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Efficient EU/MJ Production?

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Hi all, I was looking around for an extremely efficient way of producing energy for the big dig mods. An infinite cycle if possible. Please spare no expense on your suggestions as I have plenty of resources. Also if you can, suggest the most aesthetically pleasing way to configure any machines/pipe/etc I may need to use

Thanks all!

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The closest I have to near infinite energy has been using magmatic engines in the nether to an energy tesseract to the overworld to a redstone cell that is my main power and a secondary redstone cell to refill from any excess energy. If you would like you can watch my series on youtube: Let's Play Big Dig Season 2 (Big Dig 1.3.4)

It will show the basic setup and how easy it is to expand. (may want one lava pump per 8 engines). I hope that helps you.
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...using magmatic engines in the nether to an energy tesseract to the overworld...

By default this is horribly inefficient. Energy Tesseracts lose 25% of their transfered power, so it would be much better to pump the lava to the overworld - either with an Ender Tank or a Liquid Tesseract - and produce the power there. However, you can change the energy 'cost' to use the tesseract in the '\cofh\ThermalExpansion.cfg' config file.

Hi all, I was looking around for an extremely efficient way of producing energy for the big dig mods. An infinite cycle if possible.

Keep in mind that I haven't taken the time to learn all of the new Voltz mods that were added to BigDig, and I'm not going to baby you; figure shit out for yourself. Now having said that, basically you have two real avenues to take when tackling your energy needs: Geothermal or Biofuel.

Pumping lava into magmatic engines will produce 4 MJ/t and lava can essentially be pumped forever from the Nether or can be produced from a Magma Crucible. Melting one block of Netherrack will net you a positive quantity of lava after cost of production has been accounted for, so this is a viable method of power if you don't want to screw up the look of the Nether lava lakes.

Biofuel generators can produce MJ at a much higher rate than Magmatic (16/t), but at a lower amount overall. To get all the plants that you will need, you simply have to set up automated farms with MCR; the related wikis go more into detail than I could (or would want to).

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If you still have IC, look into the advanced solars mod. My favorite. Start stacking those 512 eu/t (~200 mj/t) solars in arrays. At this point I have over 100 of them, which is enough power for a mass fab to make UU Matter once per second. On a 24/7 server.

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I'm pretty sure that's why he was asking, since IC has been removed, we no longer have infinite, renewable, significant energy from solar anymore.

Personally, I've just been using steam engines and fuel. A bucket's worth lasts an absurdly long time. Two engines filled with fuel was enough to fill up over 10 redstone energy cells, just keep them supplied with water with an aquius accululator.

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Me too, still trying to find an automatic power solution to power my AE network.

I've just made myself an Electrolytic Separator + Hydrogen Generator station. Thermal Expansion's Aqueous Accumulator provides water without requiring any power. And when I'd need even more power, I can just add another pair or two of Separator/Generator and maybe another Accumulator if the first one won't be enough.

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I've just made myself an Electrolytic Separator + Hydrogen Generator station. Thermal Expansion's Aqueous Accumulator provides water without requiring any power. And when I'd need even more power, I can just add another pair or two of Separator/Generator and maybe another Accumulator if the first one won't be enough.

Yeah that's what I did, but my network eats alot of power.

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Out of curiosity how do you transfer that much energy, I have been having troubles trying to hook 6 wind turbines up to a basic energy cube because when I put say my power armor in there my wires catch on fire, is there a level up from the basic copper cables or am I doing this all wrong?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The easiest way to start off with small generation of infinite, clean power is using the heat generators. Once you have a decent bank of those, but need more, look into Mekanisms advanced solar generators. They work pretty well for the mid-game, and using clever placement of quarries, you can set them up at bedrock if you'd wish it.

I, personally, use an ever increasing bank of hydrogen generators with electrolytic separators. 1 of each per pair, and an Aqueous Accumulator per 2 pairs. Generates significant power and is completely renewable (AA's from Thermal Expansion have no power cost, no water cost, only a slight item cost up-front). When you have them set-up, just make sure to have the electrolytic separators pumping out all excess oxygen (or storing it, if you wish) into the atmosphere otherwise the separators will eventually stop running.

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When you have them set-up, just make sure to have the electrolytic separators pumping out all excess oxygen (or storing it, if you wish) into the atmosphere otherwise the separators will eventually stop running.

You can also set up the separators to dump the excess oxygen

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  • 2 months later...

Is it possible to increase the amount of energy the universal cable can transmit at once? or should i really get Redstone Conduits and a basic biofuel going on for MJ energy? because i've noticed thatthe universal cable, although receiving UE energy could be hooked on a TE machine without a problem, it would produce ridicously low energy, unless i can somehow enable more energy through a universal cable.

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The universal cable is really laggy, last I checked, because it updates its lighting depending on how much energy is flowing through it. I would switch to redstone conduits ASAP. If I remember correctly, Mekanism generators should be able to output MJ on their own. If I'm wrong, use power converters.

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