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New B team server

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Starting a new B-team server, looking for mature players. I would prefer you be over the age of 20, but exceptions will be made for anyone I feel is mature enough. I would also prefer to have a few people on the server at almost all times, I don't have a set schedule so I have a tendency to play at random times.


I'll start off with a little about me; I am an easy going 20 year old, from the US, love minecraft, and I am on quite often. Also I don't have an immense amount of experience with this mod, about 12 hours.


The server will be 24/7 so anyone from any region is welcome to join. No mod experience needed.


Now tell me a little bit about you:


Age:  (If younger than 20 please explain your personality type.)


Experience: (Like I said before, not very important.)


How often you'll be playing: 


Where you are from: (Also doesn't matter much, but fun to know.)




and last but not least, IGN:





Thanks, have a great day.

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Age: 14, I have been told I am more mature then my actual age, I am kind, respectful, and helpful and will express these traits on the server. I am a fan of the small community servers and hope to see you there!

Experience: I have toyed around with the mod pack for a bit and have seen a couple of videos on the modpack, but thats about it.

How often will I be playing: Like yourself, I play Minecraft at random times. I will most likely be coming on every other day at least.

Where am I from: New York :D

Skype: kenneth.cortes4

IGN: Heyjude432

I hope to see you on the server soon bud! (Fun fact, I accidentally deleted this entire thing and had to type it twice :P)

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I am 22 and am sick of playing on public servers and getting raided or mods/items I like being banned because of people griefing


I have played this modpack since it came out and am pretty good with most mods


I will usually be on an hour or two a day but work is inconsistent so sometimes i play all day and other times not at all for a few days


I am from Wisconsin


Don't remember my skype


IGN: gakm4

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Age: 14 I am very Mature, and respect everyone even if they are wrong or bad. I do follow the rules and have very good grades. I am very efficient with what i do and love to play on very nice community's of the Minecraft Universe. 


Experience: I don't have too much experience with the mod pack, but i do love to watch Paulsoaresjr and ChimmnySwift when they upload videos of attack of the b-team and know some things.  


How often you'll be playing:Mostly 5hours a day but ion 4th of july i wont be on because of Independence day. so 


Where you are from: America Eastern near New York.


Skype:Issac Schrock or lordcrazyes95


and last but not least, IGN:Lordcrazyes

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Age:  16, I am mature, I infrequently swear, and I am generally quite friendly. (Bleh, I feel like I am bragging…)


Experience: I haven’t played much of this mod pack, but I have played enough of the other mod packs to have a good idea of what to do.


How often you'll be playing: I will most likely be on every day or every other day, and will probably stay on for at least 2 to 4 hours.


Where you are from: United States

Skype: I currently don’t remember my skype account, but I can create another one if it is necessary.



IGN: bert2211

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Age: 18 - Chill person Experience: experience lvl on attack of the b team - (1-10) im a 7 How often you'll be playing: about everynight for a couple hours. just depends on what i have going on for the day/week Where you are from: Columbus,oh Skype: Caleb.mccurley and last but not least, IGN: Frizy_Boy

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Now tell me a little bit about you: I played minecraft for awhile then moved to League of Legends and have started playing Feed the Beast now.


Age:  (If younger than 20 please explain your personality type.): 13 Charismatic, Funny, and just a generally fun person :)  Even if you don't want a younger person you could see how I work or give me a chance :P .


Experience: (Like I said before, not very important.) Played this modpack for about a week.


How often you'll be playing:  Quite a bit I'm currently out of school.


Where you are from: (Also doesn't matter much, but fun to know.) Canada, B.C.


Skype: legolivey1


and last but not least, IGN: legolivey

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I am 15 years old . I am friendly and funny :) I also love playing in minecraft servers .


I played in other servers for some days now and I have a little bit of experience in this mod pack .


I am going to play about 5 times a week may be less .


I am from Israel :)


My skype is : maxim.subotin


IGN : TheUltraGnom


And i think I will have lost of fun is this server :) :) :)

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Age:  (If younger than 20 please explain your personality type.) 11 im a happy and nice girl i like animals and minecraft and i want to help if someone needs it :)


Experience: (Like I said before, not very important.) i cant play and lern the modpack but i like some mods so i tink i kan lern kvicly


How often you'll be playing: as much as i can


Where you are from: (Also doesn't matter much, but fun to know.) sweden




and last but not least, IGN snowlepard


ihave a pic on my blogg on swedish pixel.bloggo.nu on what i have don on xbox360

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Age:  24, Turn 25 in Nov


Experience: (Like I said before, not very important.) I've been playing Attack of the b Team since it was released, but minecraft since 2012, really only single player though as i haven't found a server


How often you'll be playing: I play a good bit, but i get bored when playing by myself, so with other people ill be on all the time


Where you are from: (Also doesn't matter much, but fun to know.) Pennsylvania, USA


Skype: I don't remember it, but i can re download and find out!


and last but not least, IGN: itzawrap (will be changed to tatorgatorbator at some point though)

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Looks like this may be a good server so I'll give it a go.


First of all, I'm a 23 yo male from South America (Chile to be exact), I like playing minecraft  a lot, an modded minecraft even more. I've played in public servers before but they're not so much fun when griefing happens and whatnot, so I've mostly played in single player. I got this modpack since day 1, so at least I can say I have experience with some of the mods.


My schedule leaves me little free time to play video games so I'll probably join a couple times a week at random times, I'll do my best to be an active player.


My IGN is RadioactiveNero.


Excuse me if I don't give you my Skype name right away, first of all I barely use skype, but most importantly I'd prefer to share it with you if I'm accepted on the server.


Hope to see you in game c;

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Age:  23 hard working and studying guy lel.


Experience: I was playing for about 5 months this mod. The server got deserted so i didnt find enjoyment anymore.


How often you'll be playing: As often as i can. Due to my work i will be able to play 2-3 hours maximum a day.


Where you are from: Uk, London babeee


Skype: dimimiss


and last but not least, IGN: Bobby_Bell

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Also an fyi: the map has been restarted due to the influx of new players, so you will be starting fresh. also there is a currency system i will be implementing in a few hours so there should be an economy running when you join in!

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Age: 20.

Thought i'd throw a little bit about myself in, because why not? 

I'm a laid back guy, very into my tech and gaming and currently enjoying summer after my first year at university studying Graphic Design.


Experience: Very rounded. played a lot of mod packs but B-team is really the first one I've stuck to.


How often i'll be playing: I'd generally say as much as i can. It can surprisingly vary quite a bit, seeing as i basically have no social life.


Location: United Kingdom (No comments on how bad we are at sport please)


Skype: live:ben.moffat


IGN: Sir_3p0

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I'm 17 asian, from Thailand if you wondered. i'm not a serious type of person, funny, friendly and like to help out other people as much as I can.


I play this moded pack a lot by myself


I'll play as much as i can cuz i only have some football practice and hang around with my friends sometimes.


Like i said i'm from thailand but living in Us.


my Skype is kanunyeah


IGN is 2K3As

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Age: 18 

I'm a laid back person,who just's want to play on a server like the YouTubers do and make friends and be part of a community


Experience: i know this mod pack very well been playing it since it came out 


How often i'll be playing: At lest 2-3 hours every day 


Location: USA, SC 

Skype: Coalman95



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Age:  15 im really outgoing and usually hang out with ppl a couple years older than me (not in a creepy way though :P)  i love HARMLESS pranks that dont involve griefing or stealing or any of that there is allways a good laugh when im around :D


Experience: Well ive played in alot of aotbt white listed servers but they just grief and steal too much so im hoping to have a better experience on this server 


How often you'll be playing: as OFTEN as possible


Where you are from: U S A all the way!





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Age: 28


Experience: Ive played vanilla for about a year and have been playing aotbt for a month or so. My base was griefed though in the last server I played on which is demoralizing so Im looking for a new server


How often you'll be playing: Quite often, mostly nights


Where are you from: Canada


Skype: Dont usually use it, but jaygdee09


IGN: JaggedRam

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We now have about 20 players on the the server, could always use a few more! We have a running economy, very community driven group of players, and a spawn town in which you can go to shops or buy land! Come join us!

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age : 20. I like to play AOTBT with people. love to chat and do stuff together *prank included :P


experience : I've been playing this mod for couple weeks and have enough knowledge about the mods.


how often : I play minecraft at least 4 days a week but usualy I play the game every day :)


where am I from : Indonesia


skype : andre elanda


IGN : bro_elanda


I hope you can get me whitelisted to your server ASAP coz I really excited to join with you guys. Thank you.

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Age:  15. I believe that i am quite mature for my age. I was raised to be polite, to be friendly :D I really love whitelisted servers because it is a great place to find a small happy community with a lot of good people:D


Experience: I played FTB quite a lot last year. I now played Attack of the B team for about 3-4 hours and i think i got the hang of it. It's very similar to FTB.


How often you'll be playing: Pretty much every day since it's summer :D


Where you are from: I am from Croatia, Europe


Skype: barici2


IGN: MrLowie321

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