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Problems flying with Modular Powersuits


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I've been playing for about a month on a private server.  For almost all of that time I've been flying in a Modular Powersuit without any problems.  A couple of time the suit's heat went crazy but cooled off fast enough to forestall death.  The other day I was not so fortunate.  I was flying along when all of a sudden I was taking fire damage many multiple times a second.  I was dead in under a second.  I've read around that the problem might be an issue upgraded solar power generator.  I dealt with that later.


I jumped into creative mode when I respawned and rushed over to reclaim my goodies.  When I got there my entire suit was missing as was a number of other items (one was a Large Backpack that was half full - GAH!).  In fact the number of items remaining was just enough to fill my hot bar.  As that is only one data point, I don't know if that is significant or not.


I got home, rebuilt my suit and started to try and fly around again.  Note the word, "try."  I can climb straight up and dive straight down at the regular high rate of speed.  I can fly left, right and backward (once up in the air) by just pressing the, "asd," keys - but at a rate that is somewhere between vanilla walking and vanill running.  When I press the forward key, "w," I drop as if the flight motor was cut.  The flight system is not off as I can still manuever out of the fall.  If I keep my fingers on both the space bar - up - and the "w" key - forward - my climb immediately levels off and I just barely creep forward.  Forward at a speed about akin to a "creep".  I do not exagerate.  I've tested it at just above ground level.


I rebuilt the suit the same was as it was before I died and that configuration was working fine.  I do have the flight computer and the jet pack. They are keybound so I can see messages on the screen that both are running.


I play the world from 2 computers and both are showing the same problem so I am assuming this is on the server side.


Any suggestions on how to try and fix this.  Not flying reaaaaaaaaaaaaaly sux!






edit - clarified one sentence to make it more readable - I hope!

Edited by Silmenume
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Peculiar. I can think of one non-bug reason, i.e. you forgot to enable one of the components. I usually bind all necessary keys for flight to a single button in the Powersuit key bindings, namely Jetpack, Flight Assist and also the Parachute. Can't remember if that was all, as I have not been using a Powersuit for a while (Simply Jetpacks for the win).


And as I hinted, it might just be another bug.

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also check the total weight of your suit, if it is too heavy, the flight control can keep it in place, but flying forward and gaining height is a pain.

Also it gets slower then...


weight tip: don't use builtin batteries, just hold an energy cell in your inventory ;) (must be charged)

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Thanks for all the tips guys!


I did go with the removal of all the batteries and the keeping of a energy cell in the hot bar.  That fixed the problem with my forward speed.  I am now back to the forward speed I had from my first suit when I did have all 5 built in batteries.  I am not complaining about having my speed back, but I am frustrated that the MMMS insn't acting consistently.  However...


While I do have my forward speed back I do fall when going forward if I don't also keep pressing the up button.  The fall is slower, but it is definately there.  So I have to constantly fly in this serpentine path of up and down (falling) when flying forward.  The reason being if I keep pressing the up key while flying forward I continue on an upward arc indefinately - so I have to stop the upward thrust at regular intervals.  Which then starts me on a downward trajectory.


I suppose I should be happy that I got my speed back...


Does anyone think this might be fixed by reloading the mod pack on the server or is the problem stored in the save file?







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did you tinker your flight control module?

if you set this thing any higher than 0, then it reacts a bit strange...

on 100%, it flies in the direction you look, at 0 percent it stays on the same level and you have to manually adjust your height ;)

I didn't know the flight control module was tinkerable!  I'll have to give it a look!  Thanks!





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