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Everything posted by sct

  1. You can start by reading the stickies which have your EXACT problem right in the title of one of them! (I know, mind blowing)
  2. Compelling story. I will be sure to let people know of your tale.
  3. Okay. All player ran servers require APPROVAL from the dev of Day Z before they will be allowed on the network. No modification of the game is allowed. Your friend wasn't playing on any Day Z server I have ever seen before. I've been on several and plenty of other people I know have been on a lot more. No one has ever heard of them being screwed up to the point where anything major in the game was changed like that.
  4. That's weird since you know.. A) you can't be resurrected every time you respawn you are in a random location in the map. What game was your brother playing?
  5. The idea is to get them to join us then we KILL them and take all their stuffs. but now that is RUINED.
  6. sct

    Mods disappering

    Reading this post was actually a struggle. Like, a real fucking struggle. My eyes were hurting and my mind was telling me to stop but I went on. I got through it. I read everything you wrote. I understood none of it.
  7. There is no finalized list at this time.
  8. No? The hell is wrong with you. GET IT NOW. Day Z is a zombie survival mod for ARMA 2. It's the greatest ever. Don't believe me? Your loss. If any of you wonderful people are already playing it you should totally meet up with the rest of us that are playing and not kill us and take all our shit.
  9. WorldGuard works just fine for Tekkit. What are you smoking?
  10. This image is really awesome Valkon. I fucking love it.
  11. This is Tekkit, not Technic. No TC for SMP :v:
  12. It's easy to add it yourself. You just throw it in the mods folder. Now make all the users who want to play on your server do the same and let me know how that goes.
  13. :psyduck: How do you not know what server you were on? Is this really that hard?
  14. You are insulting baboons Jay? and that is fucked up.
  15. Your friend should be posting a bug report (in the bug section, in the proper format) so that we can no a bit more about what is going on because it sounds like it's client side.
  16. Hey what do you mean YOU people? Either way it's only not in yet because it has yet to be ported to Bukkit so everyone CHILL OUT.
  17. You can try putting the transporter client patch into the tekkit client. I haven't tried it but that's probably the best place to start.
  18. I don't think... I don't even... Do you understand how minecraft worlds work?
  19. hrm I saw this somewhere. This game I played... it generated ALL of that randomly every time you made a world. It was great!
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