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The little things to do in Hexxit.


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Hexxit has these tiny little things that just make me enjoy coming back to it... like, for example, blowing up a pirate frigate.

Making a few moderations to the portholes and the cannons, like so


and connecting some explosives left and right like so


and then setting a timed switch using the repeaters, really just does it for me.



And the fact that the tools make it so much easier is just amazing.


If only I had taken the time to fill the obsidian with more TNT...

So what's your favourite thing to do in Hexxit?

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Right now building my fort into a redwood that about 5 stories up attaches to a nearby floating castle that was once owned by a lich, and now houses a small garden for berries and wheat and my portals to TF and Nether. Im also thinking about a way to carpet bomb twilight forest to turn the superthick forest into plains.

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My favorite thing to do got nerfed in 1.0.4/1.0.5, which was raiding dungeons for magical gear, disenchanting it all for massive amounts of XP, then piling on enchantments to my gear to ascend to god status. I completed all the HexxitGear sets and am loving the Thief Set in particular, the speed boost is amazing.

I have hope disenchanting will return in the near future, Enchanting Plus recently updated to make it at least a configurable option now, as opposed to turning it off with no way to turn it on. The Meteor Gear exploit still exists, but my server is small enough that I trust the people I play with to not take advantage. With any luck, the Meteor Gear exploit will be fixed in later versions as well. I know CanVox is a big supporter of disenchanting stuff too, maybe he can convince sct and KakerMix to update EnchantingPlus for Hexxit 1.0.6, and make the default allow disenchants again.

Until then, I've been stockpiling magical gear and am learning a lot about the mods I'm not as familiar with. Harken Scythe in particular is taking up a lot of my time, the abilities of the Altar of Blood and Altar of Soul extend past simply augmenting items and isn't documented that well.

I guess you could say my favorite thing to do in Hexxit now is to write for the official wiki.

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Hah, I love how people are bitching about the 'meteor gear' exploit, while a simple glitch that nobody ever takes my word on can give me 9000+ levels in less than a minute.

Oh well, admins can be douches any time of the week as long as they reserve the power to ban people for telling the truth, right?

Disenchanting won't come back for 1.5.2, I can tell you that much.

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Disenchanting won't come back for 1.5.2, I can tell you that much.

What kind of inside information do you have to confirm that? Like I said, one of the Dev team has stated that disenchanting items is a draw for him, so the interest is there. The possibility is there with the latest version of enchanting plus. I'd put my money on it returning, unless there's something else I'm missing.

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Disenchanting gives value to the loot. "Reaching max gear level" takes a different amount of time for everyone, but once you are there, there is no reason to take ANY of the enchanted loot. Also, I have found most of my players have created an xp grinder since the repair costs for thier gear outweigh the xp gained during thier adventures. The perception that you need an xp grinder in order to adventure in an adventure mod... is strange to me.

Hopefully disenchanting comes back. Or at least, a reason to actually take that enchanted gear.

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Well, as lame as it may be, I simply use /xp for every piece of hardware I destroy in the disenchanting table, hence why I hide the XP bar on my screenshots most of the time.

(I did 168 hours and conquered 71 towers, nether cities and castles in that time, according to my map, 10 buckazoids for the first person to guess closest to the level I have by now.)

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Amazing! To think I'd given up the hope that modders 'd ever be kind enough to roll some of their changes into older versions, that didn't happen back in my day!

Plugged it in immediately and it worked right out of the box, even on worlds from older versions, this is going to make a lot of people happy.

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