A couple of my members came across a bug related to advanced machine's rotary macerator. The process to easily create an endless supply of iron is roughly as follows:
1. Put Iron Ingot + Coal in Rotary Macerator -> Receive 2 Refined Iron Dust
2. Smelt refined iron dust into refined iron
3. Place Refined Iron into Rotary Macerator -> Receive 2 Iron Dust
4. Smelt Iron Dust into Iron Ingots
5. Repeat process.
Coal should be consumed but alas it is also not properly removed. Unsure of the reason as to why this is yet. It will remove the coal if you try to take it out of the macerator but if you just leave it in there it doesn't bring down the count.
Even if the coal was consumed, it was my understanding ingots are = 1 dust. Half an ore. And to fix this quickly we adjusted the advanced machines code to only give the player 1 dust for both methods of macerating ingots. (Refined Iron/Iron)
This isn't a required fix but I feel a few of you might benefit from it. I personally see it as an exploit.
I don't know the rules on distributing modified files, so Kaker or whoever feel free to delete the fuck out of this post.
To clarify, here is exactly what was changed...
Old stupid code:
if ((itemstack.id == this.idIronDust) && (itemstack1.id == Item.COAL.id))
this.currentResultCount = 128;
return new ItemStack(mod_IC2AdvancedMachines.refinedIronDust, 2);
New stupid code:
if ((itemstack.id == this.idIronDust) && (itemstack1.id == Item.COAL.id))
this.currentResultCount = 128;
return new ItemStack(mod_IC2AdvancedMachines.refinedIronDust, 1);
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?si7yjjexv9p15w0 <- Modified advanced machines zip. just replace the current one in the mods folder.
Note: I am not responsible for breaking your server into little pieces. I have tested this and it works perfectly fine on my test server and live server. I cant imagine anything going wrong for you, but if something happens... totally not my fault. Test before implementation!