reasonable those rules are does not matter and you do not get to decide what is and isn't breaking them. that is our job. this entire thread is complete shit. "off-topic" doesn't mean "no topic"

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