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Everything posted by M1r077

  1. Not all the devices are chunk loaded no. The quarry is , and it tells you in the console that it do so.
  2. Check that you didn't set to full power the vertical compensation option too
  3. As you were not telling us witch script was making this error I looked at both on line 22 ... on is "end" and the other "sleep(1)" So I assumed that the issue was here, and I was too fast to answer because in fact the link I gave you will not help you at all sorry , my mistake ... I think the issue stand in the way you concatenate on line 21 though ... but I'm not an expert in lua and I don't really have time for now sorry .... Furthermore I don't think this is the place to ask as this isn't related directly to tekkit even though you use it in tekkit ^^ But for computer craft related question I advice you to maybe Ask A Pro
  4. That is awsome !!! Thanks for the info. And about the connections, pipes,tesseracts and settings that was obvious ^^
  5. As a principle when you call a function that doesn't need a parameter you should add () afterwards. For instance : fAmount = reactor.getFuelAmount should be : fAmount = reactor.getFuelAmount() An example of code that was working before the changes as an example : local t = "Big Reactor Status: "..active.. --"~/Active: "..tostring(reactor.getActive()).. "~/Temperature: Fuel="..reactor.getFuelTemperature().." Casing="..reactor.getCasingTemperature().. "~/Fuel: "..reactor.getFuelAmount().." / Waste: "..reactor.getWasteAmount().. "~/ControlRods: "..reactor.getNumberOfControlRods().. "~/Fuel Efficiency: "..math.floor(temp/100).. "~/Energy: "..string.format("%f", reactor.getEnergyProducedLastTick()).."/Ticks".. "~/Stored: "..reactor.getEnergyStored() But as stated by Curunir you should wait before invest to much time doing a nice program that the next beta became recommended including the new version of ComputerCraft changes...
  6. Does MFFS work to replicate a Turbine though ?
  7. I agree, but also bear in mind that wiki's update is the responsibility of nobody but everyone can update the things with their findings. Some mod authors are using technicpack wiki as the official one for their mods but not all of them. So if people have some spare time to update the wiki they are warmly welcome.
  8. Oops , post edited and link corrected. And yes John : WELCOME TO TEKKIT !
  9. Yep, But then I'm wondering because if we put 37 block of enderium + one block of copper (for example), we get more power but we are going under 1800 RPM, so I'm wondering if , after all, we don't really care about being at optimal speed when we size turbine correctly and produce more power with less RPM. Or maybe that for this given reactor setup (that's output 8125 mb/t at maximum) I should size my turbines based on 1625 mb/t each ( 8125 / 5 ) instead of sizing my turbine based on 2000 mb/t + a little one for the spare 125 mb/t. This will make me able to adjust all turbines to optimal speed and coils compositions in order to maximize the power output ... More study to come. What I'm a bit surprised though, is that I can not really figure out were is the variable parameters. I'd like to put it in numbers and get a table for calculating this more precisely beforehand but not every thing is perfect, even in Tekkit world =9
  10. Hi John827, The main thing to do is setting up the basic ^^ (food, storage, energy, etc...) obvious... and for the rest it's mainly depends on what kind of guy you are : Builder, technician, adventurer, fighter, etc... But your not the only one to ask such things on the forum so there is some post that could help you to find your way. Here some example : TEKKIT PROGRESSION (FROM START TO END GAME) NEED A GOAL TO MAKE PLAYING FUN Curunir answer in "ENERGY GENERATION" topic POWERING MACHINERY .... and many more This are some examples but there is then a lot to read in Tekkit Discussion Forum about specific things, if you sort out all the post that have nothing to do here In any case , if you need help , doesn't hesitate to come here and ask nicely we will be glad to help you. edit : Removed broken funny link that was leading to a post where someone get banned to have used irrelevant language and wasn't really a nice fellow.
  11. Hehe, seeing my setup as bugged you =) Yes I have 4 turbines as you saw, and my calculated setup is 4 full enderium coils plus 4 blocks on the fifth one + 1 copper block based on this table I have made based on the wiki information. Definitively as you've said 38 is too much and 37 is even too much as well.
  12. I test a thing though : I just added a block of enderium in the free space in my non-complete ring and with less rpm I got more power ... I have to think more about that
  13. So ... In fact .. 1800 RPM is not better than more if still in the green part I think.. look at the screenshot below : It doesn't looks like 1800 RPM is better than more regarding power output. I have a slight doubt now about my calculations for turbine design .... I use a 27 blocks high turbine including exactly 80 blades and 4 full coils of enderium block and a fifth coil with 4 Enderium blocks and 1 Copper block. This because I would like my turbine to be configuration free -> 2000 mb/t flow and producing efficiently. Do you see anything wrong here ?
  14. Were some extended testing are needed you are able to make calculations and spend huge amount of time testing Curunir, but setting up two tanks and two tesseract to see if 20% of your liquid are disappearing was not your priority =) I find this funny ^^ Thanks jakarth for the clarification. So some fine tuning are necessary to reach a steady (exact) 1800 RPM where I will gather more energy than with a bit more or a bit less. Let's do that then and I'll come back with a screen of GUI.
  15. Curunir your a beast =) Always understanding what people meant and answering thoroughly and precisely ^^ To be frank , I found the issue I was facing and most of my questions became then irrelevant ... But because I think it's nice to have something in writing for people that look for information I'll try to answer point by point: My main issue was in fact that I did set-up the ReactorFluidPort<->Tesseract<->TurbineSteamInput and like this it's not working at all. Now that I've put a tesseract by port the numbers I get makes total sens. The data table from the test made by Saice is for me a bit confusing, to many numbers and too many "if", "default values", and assumptions etc.... Thanks to Gio2 for the link even if it was not really answering my question and even though I've already started my own table based on the official BigReactor wiki data that have made me able to size perfectly my Turbine the way I wanted to : That's exactly what I meant Curunir, a large tank is then the solution to make the reactor spitting out all what he have. Do an ME network managing liquid is considered as a huge tank ? That is explaining my crap fertility rate at the moment as I have only one turbine set up out of around 4 and a half planned to handle the production of "The Core"like reactor. I think I stated wrongly my 4th question here: What I was wondering is if the information on the steam need was passing physical by the water system and if the fact that my water system was the same one as the overworld reactor system could possibly fuck up the steam request, but I realize now that I explained really badly my wonder. Why are you saying : "Using tesseract for more important things" ? Anything to do with the cost of building one ? If that's the case I have an answer =) -> "I don't care about the cost of things as my mob auto-spawner working since nearly a year with all possible mobs inside, plus more than a half a thousand quarries so far and laser drills are making us able to play in survival as if we were in creative" ^^ This question is, as well, irrelevant now that I discovered that if I use one tesseract per port it's going really well ^^ Nevertheless after having corrected the tesseract issue here the result of the initial start of the turbine that was not working because 0 mb/t (or heratic numbers when I was sharing the frequency with my overworld setup) and without any modifications :
  16. Hi all, I'm setting up some reactor since the first versions of BigReactor mod and I'd tried to keep-up with the several changes over the different versions. I was mainly working with one passive set-up (1700 RF/t) for powering my sorting, processing and crafting system on the overworld and Two active reactor setup to produce steam to sustain some turbine in order to power some laser drills and be able to bear with 16 Quarries in the same time. It was going well ... more or less ... Lately we've decided with my friends to setup a Mars base and to try to, as far as possible, be autonomous in term of sorting, processing, crafting and power generation and this by using ME network instead of Logistic Pipes and we all know that this is a bit more power consuming. So we came up with the idea of setting up a BigReactor and some turbines on Mars and we want this setup completely separated from the Overworld. I explain all that because for the beginning we used tesseract to bring power in order to set-up the oxygen system and also the shield on the base, then once this have been achieved we start building a big Big reactor based on the design of "The Core" except that we do not want to attach all the turbine in the same way that for "The Core" but we prefer to use less but bigger turbine. So here come my questions : Do someone know how BigTurbine are requesting to BigReactor the flow rate that they need ? (I know that we set-up the amount we want in the GUI and then it should work but sometimes, when more that one reactor are providing the steam I still not understand how the load balancing is made). Do someone know how to ask BigReactor to produce at full speed all the steam that it could possibly produce ? Do someone know why even by using different tesseract frequencies on different dimensions for the steam I still see my Mars reactor producing the exact amount of steam that one single turbines, out of the three OverWorld turbines, is requesting ? Do there is a relationship in between the water and the steam request ? (because I take the water in some tesseract that have the same frequency for water). Do someone know when, and how often, the steam flow request are made/updated in between BigReactors and BigTurbines ? I know that's a lot of questions and that, maybe, my english level is a bit poor to express clearly my questions. But I hope I made them (my questions) understandable. Best regards and I'm looking forward to see your answers and experiences.
  17. Just put a computer in front of the computer port and clicking the computer to type 3 lines : lua local reactor = peripheral.wrap("back") reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(x) I don't really call that programming ... But setting up or having to change more that 10 control rods settings by hand would piss me off so badly .... Just to say ... I was just feeling so sorry for the work you've achieved ... EDIT: Typo corrected
  18. Actually you can do that using a computer craft:
  19. Did you know that you can also double click on this same NEIs search box to highlight the items that are matching the partial search you are doing in it ? The search box border is then yellow to indicate that this mode is on.
  20. This need to be explained a bit further then. How come a single transfer node can access 8 watersource in the same time ? Because one transfert node is, even if submerged in water, touching only 5 faces of a cube right ? I never used transfer nodes so maybe I'm not really understanding the mecanic though...
  21. Thanks Tuxmelv for this update, I missed that ! Great ! Do they changed the altitude things also then , I'll check the code tomorrow for this y 128 things to be sure.
  22. Nice HeatHunter, and did you get a chance to see how often they yeld ? Every 10-12 seconds or more up than 15 ?
  23. To be full speed you'll need to setup your lasers a z 128 at least anyway =) Really nice numbers anyway. Do you mind if I ask you your texture pack name and link by the way ?
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