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Everything posted by sct

  1. You could submit a proper bug report maybe? That could help!
  2. Make sure to download the latest launcher if you are still having this issue. You can also try clearing your .techniclauncher folder (or just the tekkit folder)
  3. Again. No reason you should ever be using /reload.
  4. You can just delete the mods from the mods folder. :v:
  5. Im sure there is more to the error than that. (And please use pastebin)
  6. Dont install Forge. Oh god what are you doing! Get the Bukkit plugin ChopTree2.
  7. IC2 has an option in its config to disable crafting tin buckets. Set it to false.
  8. Read the common problems and solutions sticky :toot:
  9. NEI dumps the item list to a file as well. Look in the options in-game.
  10. Please post a proper bug report next time. The fix you need is in this thread http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,11658.0.html
  11. It's terrible practice and a lot of plugins have issues when the reload command is used. Its generally disliked by the bukkit plugin development community and there are even petitions to get it fully removed! Restart your server gracefully when configuring plugins. Sure... it takes more work but is way less error prone.
  12. To clarify for those less inclined to know this sort of thing. You can take the above link and place it in your server's mod folder and delete the old one. No client side changes required.
  13. sct

    Tekkit lag

    You can start by following the proper bug report format.
  14. Another thing is you are running OpenJDK and apparently that may be involved in it all. Try using oracles java instead.
  15. I am guessing you are using /reload to test with and without recipemanager? Other people have reported running /reload causes items to no longer craft.
  16. Hey how about you find out! This doesn't help us at all.
  17. You should never ever /reload!
  18. We can not update to 2.0 because there is MCPC build for it yet. Not only that, when there is you can feel free to update it yourself until we do. Finally, they will probably go straight to 3.0. :v:
  19. Re: Unable to spawn/craft Energy Collectors Such a nice bug report! I'll take a look when I get hooooome.
  20. You have no idea what you are talking about. I find that amusing.
  21. It still happens even with a plugin for time. It's a bug with the current version of NEI that we use. The problem is the new version has a broken creative button so yup.
  22. This is the worst advice. Don't do this. Download the launcher again. If all else fails delete your tekkit folder in the .techniclauncher folder (in your %appdata%) and try it again.
  23. Re: [Tekkit 3.0.3 - V3 R1] WorldGuard Support, Condensor Pipe Fix, -- [RELEASED] What setup exactly is still causing the energy condenser crash? I tried multiple setups during testing and couldn't get it to crash with the latest tekkit.jar
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