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I realize that there is mixed opinions in tekkit in regards to IC2, i realize how the original creator has mysteriously dissapeared and someone else is now doing the updates to the mod... I realize that it was also recently dropped out of the Big Dig pack when 1.5.2 came out... However, i was curious if anyone has had any success with having it put into their pack on an individual level.

IC2 Does have a 1.5.2 Release all of which being available here http://ic2api.player.to:8080/job/ic2_lf/ ... unless i'm mistaken.

With all of that said i also apoligize for not using the search feature of the forum to check to see if this had been asked before as it said "IC2" was too short of a word to search for.

Now, with all of that said. Is it possible to have IC2 in Big Dig's current recommended build? If not, i suppose thats the end of it, i'll wait till 1.6 but i was curious if anyone has had any success adding it.



I, personally, don't think IC2 is needed in the BD pack. Just using some basic Thermal Expansion or Voltz stuff can easily double your ores, give some power generation and even get into some more complicated things like setting up auto-factories. That being said, I understand why some like IC2 (largely because of the near-creative mode armor and/or tools) and I will say that I do not know how to add IC2 nor will I try to, seeing as I think the current pack is fine in terms of, well, everything. Good luck on your quest to get IC2 in, but if you could, answer me a simple question: Why do you want IC2? I'm not going to flame, not even going to try to poke holes in your reasoning, it's just that if you're looking to IC2 for something, I bet I can find you something to replace it in the current BD pack.


Five emeralds that he says "because that's all I bothered to learn." That's the same mantra spoken by all those who whine about Ic2 being gone.


  "Lethosos said:
Five emeralds that he says "because that's all I bothered to learn." That's the same mantra spoken by all those who whine about Ic2 being gone.

No doubt most people are unwilling or, perhaps, even afraid to attempt the newer mods used, but I like to see where people come from. If its only items they are wishing for, I can guarantee I can name 1 or 3 items in the Voltz pack that are as good if not better. Hence my statement of not poking fun or holes in his reasoning, I simply wish to know.


I have IC2 running with 1.3.9 with no issues. Only tricky thing that has to be done is to delete the IC2 api from Galaticraft, because it will cause a crash on startup. Just open up the archive in the coremods folder, and delete the ic2 folder within the archive. Otherwise works fine.


  "Lethosos said:
Five emeralds that he says "because that's all I bothered to learn." That's the same mantra spoken by all those who whine about Ic2 being gone.

Thank you but no, that is not in fact the case...

It never ceases to amaze me how everyone thinks BC is better then IC2... for starting? yes i agree BC is preferable due to the extra ore you can receive ... Basically the ONLY reason i enjoy IC2 more then BC is because of induction furnace <Advanced machines> and the Jetpacks. I dislike the jetpacks from modular power suit and nothing will cook ore as fast as an induction furnace will...<in BC> How could someone possibly think that a Rotory Macerator Induction Furnace combo is not faster then anything TE or BC gives you, compleatly blows my mind... I have seen many many many arguments vs Macerater <not rotory> vs Pulverizer which could possibly be legitimate... but Rotory Macerator Vs Pulverizer is just a retarded idea. It basically comes down to the difference of "do i stand there and wait while it mashes up this 1 or 2 stacks of material" or "this shits slow i'll come back". Again of course there is the obvious option of automation but i tend to do that significantly later in my builds. One of thos "everyones situations is different".

I love how i crafted my post specifically to cover the first replies... and yet they came out anyways...

Induction smelter is close i might say, but the constant requirement for sand is annoying.


I love how everyones solution to it is "build more then one" ... i mean, yeah i guess? That doesn't really solve my jetpack issue tho.

Regardless, i didn't start this thread as a "Why don't you like IC2" and "Is IC2 better then BC?" ..... i started it because i saw some interest on this board in regards to IC2 so i thought there might be something i was overlooking in trying to get it to work, which apparently i was, thank you cantorsdust i will try that fix.


I can't really tell you anything about the jetpacks, since I didn't really use either IC2 jetpacks or MPS jetpacks.

Usually I use the blink drive, which (in my opinion at least) is better and more fun to use than a jetpack.


I, as well, use the blink drive, run assist and jump assist with the fall protection. Lets me get around plenty fast. Not to mention that if I need really, really long distance, I use either Mystcraft books or dimensional pockets as travel mediums.

Regarding the macerator -> induction furnace, that's an inane argument. A few pulverizers will probably run slower than a suped up Macerator or even the Rotary Macerator, but the furnace is slow. Use a Mekanism Elite Factory with 8 speed upgrades. Smelts SEVEN items at once and does it about 1 item per half second (may be faster, haven't timed it). The Elite Factory whoops IC2's ass in terms of smelting capabilities, not too mention that its actually easier to supply with power. And the smeltery can be completely automated, and it can smelt hundreds or, possibly, thousands of items at once, at the cost of some lava.

The jetpack is a loss, because, yes, I do agree that the IC2 jetpack is the best I've used, but that's not to say that the MPS jetpack is useless, nor is substitution of it.

One final note, automation of the TE machines is insanely easy, even with standard piping. The Voltz stuff becomes easy as well when you have an ME network setup. While I see your points are valid in the early-mid game, the late game of Voltz and MPS is the equivalent of late game IC2.

(((For distinction purposes, Voltz in my post(s) refers to any mod that uses the Universal Electricity API)))


  "Lethosos said:
Five emeralds that he says "because that's all I bothered to learn." That's the same mantra spoken by all those who whine about Ic2 being gone.

I think the only 'mantra' around here is from all the whiners who complain about anyone who was happy with an existing mod, and doesn't feel that mod needs new features and machines to be useful.

IC2 is pretty deep and complex, much more so than thermal expansion or whatever. Most people don't even know how many mj a quarry really uses (it does not use 100) because you cant even read the power usage without other mods. IC2 offers a pretty robust system. Different voltages, you can read power right on a cable and see usage, etc.

pnot saying the newer mods arent as good, but people who knock ic2 are idiots. Its a good mod, stable and still very interersting. Think about ic2...Putting overclockers transformer upgrades and storage upgrades in a machine, or just making more of them vs .... just making more pulverizers. Every choice you are forced to make that requires you to think things through makes the game interesting. If the only answer is always 'make more pulverizers' or whatever, then it means things are more simple, and boring.

Think about it, IC2 could have just had the same voltage for every machine. And it would be... like most other mods that use MJ. Why add this apparently needless step? It makes things interesting, makes more hurdles to climb which ultimately makes the end of the journey more satisfactory. This is why some people complain that Applied Energistics ruins the game for them... its so smooth, so maintenance free, that it makes things kind of boring. not for everyone of course.

Ic2 is still a good mod.


Actually, TE machines all tell you their max input as well as how much is in the buffer; you can change where they AUTOMATICALLY output items, or where they accept items from; and it takes 48 MJ/t for a quarry to run at max speed. It's called a wiki, use it and flourish.

And AE's ME network is far from "maintenance free". While making an ME drive with 10 64k storage blocks is quite powerful and damn near impossible to fill up, you can still fill it up. It requires constant power to use and the larger and more sophisticated networks require a great deal more power.

And these "hurdles" are not real hurdles at all, merely stepping stones that all touch each-other. IC2 has fake difficulty; for example, you can just make solar panels, and with the Adv solar mod, you literally never need anything else for power. You can't do the same easy and infinitely renewable energy in any mod in the BD pack. The Voltz solars are actually quite weak, needing hundreds to successfully power a small operation. IC2 WAS a good mod, but the maintenance and lack of new and interesting features makes it lackluster at best. I don't hate or hate on people who like IC2, more power to you, what I dislike is people claiming that IC2 is somehow superior when it isn't.

  • 5 months later...

Well the question is can you add ic2 to big dig, you don't need to know why but its because of the tools/power supply and armor plus more stuff to do. So on that note doe anyone know if you can add ic2? because this who page is just conversatio0n on why you would add it and suggestions to other mods completely ignoring the big question "can you add ic2 to big dig" I would like to know

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