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Everything posted by sct

  1. Are you on a mac? Can you give us a little more information?
  2. There is no easy way to do this right now.
  3. We are making a post about this right now. Just pay attention to the forums and you will see an announcement about it shortly.
  4. You have to adjust the permissions in the ForgeEssentials folder. if you want blanket build permissions just give access to the Default usergroup in the permissions file.
  5. The forum for discussing Lite is now up here http://forums.technicpack.net/forums/general-tekkit-lite.75/ as well as the official news post regarding it http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit-lite-is-now-available/ Enjoy guys. Regarding EE3, its a complete overhaul. The whole goal with it is "balance." It still has a long way to go but we are excited to watch it grow through the versions.
  6. Tekkit Lite is here and it's awesome. You can read all about it in this post here http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit-lite-is-now-available/ and you can chat all about it in this here forum.
  7. You told me I was ur 1 tru luv. I feel so betrayed.
  8. I now pronounce you art and fart.
  9. It wasn't pulled necessarily. The mod pages were adjusted to pull version information straight from the launcher repository so server downloads always will match recommended versions now. The 3.1.3 server is still available here: http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/tekkit/Tekkit_Server_3.1.3.zip
  10. I suggest you shun your parents, move out and then join a band/circus.
  11. The error you are getting is unknown blocks being detected every time a chunk loads. It should only happen once for each chunk I believe.
  12. ^^^^ You are all just as bad as the person necroing the thread. LET IT DIE.
  13. If we gave it out to everyone it would have no value! No meaning! I want to feel special.
  14. You don't need a minecraft_server.jar. Just download, extract, run.
  15. You can always get dev builds for the servers by just changing the version number on the current server download on the Voltz page. Like this: http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/voltz/Voltz_Server_v1.0.5.zip
  16. Found it on the vote page. Locking this thread. As far as I am concerned every good review in here is a load of crap.
  17. Hold on a second this seems kinda fishy. Everyone is posting glowing recommendations of the server and their in game name. Why are they posting their in game name? What are you offering these people to bump this thread?
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