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[CTM][Tekkit 2.1.0|1.1] Feed the beast, tekkit style.


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This map is inspired by slowpoke's Feed the Feast and Vech's CTM.

It is a tekkit (multi-player, but only for co-op) map that gives you few resorses and you must submit items into the machine in the center of the map. If you submit items it will give other items back out, as a reward. To beat the game, all the items must be submitted.

There is ONE hidden chest, no more.

Here is a hint if you get stuck:

SPOILER ALERT: To get iron, you must go to the nether and spawn a mob to give you an item to turn into iron.







http://dl.dropbox.com/u/42160855/Minecraft map/Tekkit download.rar

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Dude you can't like use other peoples ideas man! I demand to see a list of permissions for all of the authors of the mods in Tekkit as well as Notch, Sun Microsystems, Microsoft, Intel, and Alan Turing.

Microsoft? Notch? Intel? I didnt use any of theese peoples ideas.

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I've started playing your map and it's great fun so far, only issue is when you put the first item in it flashes all the lights including the done light.

Fixed, re-download if you want to fix it (You will have to start over if you choose to do this, sorry :/)

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Herp derp i failed, another crosswire, the explosion is supposed to cut off a certin wire in the machine, but the crosswire prvented it from working :(

Updated the download so it works now.

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We tried this map for SMP, but it had "a few errors". It seems like it was made for 1.1, and not 3.0.3

If you load it in single player tekkit then on your server it should work. Probably just needs to be converted to anvil :)

P.S. Can not even open the map in single player tekkit. Does it have any forestry objects in it?

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