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MSN B-Team is now hiring

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Hello all today I'm here searching for devoted and knowledgeable staff to work on my Attack of The B-Team server.

needed staff and available position

*I will edit this topic upon new recruits being hired*


Management - 1

Administrators - 2

Moderators - 4

Chatmods - 2


These are our open position and will be glad to pick anyone up who is able and willing to take on the responsibilities

-Application form-


Name(not required)=




Age(not required)=


Knowledge of modpack(1-10)=


Familiarity of Server-side commands(1-10)=



*(hours you can be on daily, or how many days a week you can be on)*


Experience(Must be Active servers)=


Strengths(Anything you consider a strength)=


Weaknesses(Anything you consider a weakness..Even chocolate)=


Can you attend weekly staff meetings over skype=


Skype Name(So i can contact you)=

[You may also PM me the name, for privacy]


What position do you think best suits you, and why=


Good luck to all applicants, I'm looking forward to hearing from many prospects. Have a great day and please do not be shy  :)

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-Application form-


Name(not required)= Geri (Nickname)


Username= Petlover48


Age(not required)= 16


Knowledge of modpack(1-10)= 7.5


Familiarity of Server-side commands(1-10)= 7


Availability= almost everyday, but if i am not on for a period, im busy.

*(hours you can be on daily, or how many days a week you can be on)*


Experience(Must be Active servers)= No


Strengths(Anything you consider a strength)= Im very fun to play with, i have a level of strictness that can help the server not go down/no one goes on. I DONT RAGE QUIT IF I DONT GET STAFF!!!


Weaknesses(Anything you consider a weakness..Even chocolate)= i dont go well with arguements and have a problem with mean people.


Can you attend weekly staff meetings over skype= Umm, i dont have skype, so um ya


Skype Name(So i can contact you)= like i said i dont have a skype

[You may also PM me the name, for privacy]


What position do you think best suits you, and why= mod/admin because i have more avalibility to the more useful commands and i can help more players, but not give them ANY items.

Edited by Petlover48
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Name(not required)= Jakob


Username= TheCantStopMe


Age(not required)= 16


Knowledge of modpack(1-10)= 9, no one is perfect at everything, so i can improve on the mechanical side.


Familiarity of Server-side commands(1-10)= 8, not sure which one you use, but I am very knowledgeable with multiple types of plugins and commands.


Availability= I can be on everyday on the week. Weekdays ranging from 1-4 hours due to highschool and baseball and weekends ranging from 1-8 hours and more if needed.

*(hours you can be on daily, or how many days a week you can be on)*


Experience(Must be Active servers)= I do not have any active servers that I have been staff on, but if you want the skype names of my previous server owners, I am able to give them to you.


Strengths(Anything you consider a strength)= Some strengths of mine are being friendly, nice, and kind. I can communicate well with people and can cooperate with anyone. I am athletic too.


Weaknesses(Anything you consider a weakness..Even chocolate)= Some weaknesses of mine are being to nice sometimes, but I can get over that quickly if being taken advantage of.


Can you attend weekly staff meetings over skype= Yes, I am able to attend them almost every weekend.


Skype Name(So i can contact you)= TheCantStopMe

[You may also PM me the name, for privacy]


What position do you think best suits you, and why= An administrator because I am a very friendly type of person and kind. I enjoy to help out people and I even do it when I am not on a staff position. I love to look over servers and keep them in sync. I enjoy helping out people and communicating with the players.


Thanks for considering, Jakob.

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-Application form-


Name(not required)= Teejaye


Username= Teejaye_Man


Age(not required)= 13


Knowledge of modpack(1-10)= 8 I can improve though because I will do anything to get hired on this server and to help everyone that I can.


Familiarity of Server-side commands(1-10)= 9 I know all aobut the essential plugins and I can increase my knowledge of the server-side commands if possible.


Availability= I can be on everyday of the week from 3:00 to 11:30 so i hope this is good enough for you if not I am sorry because I can not change these times until the weekends.

*(hours you can be on daily, or how many days a week you can be on)*


Experience(Must be Active servers)= I had my own server but I couldn't afford it because people wouldn't donate to help my servers foundation but it's alright because if I get accepted on this server I will help out as much as I can. I also am Admin on a pixelmon server that is increasing its popularity fast.


Strengths(Anything you consider a strength)= I consider my typing speed a strength and my reading abilities because i am fast at typing and reading which can really help me deal with situations in the chat quicker so I won't be stuck  reading while the "fight" is happening.


Weaknesses(Anything you consider a weakness..Even chocolate)= My only weakness is trolls which I can handle just not tolerate because I know a lot of minecrafters my age tend to troll but luckily I am not a "troll" but I do make jokes some times to cheer others up and just for laughs but I will be serious to my working dutys.


Can you attend weekly staff meetings over skype= Yes I can as long as I get a schedule I can see what times I am available from staff meetings.


Skype Name(So i can contact you)= swagg-jones (my friend set up my skype and I regretted that name ever since).

[You may also PM me the name, for privacy]


What position do you think best suits you, and why= I think Admin suits me because I am a loyal, humble kind of person and no matter what it is I will always try my best even if I think I can't do it which I always believe in myself just at times certain tasks can be frustrating. No matter what happens I will always stand by the side of my co-workers and the boss. As I said i'm a loyal person ready for anything.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Name(not required)=Robert




Age(not required)=13


Knowledge of modpack(1-10)=6 or 7


Familiarity of Server-side commands(1-10)= 4 or 5


Availability=ill try to be on as much as possible most likely in the afternoons 2-3 hours a day maybe less

*(hours you can be on daily, or how many days a week you can be on)*


Experience(Must be Active servers)= i do have some experience with being staff


Strengths(Anything you consider a strength)=I am a youtuber, i am an okay video editor


Weaknesses(Anything you consider a weakness..Even chocolate)= Idk really


Can you attend weekly staff meetings over skype= Most likely


Skype Name(facebook:robert.kinsey.752)=

[You may also PM me the name, for privacy]


What position do you think best suits you, and why=i wanna be an admin or mod cause i wanna help make the server popular! even if i dont get in i will still play your awesome server!

Edited by smartrobert00
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