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As the post said, post your building ideas here!

I'll start:

A fully functionating powered metro under my city.

A giant factory wich powers itself and that the end result will be diamond blocks.


Fully automated railcraft and steves carts based mining processing system.

Fully automated crafting factory for machinery. Only EE allowed is condenser chests with a raw material, but the condenser may not be powered by a collector or an AMR. Condenser only. Factory must be completely automated. You may input materials and have it automatically sorted and stored instead of the EE condensers, but once it leaves your inventory into storage you may not touch it again. To obtain your crafted machinery, you may use any method to request that you want, though I give you a hint there is a super duper easy way to do it and a somewhat more difficult way to do it.

RedPower controlled Nuclear Reactor. Reactor must be a SUC type, meaning it must receive disposable cooling. Reactor must have enough power storage for at least the entire power cycle, no loss allowed. Reactor must have automatic safeties that are not based around the IC2 nuclear control addon. All control and supply systems must be run from a single RedPower computer (this is not difficult, just slap a couple of memory modules on it and it will be fine). Must have electric lighting (RP Lamps count)


Someone else created a thread about building a self-replicating mining machine that you set off and it "moves" around deploying new miners/quarrys, scooping up all the material and once a spot has been stripmined move itself to a new place.



I'll see you back in a year when you finished that! :D

Haha, it won't be literally THAT big, just a smaller version to house all my machines (except for quarries, farms and that stuff). And I think it will cover at most an area of 3x3 chunks.


A fully automated quarry factory that produces every kind of valuable into a sorting machine powered by minecarts and (un)loaders, that are then pumped into the city hall which are used as money in the bank, then when bought by players are smelted down into items and exploded since the items were faulty and killed the players.



Ah forget what I've said about that big floating base being my main base/home. My home will be like Tony Stark's home in Iron Man. I've found a very nice mountain for that.

And now that Direwolf20 has made a self-propelling computer-controlled Redpower frames quarry, I'm going to build one too! But I'll let mine look like that base in the picture, as that would look very awesome. A spacestation that can move around and mine loads of stuff. :D


Star Wars; CIS; Lucrehulk Coreship

[img width=800]

This Coreship should be very large since the only way to make circles in MC is to make them very Large.


Lately I've built a park and am currently considering gold and lapis-based monuments. Otherwise, I am still trying to figure out how to build the Taj Mahal in 1:1 scale or possibly at twice the size considering it's smaller than I thought it'd be.

I also consider recreating famous landmarks such as the statue of Chirst the Redeemer in Rio and other such monuments throughout the world. I also wouldn't mind recreating Machu Picchu but I don't think I'd be willing to take on that project unless we had something like cubic chunks going so I could place them at the proper elevation above sea level.

I'm still working on perfecting my interpretation of an Oracle building in Greek style architecture and a recreation of the Oracle of Delphi.

In short, I think about many projects but I enjoy recreating monuments within MC (most just for myself ;p).

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