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Everything posted by sct

  1. MFR replaces red alloy wire, bundled cables and logicgates. As of right now there is no replacement for frames. efb
  2. What functionality from IC2 do you think Tekkit will miss dearly?
  3. What is your modpack name? What specifically are you changing?
  4. Sadly as of right now we are not tracking the statistics in a way that we can graph them. I plan to eventually have more advanced statistic tracking but there are some other heavy priorities in front of that :v:
  5. Gregtech is crashing your client because you are running it out of the .technic directory.
  6. That is not a discussion to have here. I am not a lawyer so I can't give you a solid answer on that.
  7. Most of the top modpacks on the Platform have full permissions. Packs that go the extra mile tend to rate higher with players and earn more respect. (They are also usually better crafted overall) No one here is saying "fuck modders" or anything. We all appreciate what they do. In the US anything you create is immediately protected under copyright law. You do not have to file for copyright to have copyright. Filing for copyright just gives you a piece of paper and lets people look up your copyright. In law, you even have a couple months after a copyright complaint is filed to file your copyright and have it still be admissible in court.
  8. You don't know much about how copyright works. None of you do and you should all stop playing lawyer. To the OP. As to your first question I am sorry your name was taken. This happens all the time all over the internet. For your second question, there have already been several threads discussing permissions and the Platform. I suggest you search for them if you want further answers.
  9. Because the readme still has some YAML information in it I think. I haven't looked.
  10. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. The dev branch is outdated. You should use the master branch. All the changes that dropped YAML were merged into the master branch ages ago.
  11. Sorry we don't support Solder sooooo figure it out.
  12. Oh noooo
  13. Sorry the old launcher is no longer supported.
  14. There are no plans as of yet to improve Solder documentation. It is noted multiple times that using Solder in its current state is for advanced users only because I just don't have the time right now in its rapid state of development to sit down and make it incredibly user friendly. (I will do this eventually, just not yet) As to your issue, I think a lot of people are misunderstanding what you put in for mirror_url and repo_location. If you are using a remote address for your repo_location, your mirror_url should match it. Nothing has to put to where Solder is. Solder knows where it is.
  15. Thanks. I've done (almost) nothing but have my head in code and problems for the last 2 weeks so it's good to hear a little bit of positive feedback from the community. I'm sure the rest of the team feels the same way.
  16. We don't discriminate as to whats a "good pack" and what is a "bad pack." We do remove broken packs as we find them though.
  17. Hmm tables don't exist? Could it be you didn't migrate like the documentation specifically says to do?
  18. Like I said, incorrect mirror_url.
  19. Im guessing that your logo_180.png doesnt exist or is having issues being read. Is your mirror_url set properly? Can I get a link to your API?
  20. When new Minecraft versions release we have to make adjustments to accommodate that. This is why there were issues this morning. It is all resolved now. Downgrading happens automatically and you don't have to do anything on your part.
  21. This feature is now available. Your pack name on the platform (the slug in the api url) must match the slug you have in Solder. If it does, click edit on the pack and a dialog will show up which allows you to link the pack to your solder install.
  22. Probably in the next day or so.
  23. Not yet but I am working on that next. It will be implemented soon.
  24. Looking into resolving the issue now for both www and without.
  25. This should be resolved now.
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