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And just when I wanted to start the server again, the Beastnode website goes down... Dammit.

And the worst is, this bug in CC is fixed in their latest update, 1.4. Which is not in the latest Tekkit...

I'm not certain but you could probably have it just server-side unless cc checks the version since Im guessing no blocks were changed or anything.

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An update on the internet project. You can send and receive pages that arent particularly useful for now as it can just show a bunch of text. Im going to work on adding routers and dns servers and repeaters and stuff because rednet can only travel 75 blocks (in thunderstorms only like 15 so it would be unusable :() but there will be a way to send and receive data and click links. Right now the clients just like hey server guess what "/" the server says hey look computer id x is telling me he wants the file at / ill tell him the page title (later it will be able to send a code and if its a certain one you can be redirected) then the client says hey he responded i guess the servers online ill wait for him to send the page, then it fills an array with each line then it prints the page title, the filepath, and the signal strength which honestly doesnt matter but it is accurate and looks nice :) then it prints the page, I just had the server send foo a bunch of times since i didnt feel like making an actual page, here it is.


Unfortunately i will be gone again until next wednesday :(

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Well, my dear ollie, since pumping stuff out of someone's private chest counts as stealing, you have been banned. Please don't play innocent... We have logs. (And no, not the woody kind)

I only pumped stuff out of the chests because I was going to team up with my freind and he sent me the coordinates of his house and told me to meet him there, however I had to do something else so I went to find his house when he wasn't online, but he had sent me the wrong coordinates. I then on my way there wondered if he had locked his chests so I texted him and he said yes, but you can pump stuff out if you like, so I traveled to the wrong house and pumped out of the wrong chests.

I now know where his house really is and I am not the griefing type and would give my whole inventory, including stuff in my bag to whoever I accidently stole from.

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  • In-Game Name: heyokajan
  • Age: 18
  • Experience with Tekkit: I have been one of the first players owning a little server myself to play on with my friends. Further my experience with technic goes back even further.
  • Did you read the rules?: Yes of course I did and I promise not to break them.
  • Your personal http://whitelist.mcf.li/ link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/b8932fccc6a2f41424723539a81345a2cc5d82f1
  • Why were you banned?[if not leave blank]: If I knew I could tell you since I just found out myself through that link. I wouldn't know where or why. Perhaps someone who just hates me that banned me on a server to refrain me from getting online. Further I am just completely surprised by the outcome.

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I only pumped stuff out of the chests because I was going to team up with my freind and he sent me the coordinates of his house and told me to meet him there, however I had to do something else so I went to find his house when he wasn't online, but he had sent me the wrong coordinates. I then on my way there wondered if he had locked his chests so I texted him and he said yes, but you can pump stuff out if you like, so I traveled to the wrong house and pumped out of the wrong chests.

I now know where his house really is and I am not the griefing type and would give my whole inventory, including stuff in my bag to whoever I accidently stole from.

So you pumped stuff out of the wrong chest? Heres the problem with this lie, you said your friend had his chests locked so he would have had his name on them and the person who you stole from probably had their names on the chests or at least somewhere around their house so i seriously doubt this was a mistake

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  • In-Game Name: heyokajan
  • Age: 18
  • Experience with Tekkit: I have been one of the first players owning a little server myself to play on with my friends. Further my experience with technic goes back even further.
  • Did you read the rules?: Yes of course I did and I promise not to break them.
  • Your personal http://whitelist.mcf.li/ link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/b8932fccc6a2f41424723539a81345a2cc5d82f1
  • Why were you banned?[if not leave blank]: If I knew I could tell you since I just found out myself through that link. I wouldn't know where or why. Perhaps someone who just hates me that banned me on a server to refrain me from getting online. Further I am just completely surprised by the outcome.

Added, please dont grief

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In-Game Name: Urist_Stonepunch

Age: 22

Experience with tekkit: played on several servers (got tired of griefers/lag on each), I've made a nuclear reactor (and it didn't explode) and have a penchant for spiffy buildings (after being a moleperson and collecting a bunch of resources :D). I am also a wiki ninja and generally only ask a question if I don't know the name of the mod/thing to be able to search for the answers in a wiki. I also lean towards buildcraft and industrialcraft with a small dash of EE.

Did I read the rules?: Yup. Nice job including rule number 1 there, last server was an endless stream of some guy hassling the mods to un-ban his friend...

Just want to contribute to a good server where people are friendly and I don't have to cower underground for fear of grief. I'm STILL not sure how someone managed to steal my quarries when all machine blocks are protected...

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So you pumped stuff out of the wrong chest? Heres the problem with this lie, you said your friend had his chests locked so he would have had his name on them and the person who you stole from probably had their names on the chests or at least somewhere around their house so i seriously doubt this was a mistake

I didn't know their mc name because they where my friend from school so I thought that if I had the coords correct then I would know their name but it turns out it wasn't their name, and it isn't a lie, I wouldn't lie when I can easily go on other servers.

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In-Game Name: Urist_Stonepunch

Age: 22

Experience with tekkit: played on several servers (got tired of griefers/lag on each), I've made a nuclear reactor (and it didn't explode) and have a penchant for spiffy buildings (after being a moleperson and collecting a bunch of resources :D). I am also a wiki ninja and generally only ask a question if I don't know the name of the mod/thing to be able to search for the answers in a wiki. I also lean towards buildcraft and industrialcraft with a small dash of EE.

Did I read the rules?: Yup. Nice job including rule number 1 there, last server was an endless stream of some guy hassling the mods to un-ban his friend...

Just want to contribute to a good server where people are friendly and I don't have to cower underground for fear of grief. I'm STILL not sure how someone managed to steal my quarries when all machine blocks are protected...

Added, welcome!

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  • In-Game Name: NickGreenwald
  • Age: 13
  • Experience with Tekkit: A month, studied a lot of videos too
  • Did you read the rules?: yes
  • 1. No hassling admins
    2. No spam
    3. No duping
    4. No hacking
    5. No griefing
  • Your personal http://whitelist.mcf.li/ link: umm, i was banned twice, that was on a stress test server (blow up tnt to test a servers limits) and for defending a friend from an unfair admin.
  • Why were you banned?[if not leave blank]: I kinda just explained that. The stress test was random ban, and dick of an admin. I dont know if i was ever logged into mcbans or anything.

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  • In-Game Name: NickGreenwald
  • Age: 13
  • Experience with Tekkit: A month, studied a lot of videos too
  • Did you read the rules?: yes
  • 1. No hassling admins
    2. No spam
    3. No duping
    4. No hacking
    5. No griefing
  • Your personal http://whitelist.mcf.li/ link: umm, i was banned twice, that was on a stress test server (blow up tnt to test a servers limits) and for defending a friend from an unfair admin.
  • Why were you banned?[if not leave blank]: I kinda just explained that. The stress test was random ban, and dick of an admin. I dont know if i was ever logged into mcbans or anything.

  • In-Game Name: NickGreenwald
  • Age: 13
  • Experience with Tekkit: A month, studied a lot of videos too
  • Did you read the rules?: yes
  • 1. No hassling admins
    2. No spam
    3. No duping
    4. No hacking
    5. No griefing
  • Your personal http://whitelist.mcf.li/ link: umm, i was banned twice, that was on a stress test server (blow up tnt to test a servers limits) and for defending a friend from an unfair admin.
  • Why were you banned?[if not leave blank]: I kinda just explained that. The stress test was random ban, and dick of an admin. I dont know if i was ever logged into mcbans or anything.


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hmmm, whenever i try to log in to the server, it says this: Internal client error: javaio.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://session.minecraft.net/game/joinserver.jsp?user=NickGreenwald&sessionId-430566408388994138&serverId=-77a08a1314c39e\e6d

Any idea wha tthat means?

I was getting the same thing, but it just means minecraft.net is down and we have to wait until it is back up to go on any server.. :(

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