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Everything posted by sct

  1. I like all the people complaining about Diablo 3. You are all going to buy that shit anyways and give Blizzard your money because in the end... its Diablo 3 and not owning it is probably a sin in whatever religion.
  2. this piece of shit mod is FUCKING US ALL AGAIN
  3. Are you one of those people who hates great things? Because TerraFirmaCraft being in the launcher would be a great thing. I manually install every update he puts out but I would love it even more if it was in the launcher.
  4. This texture pack cured my cats cancer.
  5. I have been suggesting this EVERY DAY but my pleas go unheard. BTW IN TECHNIC PLZZZZZ
  6. You doesn't afraid of anything like me probably.
  7. I want everyone to know I am 100% serious about spending all of Kakers money. It has been my plan all this time. I am doesn't afraid of anything.
  8. Good to hear. Thanks for making a proper bug report. :v:
  9. There are two types of bronze wrenches. You can see them both in NEI. Try spawning the other one and see if it works then.
  10. You really shouldn't sign you posts. It's against the rules you know!~
  11. This is unacceptable. I will contact my sources. Do you want me to find out who they were for you?
  12. Hey now! No reason to be a huge dick. He said thanks!
  13. Oh I see he wanted the breakdown from HV down to simple machinery input. Do what Pulse said.
  14. It would help if we knew ANYTHING about the error your friend was getting. "He cant connect!" is pretty generic. What is it telling him? Connection timed out? Read error? What? Come on now. Help me help you.
  15. You want us to teach you how to play the game step by step in a thread? Signing your name is against the rules by the way... so you might want to edit that out!
  16. sct


    Read this. Try again.
  17. Because helping yourself can consist of searching the forums, posting a proper bug report, using basic problem solving or even... hear me out on this one... taking the time to write an intelligible and understandable post!
  18. I've said it plenty of times on here. I don't help people who can't help themselves.
  19. All of these are really cool! I would love to see some variation in the weapons. It's one of the big things I think HSM is still missing.
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