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Everything posted by sct

  1. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that.....(doesn't ask him to log in) More like... "impeckable" am i rite? hahaha.. haha :toot:
  2. I don't see what the problem is. Your new name is ~*AMAZING*~
  3. Why did you choose this forum to post this? Why would you want to go from a semi-decent name to an absolutely terrible name?
  4. The devs here don't keep track of every hosting company out there. And even if they do how do you expect them to know anything about a os called "mossycobble." What is that even? Is that a custom linux distro they run? It could be anything.
  5. Yes. That's what a development build is. It's used for development.
  6. Are you talking about the dev build? Nothing in the dev build is final.
  7. http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,2797.0.html Try changing your path in the bat to the full java path. Should look something like: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe
  8. a) Follow the bug report format Install Java?
  9. Okay didn't know that. Then I guess it's a pretty trustworthy source. Their site is just shady as hell looking.
  10. You have no idea what you are talking about! And regarding the OP, you will want to read the stickies here for two reasons: A) So you don't get helen kellered because you didn't read the stickies Your answer is in the stickies :toot:
  11. I mean how trustworthy are they? It may work... but also take your minecraft account information while it's at it.
  12. There. Edited to be more helpful and less of a jerky jerk.
  13. oh boy. edit: Hey bud. You should read the rules!
  14. Here is where you are wrong. IT WORKS FINE WITHOUT THE FIXES. Big surprise. Plenty of people play with their local friends and never go public with their servers. These people don't need the block place event fix, or the EE fix, etc. Tekkit works just fine out of the box. If you want to have a successful server, yes.. you have to put in 5 minutes of extra work. You will be spending much more time setting up Bukkit plugins then implementing any of the Tekkit patches.
  15. it's probably an item spill. You can try running //remove items 1000 when you log in if you can. This will clear any dropped items on the floor assuming you have worldedit installed.
  16. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that.....(doesn't ask him to log in) Bullshit. I want to see a penguin :smith:
  17. Re: Next Go-Around, please configure the pack better for balance and gameplay Why can't you comprehend the fact you are not entitled to anything? If the entire technic team shut its doors and walked away from this project it would be completely their choice. They make no money and give what little free time they have to get this pack out there. They are going to make Tekkit 3 as great as they can. If some bugs slip through I hope the community catches them and offers fixes like before. I am grateful they do this at all but for some reason you don't understand that they don't have to wipe your ass for you. Just because it's not included doesn't make the pack or the staff that puts together the pack any less awesome. You are not paying for a product so you have no right to demand anything. Take it for what it is. If you don't like it, well, feel free to get bent. (Oh my god I have been waiting to say that) :toot:
  18. I think you are overestimating the amount of data transfer going on even WITH all of them close by. MMO's use a lot less bandwidth than you might expect. They are also optimized to push lots of the same data together.
  19. I am sure they will do just fine financially. Ill probably dump more money than necessary into the game because that's what I do.
  20. Sounds like you screwed something up and EE failed to load. This is why you test before implementation but what do I know.
  21. The community rage though. It would be a tidal wave of hate.
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