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Please, before you ban me, read the entire post. Then you can ban me.

I am Ilan321. (Remember this sentence? ^)

I am sorry that I made all those retarded shitposts I made yesterday, truly sorry. I was shocked yesterday when I was banned, because I was just making jokes.

I thought I should just apologize, and here I am. I was hoping I'd get an unban in a week or so.. but then I read the edit to the ban post. I never thought a few memes would actually hurt, but they did.

<3 to Kake.

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my avatar is always relevant to pretty much every post I make. that is pretty much what I'm doing en entire time I'm on the internet.

can you tell I work in IT?

Only because I can smell you from here.

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Way to give hope to a girl who's currently sitting in her Network class :P
IT is actually pretty awesome. You only need to stay away from people you are doing stuff for. I've yet to see a non-retarded client that has a clue what they really need. As long as you have someone between yourself and the client who can translate their stupidity into their actual needs things are good.

<- a programmer for 8 years

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Way to give hope to a girl who's currently sitting in her Network class :P

abandon hope, all ye who enter here.

I should note that if you are like hoho there, it is indeed nicer. at least I imagine it would be. I do more desktop support than programming, which means I have to translate idiot to english constantly. it can be depressing.

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Way to give hope to a girl who's currently sitting in her Network class :P

if at all possible, avoid contracts with hospitals. I work with blue cross blue shield of oregon, They have a fleet of "IT Professionals" who have yet to figure out how to make their basic information systems interface with firefox. I don't even do IT and it has me ripping my hair out some days.
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at least 75% of all "IT Professionals" are about as smart as a box of rocks. funny you mention hospitals, because my brother (who is in the same field) does IT work for a hospital around here. there have been instances of people trying to verify a dead monitor by connecting to the computer via remote desktop. I'm not even making that up, unfortunately. it's an absolute disaster and almost all the people there except for him are idiots who can't actually do their job.

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I had a summer job in the IT office of a fairly large company last year, including a week on the helpdesk. This was the same week that one of the major systems went belly up. For about three days, the standing solution was "read the intranet homepage". This did not stop the same person ringing up every day to ask if there was any update that wasn't on the intranet.

Somebody else rang up saying that the receipt printer in their office wasn't working. Or rather, was working but wouldn't stop working, to the tune of about 1000 pages. Of course, "I didn't do anything to it". Uh huh, right.

I know these are probably fairly tame, but I was only there for a week and didn't get time to become sufficiently jaded. The rest of the time, I was programming, doing hardware installs...and cataloguing server tapes. I got a free desktop (the one I'm on at the moment) and 5GB of RAM out of it.

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I had a summer job in the IT office of a fairly large company last year, including a week on the helpdesk. This was the same week that one of the major systems went belly up. For about three days, the standing solution was "read the intranet homepage". This did not stop the same person ringing up every day to ask if there was any update that wasn't on the intranet.

Somebody else rang up saying that the receipt printer in their office wasn't working. Or rather, was working but wouldn't stop working, to the tune of about 1000 pages. Of course, "I didn't do anything to it". Uh huh, right.

I know these are probably fairly tame, but I was only there for a week and didn't get time to become sufficiently jaded. The rest of the time, I was programming, doing hardware installs...and cataloguing server tapes. I got a free desktop (the one I'm on at the moment) and 5GB of RAM out of it.

Ahem* If i may:

"Hey there, we recieved your review request, but you didn't include the necessary policy"

"Ok wat is it"

"The policy?"


"I can't tell you what the policy is, you're supposed to tell me when you submit the request"

"o that

where do i find it"

"It's somewhere on the internet, if you tell me the policy number i can do it myself"

"its here C://med/[user]/[company]/[policy]"

Keep in mind, this person used gigantic sparkly glitterfuck font.

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I bet if you'd ask from anyone about their job pretty much all of them would claim the same about themselves :)

true, but in this case it's documentable just how terrible most of the other staff are. either way, I was more confirming the fact that most "IT people" know next to nothing, or at least seem to than anything else.

a more direct anecdote comes from my personal experience as a call center tech support jockey for a large ISP. the next batch of hires after my group included a person who ended up being seated next to me. she was there because she had been laid off from her teaching job and had an information technology degree of some kind (can't remember specifically). she readily admitted to knowing nothing because she had other people do all her homework throughout college. I'm not making this up. I had to teach her how to troubleshoot from the ground up, despite that being the goal of the training she went through after being hired.

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