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Everything posted by sct

  1. I am not an expert but I am going to go out on a limb here and say probably the recommended builds version
  2. They wouldn't be able to connect at all. If forge does its job (which I am sure it would) the client would be kicked before ever connecting with a list of missing mods.
  3. Hey look, 3 times now! You are on a roll buddy. Keep up the good work!
  4. There is a check. Its the error you are getting. :psyduck:
  5. This is looking incredible. Can't wait to get my hands on it!
  6. Commandbooks MOTD works just fine. Here is what you put in your MOTD to enable all entities in Commandbook: `0`0`B`G`C`R`P`Y`2`y`w :toot:
  7. Re: Where do i obtain the tekkit 128x128 sphax BDcraft texture pack? Its in the texture pack section of the forums :v:
  8. You updated to a dev build and it's not working? What a surprise!
  9. You don't have time to look up the answer and I don't have time to help you! It's funny how that works!
  10. After reading into it a bit more it sounds pretty much terrible so far. They are going to have to pull a rabbit out of a hat to really keep me interested. Sounds like cookie cutter MMO #985.
  11. sct

    update failed

    Delete the tekkit folder in the techniclauncher directory and try again. Also learn to post proper bug reports.
  12. Are you sure you are typing the server address in right? Is that server up? Could be a million things.
  13. Coming from a bukkit server? Tekkit uses Bukkit so it should have been a pretty easy transition...
  14. Re: Esder scrolls MMO You are still subbed to WoW? What is wrong with you?
  15. Must feel good to help ruin the gaming industry.
  16. sct


    2 IS a big deal. Thats 100% better than 1. Seems like things are running fine to me. :smug:
  17. Is free wondering like free running? I think it must be similar. Free Running justifies running around a town like a jackass jumping off shit, and free wondering is basically letting your mind run wild and ask stupid questions without consequence.
  18. There is nothing wrong with using an IDE, especially for a beginner. They promote good coding practices and help find compile errors before they happen. edit: Eclipse es #1 huehue
  19. Oh its not? I would say 14k entities laying around is definitely a problem. :v:
  20. Well I wouldn't say incorrectly told. If someone is posting about a chat window you can only assume it's a Tekkit issue. Just generally confusing and uninformative bug report.
  21. Why no log? Are you in singleplayer for whatever reason?
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