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Everything posted by sct

  1. So the new forums are up and they are great. So great! Like whoa! I mean how great are these forums guys? Tell us they are great. (They are.) :pcgaming:
  2. ^^^^^^^ You should upgrade the server to 3.0.4, as it fixes this bug.
  3. Two times? Really? Enjoy some time off the forums!
  4. Did you run a /reload? Are you using RecipeManager?
  5. Yes. But they are still pretty inefficient in SMP. I wouldn't just go around building a ton of them.
  6. Re: Were the Chunk Loading blocks removed in Tekkit 3? Straight from the Tekkit page on here:
  7. http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,3520.0.html Hey this thread would have been good to read before you posted this.
  8. Hey bro grats on your new girlfriend!
  9. Mod items need an x in front of them. Example: modifyworld.blocks.place.x128 edit: And don't bump your thread with "help." We saw it the first time you posted it.
  10. The plugin dev wants all the mods to add in code for his one single plugin? I don't think that's going to happen.
  11. Bad English is no excuse for posting this in the wrong section and not following the bug report format!
  12. fights with mods? What does that mean?
  13. Hooooooooooooooo this is true funny
  14. sct

    Nei Spawn glitch

    Read this: http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,12143.0.html And follow the bug report next time :toot:
  15. You should post this in the bug section where it belongs. Probably should also follow the proper bug report when you get there.
  16. Hey bud! We don't do ad.fly here. Provide a direct link or this gets deleted!~
  17. Feel free to plop it in yourself.
  18. Sweet mega sized image bro! Try using the correct version for whatever server you are trying to connect to.
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