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Everything posted by sct

  1. Tekkit is MCPC Bukkit. So if you are saying its "proven" to work with that then you should have no issue. If it's not working then it must be something with the way you guys are configuring it.
  2. So I just want to say this was a badass accomplishment.
  3. Uh, no. It won't be added because it causes problems with a couple mods.
  4. Really great post. All it's missing is some screenshots and you will be good to go!
  5. Because he neglected to link the kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/902505202/castle-story
  6. One question always gets asked over and over again on the forums... "What Bukkit plugins work well with Tekkit?!" Well, that's what this thread is for. In here you can post your personal experiences with certain Bukkit plugins and recommendations as to which ones to use. Think of it as a mini-review compilation. Keep it related to Tekkit in the sense that we don't need to know what chat adjustment mods work and how well they work. This should be reserved for major gameplay overhaul plugins like Terrain Generation, Multiverse, RPG Plugins, etc. To keep everything organized you should use the following format: Plugin Name: Just the name of the plugin BukkitDev Link: The link to the BukkitDev page Description: A short description of what the plugin does Tekkit Compatibility: How compatible it is with Tekkit. Don't be afraid to also post fixes to common problems associated with this plugin! Be sure to clarify whether or not the plugin works well with mod blocks or not. After this thread builds up a bit I will start adding the highly recommended plugins into the OP so this can be a one-stop shop for people looking for quality Bukkit plugins. I'll kick things off! ----------------------------------------- Plugin Name: Transporter BukkitDev Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/transporter/ Description: Create completely customizable warp gates to teleport players across your world or even across multiple servers! Tekkit Compatibility: As of Tekkit 3.1.2 the Transporter client patch is now directly integrated with Tekkit and you can teleport players across multiple servers seamlessly. I have personally tested it and can say it works flawlessly. It even teleports players inventories! (This can be disabled) Works just fine with bringing over mod blocks as well.
  7. sct


    It's already changed just clear your browsers cache!
  8. sct


    It is changed try clearing your cache.
  9. sct


  10. sct


    Ok its changed.
  11. sct


    MY MEAN?
  12. sct


    You are not babby?
  13. You need to give out permissions for it. Read the plugins BukkitDev page for the permission nodes.
  14. It was removed because it's buggy as hell. Feel free to add it yourself.
  15. ChopTree2 is also a good one.
  16. Holy shit people still use XP?
  17. We don't allow distribution of Tekkit builds outside of ours. i believe your releases are legitimate and you have properly recompiled the mods but you can't just restribute the entire package. If you want, send me a message with the recompiled versions and fixes and I will look into including them in the server package. Also to clarify we do not compile these mods, the original mod developers/bukkit porters do. Should they build against 1.7? Probably not... but Java 7 has been required since Tekkit 2.1. (Advanced Machines also required Java 7 back then)
  18. I wouldn't recommend just copy pasting the entire config. Just copy the mod block id section. That's really all you need.
  19. Turn off bukkit version checking in the Towny config.
  20. Actually it just started working because we pushed the patch file.
  21. Should be fine. Just make sure to plop Java 7 on it.
  22. There is but it's incredibly buggy.
  23. No. No plans to include Mystcraft in Tekkit. Not only that but there is no Bukkit port.
  24. It's open source so feel free to check the code yourself and compile it on your own.
  25. That's a pretty shitty argument considering it would still have to be ported to Bukkit. edit: And to clarify... there is no debate. You just can't seem to wrap your head around our system.
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