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[1.0.9c]E-Network - Whitelist - No banned items - 15 Slots [PvE]

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No fancy logo sorry :(

We're looking for mature players only.
Let me just hit you with some truth, if you f**k around, you're surely going to be banned and you won't be able to appeal your ban and all of your diamonds will be mine :)

So yeah, we don't like trolls who want to ruin the fun of others so, just be chill, have fun with the other lads and simply don't break the rules, won't be hard to follow the guidelines.


IP Adress energic.j3w.biz

Website energic.j3w.biz

IRC irc.verque.org:default port on #e-net



  • No Griefing
  • No f**k*ng around with anyone
  • Don't be disrespectful to others even if they have insulted you, contact an operator to reslove the matter
  • Listen to the operators but if they abuse their powers, tell me and I'll give them a good slapping around
  • Build a bit away from the spawn but it'd be nice if you guys would make a cool spawn city


Application Form



Why would you want to join this server:


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Top Posters In This Topic

Name: Scuba_Steve_9er


Why I want to join: I have been jumping around on a few servers and they always seem to shut down or get griefed and I want to play on a more stable server. Plus, I just love this mod pack and I wanna mess around on it with people that love it as much as I do.

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Name: ShinxSundae


  Age: 14


       Why to join server?: I've been joining whitelist servers for a long time now but just cannot find the perfect one, I would like a

    perfect server to join with no-lag and fewest players, And in my opinion I think this server is worthy.

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Name: Fightnight2012

Age: 17

Why would you want to join this server: Every FTB or AoTBT server that I've checked out is clusterf*cked by dozens of gameplay affecting plugins and item blacklists that really annoy the piss out of me. I wanna play on a server where the admin doesn't ban half of the  items in the modpack and even completely block out certain mods because they don't like the mod. Plain and simple, I just wanna check out this server because there's no mention of plugins and there's no banned items. IMHO you get a better experience with modpacks when those aren't in the way.

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Name: Janefender


Age: 14


Why i would like to join server: Because i wont to join a server with limited people, witch actually care about your buildings and stuff, i will be mature and wont swear. so thats why you should let me on the server

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Name: Waynee95

Age: 18

Why would you want to join this server: I love this modpack so much, i know it from youtube (Bdubs, GennyB, Keralis) and i cant wait to enjoy it with some nice people and have fun :D


Im not an native english speaker as you may noticed but i would like to improve my english skills :)

and there not many good german servers :(

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in game name: staale98

Age: 16
Why? i want to join a server where theres friendly and grownup people playing. and not just kids going around building derptowers all over the world. Also i need a server wich is a little quiet because this is the first time playing the mod :) so i do have to learn it from scratch :)

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Name: Waynee95

Age: 18

Why would you want to join this server: I love this modpack so much, i know it from youtube (Bdubs, GennyB, Keralis) and i cant wait to enjoy it with some nice people and have fun :D


Im not an native english speaker as you may noticed but i would like to improve my english skills :)

and there not many good german servers :(

ich weiss bro, es gibt keine deutsche servers im attack of the b-team  :/, I'm not a native German either :)


Everybody is accepted

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Names: RaZzorShine and RhiNo051

Age: 19 and 20

We want to join server because in our country internet sucks and we just can't play and would love to play with other people if they are generally nice guys ofcourse. We have been playing minecraft for a year and a half now and hope that you let us in your server :D

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Name: Wolfism4

Age: 16

Why I want to join the server: This seems like a very trusted server (no briefing… etc.) and I always enjoy making new friends. This is probably my favorite mod pack and I have a pretty good amount of knowledge in it. I just want a server where I can be around other trusted people and have fun! :D


Other: I tend to lean in the designing/building aspect of minecraft a lot. I love designing and decorating, outdoors and indoors. Making my base/spawn/builds look nice. It would be a lot of fun helping make the spawn area look good!

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Name: SMania

Age: 15

Reasoning: Community is always great. something about being a part of any community is encouraging. So that's definitely my biggest reason I want to play. but I also love to just mess around and impress people, something impossible in SSP.

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