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Advise for Server Running This Modpack??

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Okydokey. So this modpack is wonderful and it is rather enjoyable. And it is even more enjoyable playing SMP for me at least. The only problem I have with it is quite simply its RAM usage. Now my server is running off Linux CentOS5 64 bit. My VPS only has 3Gigs Dedicated and 3G Swap however there are only about 6 to 7 of us that play. Couple of questions.


Do you think 3 Gigs is enough to run this mod pack with 6 to 7 people? If not, what would be suitable. If yes any particular parameters to use?


I am well aware that Attack of the B-Team is an entity heavy modpack. I am currently running a MCPC+ server. So I do have access to plugins. Currently I use. ClearLagg, WorldBoarder, WorldGuard, PermissionsEx, Essentials and that is it. I keep it very minimal for plugin usage. 


I ask these questions mainly because I have noticed that even if I myself am on alone. My java usage is going to almost 2.5G. Oddly enough it also can be at 2g Usage when no-one is on. Mind you this is a fresh Attack of the B-Team. Nothing added to the pack. I am familiar with Server Hosting.


Is this mainly an issue that 3G just isn't enough for Attack of the B-Team to run effectively? Or perhaps there are some Java parameters I can add to the launch script that will help it along and make it more efficient? I am looking for some advise, not questions similar to "How to setup a server?", or "Why does my server crash."


I will also add, that I haven't had any memory crashes yet, however with such high java usage it is only a matter of time. Thanks in advanced.

Edited by HalestormXV
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Hey there Iv been running pretty solid with my start up script the only this it's for windows there might be some changes that would make it suitable for your server plz check my post on

Does your server lag spike!!!try this

I have my script that Iv been testing there

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Its not that is lag spikes its that memory usage sckyrockets even if I am the only one on the server. The server has 3G of RAM. If I am the only one on, is it normal to be using 2.8 of that RAM? That is my real question I guess. Is there a way to optimize that or is Attack of the B-Team just a heavy modpack to run.

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It's all hand in hand, it's how java it's running what's happening is that your java is holding all of its garbage in you ram and not dumping it's young gen, so you need to tune java to dump more often. also 111 mods , each will have its dip in the ram pool when used .

The more. Mods your currently running in your world, the more ram you will use

Imm currently running 2 servers, 8player slots each from the same machine with 6 gigs of ram ,1.5gigs for vanilla and 3gigs for bteam

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For my own interest Halestorm, can you try disabling qCraft for a bit and see if that makes any difference (if no-one's using it)?

I'd like to but I know some people have started using them already not to mention all the quantum ore collected would vanish. And I know I think you can set a mod to disabled by renaming it <MODNAME.EXTENSION>.disabled (I.E. qCraft.zip.disabled)

or was that in an older version or was that an FTB thing? If that indeed does work do you know if once it is re-enabled everything will fall back into place? It's something I would try but would not want to risk as people have been using it and collecting vast amounts of quantum ore for future projects.

@islands420 some of the java arguments in the post I noticed you made seemed to fail. Now granted I didn't manually type them all i did do a copy paste but are these commands case sensitive?

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  • Discord Moderator

Renaming a mod to have a ".disabled" on the end effectively removes it from your build. Starting a server after this will remove ALL blocks/items which are provided by that mod from any chunks that get loaded in your world. This is permanent and irreversible short of doing a restore from backups.


Proceed with caution.

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Renaming a mod to have a ".disabled" on the end effectively removes it from your build. Starting a server after this will remove ALL blocks/items which are provided by that mod from any chunks that get loaded in your world. This is permanent and irreversible short of doing a restore from backups.

Proceed with caution.

Excellent piece of advise. Thank you very much for that. Well it would seem I won't be able to disable qCraft without upsetting a lot of my players, so unfortunately that isn't going to be an option lol. Edited by HalestormXV
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ohh crap, I did the most newbie mistake ever..... I used a iPhone to post on a forum...... I will fix right away will recopy n paste using a computer lol but id like to know what ones failed

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I decided to go check my logs and such for my BTeam server. I have 3G allocated to the server process, but the reported usage seldom goes over 1.5G even with 7 or 8 people on. The CPU usage on the box rarely goes over 30% (60% of one core) and usually VERY low (I'm currently on by myself, bouncing around with teleport between everyone's bases and the CPU load isn't going over 5%). I have no mods disabled and am using MCPC+ build #243 with CoreProtect, GriefPrevention, BanItem, Pex and Essentials as the only plugins which might impact performance.


For good or ill, here's my startup:

/usr/local/java/bin/java -Xmx3072M -Xms3072M -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC 
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 
-XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:+UseBiasedLocking -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 
-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:UseSSE=3 -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:+UseStringCache 
-XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat -XX:+AggressiveOpts -jar mcpcplus.jar nogui

I haven't vetted those arguments in a LONG time so if they are suboptimal please don't hang me.

Edited by plowmanplow
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I rewrote my script. a lot of the old commands are redundant with java 7.51 64 bit
START "MINECRAFT-TEKKIT" /ABOVENORMAL /B java -Xms4G -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:SurvivorRatio=3 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=80 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=10 -XX:GCPauseIntervalMillis=50 -XX:MaxGCMinorPauseMillis=7 -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=60 -XX:+BindGCTaskThreadsToCPUs -Xnoclassgc -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
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Tried your commands plowmanplow and it worked slightly...I had to reboot my machine though. But still seems rather high. CPU Load isnt an issue. It is this java load. With just me on, not really doing anything my java usage is hovering between 2.1 and 2.5G. I really just dont get it. I thought that maybe my host's meter was off so i did the free -m command and still the numbers are accurate. I am just not getting it. Maybe it is one of my plugins? ConsoleFilter perhaps as it is actively working to block message out of my console? My console gets SPAMMED and i mean SPAMMED with IPADDRESS/ disconnected messages if that plugin is not installed.

Edited by HalestormXV
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those ipaddress disconnects are just mojang/minecraft server lists, I was concerned about it one time too, it is just checking for online status is all, nothing to be concerned about


True but could that be causing the high java load. not necessarily the pinging but my plugin filtering them and erasing them from the log? I mean i honestly wouldn't think so but then again at this point i really have no other thoughts as to why my server is using 1.8 gigs of ram when no one is on and 2.5 to 2.7 gigs of ram when there is literally only one person on and there are no chunk loaders present.. 

Edited by HalestormXV
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I doubt it, they are just online status checks as far as I know. I think the new version of tekkit is just that much more demanding is all. you are running a 64 bit java yes? better throughput that way. some mods are really heavy though, computercraft, logistic pipes, applied energistics. if those are not used properly those can lag out a server hard. biome-o-plenty (extra mod) can lagg out a server too. my server runs at a constant 38-53% with 5.11GB ram in use constantly. as long as people get 20 tps they don't care (i have 200 mods running which adds to that)

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Ideally I'd like to find something along the lines of 6 - 8 gigs. Yes I am running 64bit java. And I don't mean to derail the topic but I just can't seem to find a decent host that runs linux and offers that much at a reasonable price. I used to have a host that was a minecraft dedicated server but I decided to switch to a Linux VPS because you have total control but at the cost of slightly higher cash. I just can't find a host that gives a decent price and full control like that.

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You can get a 8GB, 8 Core VPS with leaseweb for $50 a month.

Its been awhile since I've looked around for VPS prices but that seems pretty reasonable to me.


Sounds pretty good. Never heard of them but looks like it would be decent. So i thank you for that, but i don't want to turn this into one of those threads as much as I do appreciate the find. But anyone have any other ideas as to what could possibly be causing such a high usage or is it literally just the nature of the modpack?

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