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Everything posted by sct

  1. The smackdown cometh'
  2. You have to use plugins made for craftbukkit 1.1-R4, not for the most recent version.
  3. What version of Minecraft was your vanilla map running?
  4. I just can't bring myself to help someone who can't help themselves.
  5. Haven't you heard? This forum is full of criminals.
  6. Ah. I never ran into that issue myself. (I don't use computercraft )
  7. Are you running Towny or any other protection plugins?
  8. Should be working just fine
  9. Jewmassacre? What a lovely name!
  10. Try updating Java?
  11. True but for the most part (unless I am mistaken) everything he is saying he would change would be done through mods, not directly editing the craftbukkit classes. That is reserved for modloadermp/forge. (And I guess chickencodecore or w/e he calls it)
  12. I am confused. You are going to directly implement a mod that associates with IC2/etc or are you editing IC2/etc directly to add these features? And for most of the changes you are bringing up it doesn't matter what version of bukkit is used next. None of them seem like they would be bukkit plugins anyways.
  13. Re: Next Go-Around, please configure the pack better for balance and gameplay I dont think you really have any idea what you are talking about either. Tekkit is a pack of mods. What you are suggesting is a git repository with all the source code of all of these mods. Keeping that up to date and merging pull requests would just be stupid.
  14. Re: Next Go-Around, please configure the pack better for balance and gameplay Just to clarify. I refunded his donation and didn't ban him for "complaining." I banned him after he started insulting me saying it was abuse of my power to refund his donation without telling him first. After he called me an asshole and insulted the server/time I put into the server... it escalated to a lovely ban!
  15. Re: Next Go-Around, please configure the pack better for balance and gameplay We are planning our first national long range missile launch for the weekend!
  16. Re: Next Go-Around, please configure the pack better for balance and gameplay Let's see how long you last before you get banned here too!
  17. Default spawn protection area perhaps? Don't think it stops explosions though.
  18. You could... you know... use the controls section found in the in-game options?
  19. So confused by the lack of RAM but an SSD o.o
  20. Teleport pipes are individual to the player. Two players cannot mix frequencies.
  21. Well I looked it up for you because I remember seeing something about them bridging before. This is from the official Towny website (not specifically the towny advanced bukkit page) "Warning: The initial release of TownyChat does not hook HeroChat’s ChannelEvent. Look for an update soon." But it does have this under it: default-message-format: '{townytag}{color}[{nick}] &f{prefix}{townycolor}{townyprefix}{player}{townypostfix}{suffix}{color}: '
  22. I don't believe TownyChat supports channel bridging with HeroChat yet (last I read). This also isn't really the place to ask for plugin support. I would go to their respective bukkit development pages.
  23. oooooooooooooooo someone's gonna be in troubleeeee
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