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Welcome to ZCraft Reborn! UHC Info at the bottom!

The best AOTBT sserver on this side of the nether! ZCraft is a small, whitelisted, survival server run by hisnamewasz (Below) including many features including a Main Village, Commercial District, Bases for all players, morph flight capabilities, other cool stuff. It is run by hisnamewasz (below) and was founded by him and player slinkslop (not shown). ZCraft is strictly pg rated, and while we will allow moderate (bad words) in the comments, we will not allow any inappropriate buildings or postings in the chat. ZCraft is strictly non-griefing, and griefing in any way will result in an automatic infinite ban. This doesn't mean we cant have fun though! One of the funnest things about Minecraft is pranking other players (Witchery is great for this), and if you apply for ZCraft make sure you know that pranks will be common. Were heavy on member Collaborations, do some fun community projects! Still Interested? Read on below!



No Griefing!

No harassing other players! Though we are OK with some playful Witchery Curses we do not want players getting hurt or killed every time they get on the server. Harassing is an instant ban!

No expropriate buildings or innuendos in the comments! This will be a instant month to life ban!

Be friendly to other players!

We are looking for players that will be on AT LEAST a couple of hours a week! If you are a no show we will give your slot to someone else if you don't give a legitimate excuse.


Below in the comments fill out the following form:

IGN (In game name)

Reason you want to join:

Age (Optional):

Favorite Mod:

Favorite thing to do in Minecraft:

Youtube (If you dont have one it wont beat your chances of joining):

Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (ex: 1=Dirt House 10=Keralis):

Time Zone:

Do you want to participate in the UHC?:


IGN: hisnamewasz

Reason you want to join: I own the server

Age : Not Telling!!!

Favorite Mod: Witchery

Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Redstone Builds and Pranks.

Youtube : Don't Have One

Building Ability: 7

Time Zone: Pacific

Do you want to participate in the UHC?: Heck Yeah!


Morph Flying

Monthly In-Game Newsletter

Commercial District

Main Village


Starter Materials


We want devoted members, Prepare to put in some time.

Collaborations between members!




To kick off our server, we are going to have a 1.7.4 vanilla UHC battle! If you want to participate in the UHC and the server, just make sure to note it below! The first uhc will be held on June 4th at 3:00 pacific time.

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IGN: Rezeero_
Reason you want to join: This seems like a friendly, professional server, and I can agree with the rules. (And I'm in desperate need of a good server.)
Age: 19
Favorite Mod: Thermal Expansion
Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Build!
Youtube: None
Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10: 7
Time Zone: MDT
Do you want to participate in the UHC?: Maybe. (I suck at PvP, so I'll decide later)

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IGN swag24681012
Reason you want to join: I hate playing alone/singleplayer
Age (Optional): 14
Favorite Mod: No real favorite, i mess around with them all
Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Explore and make cool things
Youtube (If you dont have one it wont beat your chances of joining): I have one, but i dont make videos, just use it to watch it is mineswag51
Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (ex: 1=Dirt House 10=Keralis): Around a 4, im just lazy when it comes to building
Time Zone: EST
Do you want to participate in the UHC?: I suck at PVP, but it sounds fun

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IGN: Attackfish007

reason I want to join: I want to have fun and collaborate with other people

Age: 16

Favorite mod: Tinkers all the way, who doesn't want custom weapons?

favorite thing to do: build or explore

youtube: not as of now

building ability: probably between 6 or 7. however on some builds I do an 8

time zone: CST

Do I want to participate in UHC: no thanks.


and thanks for making a server!

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IGN (In game name)THEofficalEMD
Reason you want to join:i played on a public server for a long time but it was lagging and just recently restarted
Age (Optional): 14
Favorite Mod:Tinkers and witchery
Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: make tinkers tools
Youtube (If you dont have one it wont beat your chances of joining):i have youtube but dont plan on recording
Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (ex: 1=Dirt House 10=Keralis): 7.5 :P
Time Zone:east us coast
Do you want to participate in the UHC?:it seems fun cant hurt to try :D

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IGN (In game name) EnderGamesMC
Reason you want to join: I want an AoTBt server with a small community.
Age (Optional): 14 almost 15
Favorite Mod: Carpenters block and micro-blocks are both awesome, I cannot choose one over the other.
Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Explore and mess with almost every single mod.
Youtube (If you dont have one it wont beat your chances of joining): www.youtube.com/user/EnderDGames
Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (ex: 1=Dirt House 10=Keralis): 8.5

Time Zone: EST.
Do you want to participate in the UHC?: It seems it has already happened ;P but i don't think i will have time.

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IGN (In game name): Ifishi
Reason you want to join:I would like to join because I love playing AOTBT and also I love meeting and playing with new people. Also this server seems really fun.
Age (Optional): 14
Favorite Mod: Tinkers contruct, Thermal expansion 
Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: I love building things and exploring everything that the world can throw at me.
Youtube (If you dont have one it wont beat your chances of joining): No I dont plan on recording.
Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (ex: 1=Dirt House 10=Keralis): 8
Time Zone: 
Do you want to participate in the UHC?: Maybe ill see how I feel later


My skype is ifishi890 if this helps


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IGN (In game name)     lockdown142
Reason you want to join:     I enjoy small knit communities, if I am accepted and I enjoy the community (like people aren't rude, but actually welcoming), then I'd be exclusive to your server. I really want to try out this pack and learn it better, and I really love to build when I can. (I also want to dedicate some builds to my lovely lady.
Age (Optional):  17
Favorite Mod: Witchery, Morph, Carpenter's Blocks, Tinker's Construct, so on and etc.
Favorite thing to do in Minecraft:    Explore, fight, and advance my Building abilities.
Youtube (If you dont have one it wont beat your chances of joining):  I have one, but I don't record, but I am more than okay with others recording or even having me along in a recording session because I can be quite funny, helpful, and productive when needed.
Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (ex: 1=Dirt House 10=Keralis): I'd like to say 6 and growing, but it's hard to judge my builds because I always like to try something new and different until it looks good.
Time Zone: Eastern standard time.
Do you want to participate in the UHC?:   Uhmmmm Maybe. I enjoy trying different things, so yeah I guess I would try.
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IGN (In game name) ThunderWoofie
Reason you want to join: I want some nice people to play with :)
Age (Optional): 16
Favorite Mod: Carpenter's Blocks,Tinkers Construct, Witchery
Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Exploring/ Adventuring
Youtube (If you dont have one it wont beat your chances of joining): None
Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (ex: 1=Dirt House 10=Keralis): 8
Time Zone: UTC+8:00
Do you want to participate in the UHC?: Probably. I could try it out :)

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IGN (In game name) Expovolt
Reason you want to join: I want ot have fun and i am to late to apply for the other servers.
Age (Optional): almost 15 in a month
Favorite Mod: morph and witchery  
Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Build explore and finish objectives
Youtube (If you dont have one it wont beat your chances of joining):
Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (ex: 1=Dirt House 10=Keralis): 7
Time Zone:  Eastern Time Zone utc 05:00

Do you want to participate in the UHC?: Why not?

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IGN: CRAZYmonk3y1998

Reason you want to join: I want to join a friendly white listed community, and have fun.

Age (Optional): 16

Favorite mod: my favourite would have to be witchery but I am the best at redpower.

Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Explore through the mods and adventure the mod pack.

Youtube (If you dont have one it wont beat your chances of joining): I am creating a new YouTube channel to record episodes.

Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (ex: 1=Dirt House 10=Keralis): 8, I can build good structures depending on how long I want to take to build something.

Time Zone: EST

Do you want to participate in the UHC?: yes.

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IGN(in game name) thatgreekguy123

Favorite mod: my favourite would have to be witchery.
Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Explore through the mods and adventure the mod pack.

Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (ex: 1=Dirt House 10=Keralis): 6, I can build good structures depending on how long I want to take to build something.
Time Zone: EST
Do you want to participate in the UHC?: Yes.

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IGN: AMC_TunnelRat

Age: 17

Favorite Mod: Tinkers and Flans!

Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Experiment and try to develop new automated things. (redstone ;) )


Building ability on Scale of 1 to 10: 6-7, depends on what im building. I really excel in interior building and designing.

Time Zone: Pacific

UHC? Yes!

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IGN (In game name): HowlingVengence (Also if possible I'd like to have my alt account added just in case I do decide to record IGN: NylockeTheDragon)


Reason you want to join: The last AotBT server I was on went down, and I need a new place to play.


Age (Optional): 18


Favorite Mod: Its a tie between Tinkers and Microblocks.


Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Build things


Youtube (If you dont have one it wont beat your chances of joining): I want to record, but I need someone to do it with or I end up being boring.


Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (ex: 1=Dirt House 10=Keralis): 8


Time Zone: EDT


Do you want to participate in the UHC?: Not really my kind of thing, but I'd be willing to give it a shot. (EDIT: Just saw it already happened)

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IGN: Capshark 
Reason you want to join: I'm looking for a good, somewhat mature server to play on. For YouTube purposes.
Age (Optional): 13
Favorite Mod: Applied Energetics 
Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Try out new things that could work.

Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10: I can build up to at least a 6.
Time Zone: Us  Central Daylight time.
Do you want to participate in the UHC?: Yes

Side note: I know that my favorite mod isn't in here however if we could add I'd be very happy. 

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IGN: Rjgomez6

Reason I want to join: I think Attack of the B-Team is really fun when I was watching Keralis play. I started playing singleplayer but i was really board playing by myself, so I decided i want to play on a friendly, whitelisted server.


Favorite Mod: Carpenters Blocks and Project Red

Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Build amazing things with friends and trying to invent things

Building Ability: 7

Time Zone: Pacific

Do you want to participate in the UHC?: Yes, it sounds fun!

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IGN (In game name): CtrlAlton

Reason you want to join: I was looking for a Attack of the B-Team server to play on.

Age: 14

Favorite Mod: Thermal Expansion

Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Building, especially with redstone.

Youtube: CtrlAlton

Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10: 7

Time Zone: EST(UTC−05:00)

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IGN (SubZeroTemp)
Reason you want to join: I was really looking for a good attack of the b-team server 
Age (You Ain't Got To Know Dis):
Favorite Mod: Morph
Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Make farms
Youtube (Sorry dont have one):
Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (5):
Time Zone:EST(UTC−05:00)
Do you want to participate in the UHC?: Yeah, it would probs be fun
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IGN (In game name) smash090
Reason you want to join: enjoy playing with a small server
Age (Optional):23
Favorite Mod: Necromancy
Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: BUild and automate and explore
Youtube (If you dont have one it wont beat your chances of joining): dont have sorry
Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (ex: 1=Dirt House 10=Keralis):7
Time Zone:CSt
Do you want to participate in the UHC?: Would love you

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Ign: ithinkpuppysare

Reason you want to join:I want a server that doesn't have a lot of people so I can not get raided to


Favorite mod:thermal expansion and mine factory reloaded

Favorite thing to do in minecraft: build


Building ability:8

Time zone:central

Do you want to participate in uhc:yes

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IGN (In game name): firebolt5191
Reason you want to join:I enjoy small servers with a great sense of community
Age (Optional): 18
Favorite Mod: I play around with all but I like MineFactory
Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: redstone/automating things
Youtube (If you dont have one it wont beat your chances of joining):I don't have one
Building Ability on Scale of 1 to 10 (ex: 1=Dirt House 10=Keralis): 7
Time Zone: Eastern
Do you want to participate in the UHC?: Yes

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